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Chapter 1330 Complex and Diverse Ability Domain Competition

Although uncertainty is a factor, Qin Shaofeng did not participate in the competition for item 2 for other reasons.

It was mainly that Qin Shaofeng was in the previous perception domain, the last tenth level card of the 2nd project, and finally wanted to control the stone stele because of communication, which led to his exhaustion of Divine Consciousness and Power of Laws, and there was not that much energy.

Although Qin Shaofeng’s Power of Laws has been restored after this period of time, Divine Consciousness has been exhausted and some discomforts have not recovered.

Except for Qin Shaofeng, who is confident or has a high score, Qin Shaofeng will not participate in the other competition projects.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not participate in the competition for the third and fourth projects.

However, the fifth competition, Qin Shaofeng was confident, and he participated directly.

The competition for the 5th item is still only the competition for the 1-point score item, and it is more than Qin Shaofeng.

Fire control!

That’s right, the fifth competition is the ability to control the fire of the competition.

This made Qin Shaofeng fully understand that the competition project of this ability Domain competition is simply the complexity and variety of flower patterns.

The competition of this fire control project does not look like a competition of special ability, but it is actually not the case.

Because many domains in Antiquity Saint Domain need fire strength.

Having good fire control capabilities can be valued in many ways.

Needless to say pill refining and artifact refining, even some people who cultivate special Body Refining Cultivation Technique also need some special flame strength for Body Tempering.

Therefore, Antiquity Saint Domain gave birth to a kind of weird Profession in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes.

Fire Control Division!

Like the Detective, this fire control division is very popular in Antiquity Saint Domain.

For example, on pill refining and artifact refining, there are many Alchemist and Artificer elsewhere because of the lack of Realm, it is difficult to refine special materials and medicinal herb, so it is not possible to refining powerful equipment and elixir.

But at this time, if there is a fire control division, it is different.

Alchemist and Alchemist can, with the assistance of a fire control division, in the case of cultivation base low grade, refining high-star elixir and ruler.

Some people of the Cultivation Body Refining Cultivation Technique use the strength of the fire control division to perform tempering to speed up the cultivation speed of the cultivation technique.

So, in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, this looks like a strange and eccentric fire control division. In fact, it is a normal Profession in Antiquity Saint Domain, and it can be regarded as a kind of ability.

But like the detection ability of the detective, the fire control ability of the fire control officer appears in the ability domain competition, which is only the item competition that occupies 1 point.

However, these are not things that Qin Shaofeng cares about.

Better than controlling fire?

Qin Shaofeng smiled. This is all about giving him points and a competition with a 1st place score!

The Fiendgod Pill Scripture owned by Qin Shaofeng, the awakened god Pill Fire, is infinitely more powerful than the Pill Fire when he had Pill Scripture before.

It can even be said that neither of them can be stated on equal terms.

Like Pill Scripture’s Pill Fire, Qin Shaofeng Fiendgod Pill Scripture’s Pill Fire, the god, can also be manipulated by him freely.

Free as easy as breathing!

So, in this fire control competition, Qin Shaofeng won a 1st place again!

After seeing this scene, the crowd was again discussed and amazed.

“Another 1st place, didn’t expect this Qin Shaofeng’s fire control is so powerful!”

“Hey, this is only natural. You should know that Qin Shaofeng is the Legacy Disciple of Baidi Sir, and whether it is pill refining or artifact refining, even among the Sirs of Ruler Supreme, that is also a well-known figure. As Legacy Disciple of Baidi Sir, how could Qin Shaofeng be worse? “

“It’s also said, then, in this way, Qin Shaofeng must be good about pill refining artifact refining capabilities!”

“Tsk tsk, I’m looking forward to it, I don’t know how many points Qin Shaofeng can finally win in this ability Domain competition, can I win the championship in this ability Domain competition!”

“Well, this may not be possible, because according to this situation, even for competitions of unimportant projects, Qin Shaofeng has won the 1st place again and again, and obtained a point of 1 point, so this is accumulated, It’s terrifying too! “

“Yeah! Accumulate less, so once Qin Shaofeng gets a good result, or just a 2 1st place, he can accumulate a lot of scores. High! “

“Putting it that way, is it really possible that Qin Shaofeng won the championship of this ability Domain?”

“Well, it is possible!”



The crowd’s voice made Heaven’s Chosen, who were self-identified, finally unable to sit still.

Don’t look at these Heaven’s Chosen self-sustaining identities, but it is different if they endanger their own interests.

All domains in the all-round contest can get some rewards.

Like the previous 5 domains such as strength domain and physical strength, the rewards are not very rich. These Heaven’s Chosen didn’t care.

Because even if these Domains are rewards for champions, they are at best rewarding some elixir to enhance Law Core, or to enhance physical strength and strength, as well as heavenly materials earthly treasures that increase the amount of Spiritual Power.

The reward for the potential champion is not bad. It is a special medicine pill that can wake up some hidden strength.

But whether it is the reward for improving physical strength and strength and increasing spