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Chapter 1341: Array Ratio


Taking down a 1st place again, Qin Shaofeng was very happy.

Because of the 1st place added to the Divine Runes Competition, he has now obtained 8 1st Places, which is only 7 final places away from the ‘Decathlon’ of the 2th Stage mission of the ‘Almighty Champion’.

For the next competition, Qin Shaofeng was also confident of winning the 1st place.

The reason is very simple, the competition at this time is the formation!

The arrays in Antiquity Saint Domain are basically arrays arranged with divide runes, because the array’s formidable power will be more powerful if you use arrays with divide runes.

It can be said that any Array Master is a divide runes Master.

Qin Shaofeng is no stranger to arrays. He has learned a lot of arrays before. Among the knowledge of his master Baidi, there is also a lot of array knowledge.

The division of array with Ruler, divide runes, etc. is the same, and they all have 9 to 9 Star.

10 Star-level arrays also exist. Like the martial skill cultivation technique, 10 Star-level arrays are too powerful. They are already considered as strong array methods other than independent one to 9 Star-level arrays.

The three stages of array competition are also simple and clear.

It is even similar to the three stages of the Divine Runes competition.

1st Stage Array!

Within 3 hours, 300 1 Star arrays, 300 2 Star level arrays, and 300 3 Star level arrays are arranged.

Although in number, this competition is only half of the divide runes competition.

In fact, arrays are more difficult to describe than divide runes.

However, this is also relatively speaking. Like Qin Shaofeng, in the end, there is only time that is less than one hour, and this 1st Stage competition is passed.

And geniuses such as Ling Young Master are almost the same. Basically, it is one hour, and they pass the 1st stage.

In the end, the number of people passing the 1st Stage of this competition is much larger than the number of people passing the 1st Stage competition of the Divine Runes Competition.

1800 people!

That’s right, compared with the more than 1 people who have passed through the Divine Runes 300st Stage competition, the competition is 5-6 times more.

This is also a normal thing. After all, as long as you know a little bit about the divine runes, if you have a certain level, it is easy to arrange an array of 1 to 3 Stars.

There are also contestants, which may not work in the description of divide runes, but they are better in the use of divide runes.

Characterizing divide runes and arranging arrays with divide runes are two things.

Many times, people who can depict 5 6 Star-level divide runes may not be able to arrange 5 6 Star-level arrays.

On the contrary, people who can arrange 5 6 Star-level arrays may not be able to characterize 5 6 Star-level divide runes.

And the next 2nd Stage competition is almost the case.

The competition for the 2nd Stage is to arrange a 2 to 7 Star-level divide runes array.

This seems simple enough!

After all, speaking of which, that is, trifling 6 arrays, even if it can depict 7 Star-level divide runes, it is very easy to pass this requirement.

But in fact, the competition of this 2nd stage will definitely not be so easy.

That’s right, the 2nd Stage competition of this array really only needs to arrange 6 arrays.

However, these 6 arrays have 2 requirements.

The first is this 2 to 7 Star-level array, which must be a divide runes array composed of pure divide runes, and nothing else can be added.

This is difficult. After all, when arrays are arranged, in many cases, Spirit Stone or Shengyuanjing are used as consumables to keep the array energy sufficient.

Even some special arrays need the existence of array eyes, and array eyes are basically all kinds of heavenly materials earthly treasures, even weapons such as Ruler weapons.

But in this 2nd Stage competition, these things are unusable.

Whether it is Shengyuanjing, Ruler or other heavenly materials earthly treasures, these all are prohibited.

Want to keep the array running? Only enough energy to keep the array?

It ’s simple. It ’s not too long to portray a divide runes that absorbs and condenses Power of Laws.

But this speaking of which is simple, but in fact, it is not difficult to implement.

And this is only the first requirement. Compared with the first requirement, the second requirement is even more difficult.

Because the second requirement is whether it is a 2 Star-level array or a 2 Star-level array, these within arrays can only be described as 7 star divine runes. It cannot exceed this level. Even 1 Star levels are not allowed. of.

That is to say, these 2 arrays of 7 to 6 Star levels need to be composed of 1 Star divine runes.

This is the real big problem!

Yes, on the Antiquity Saint Domain, some powerful array divisions, even if they ca n’t describe high-grade star-divine runes, they can also use a large number of low-grade star-divine runes to combine and assemble. Powerful array.

With pure 1 Star divine runes, it is not difficult to arrange a 2 Star level array, a 3 Star level is also simple, and a 4 Star level can be barely arranged.

However, it is very difficult to arrange 1 Star-level arrays, 5 Star-level arrays, and even 6 Star-level arrays with pure 7 Star divine runes.

And you can’t add anything else, just a simple 1 Star array.

This difficulty seems to be getting bigger.

However, if it is simple, I am afraid it will not appear on the 2nd Stage of this array.

In the arena, facing the competition of Rank 1, all contestants are a little bit embarrassed. Even Qin Shaofeng is now thinking about how to pass this level.

Because this time is the same as before, there is a time limit.

Although it is not 3 hours, it is only one day.

With such a competition requirement, the time of day is very short.

“Just if you can use 1 Star divine runes, it will be a bit difficult to arrange these 2 to 7 Star-level divide runes array.” Qin Shaofeng touch the chin, with a look of embarrassment.

Although his Master Baidi imparted a lot of knowledge to him, the knowledge of both divine runes and arrays is extremely rich.

But in the face of this situation, Qin Shaofeng momentarily still a little helpless.

That’s right, getting a knowledge of Ruler Supreme this top powerhouse is an inestimable great treasure for anyone.

The problem is that knowledge is available, but EXP cannot be taught.

Anything, only through experience and exploration, can you get precious EXP.

Qin Shaofeng now has a wealth of knowledge, but he still doesn’t know how to use it.

However, with Qin Shaofeng’s mind, now that he has the knowledge, it will be easy for him to use it.


Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng 2’s eyes lightened slightly, and he immediately thought of a solution.

“Since it can only be 1 Star divine runes, then I might as well use 1 Star divine runes to fuse 2 Star-level divide runes, and then use a large number of 2 Star-level divide runes to fuse, and then merge again to get 3 Star-level divide runes … “

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Shaofeng got the solution.

With countless 1 Star divine runes, merge 2 Star-level divide runes, and then merge 3 Star-level divide runes …

With this increasing fusion method, the 7 Star-level divide runes are finally merged, so it is simple to arrange the initial 7-Star-level divide runes.

This is actually a stupid solution. In fact, it was not only Qin Shaofeng who thought of doing this. Many contestants present in this way began to merge.

Soon Qin Shaofeng merged in this way.

But just 15 minutes later, Qin Shaofeng gave up.

This approach is not infeasible, but the problem is that it is too time consuming.

A 2 Star Divine runes, at least 30 1 Star divine runes are needed to merge.

After all, these merged divide runes are finally used to arrange the array.

So it cannot be too simple.

In general, some 2 Star-level divine runes only need ten 1-star divine runes to be fused, but it is obviously impossible to use such divine runes to arrange the divine runes array.

Qin Shaofeng selected for a while, and then found a 2 Star-level divide runes that are not very fused and can also be used for decoration.

But even if it is such a 2 Star-level divine runes, it will take 30 1-star divine runes in the end to be fused.

And such 2 Star-level divide runes also need 30 channels to merge into 3 Star-level divide runes.

And then after reaching the 3 Star level, it would also take 30 such 3 Star level divide runes to merge 4 Star level divide runes.

In this way, to fuse a 4 Star-level divide runes, Fucking needs 2 10000 7000 divide runes.

According to this algorithm, if you combine a 5 Star-level divine runes, it is 8 110,000 1 Star divine runes.

For 6 Star divine runes, it is 2 100 4 130,000 lanes.

The last 7 Star Divine runes, the number of 1 Star Divine runes needed is even more terrifying.

It takes more than 7000 10000 to 1 Star divine runes!

And this is just a 7 Star Divine Runes!

A simplest 7 Star level array requires at least 3 5 7 Star level divide runes. As requested in this competition, it is just a pure divide runes array. I am afraid that the 7 Star level array is even more needed.

If there is no 20-30 7-star Divine runes, then it’s probably impossible to simply.

20-30 70,000,000?

This number, just thinking about Qin Shaofeng feels terrifying.

And not to mention 20-30 70,000,000 1 Star divine runes, I am afraid that in the one day required by the competition, Qin Shaofeng even described a 70,000,000 1 Star divine runes!

Therefore, this method was quickly abandoned by Qin Shaofeng.

There is not enough time, and even if it is enough, the implementation of this method is extremely complicated.

“It’s stupid, it’s too unreliable!”

Slightly shook the head, Qin Shaofeng will directly merge the 3 Star Divine runes that have been merged out.

“Since the fusion cannot be achieved, it can only be a breakthrough with a huge amount!”

He murmured to himself, and Qin Shaofeng soon moved again.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng started to characterize 1 Star divine runes.

One after another, one after another!

Soon, an array appeared!

2 Star-level array is done!

After Qin Shaofeng engraved 108 1 Star divine runes, he listed these divide runes in a certain veined pattern to form a great array.

Although it is only a 1-star divide runes, at the moment of 108 divine runes, it is a 2-Star-level array.

At the same time, after observing the competition Ruler Supremes in the special Small Space, after seeing this array arranged by Qin Shaofeng, they used a lot of Ruler Supreme to move.

“One yuan? It’s actually One Origin Array? Does this brat want to put on a weekly mixed element array?”

The word Zhou Tianhui Yuan Zhen was uttered from the mouth of a Ruler Supreme. These scenes are full of powerhouses.

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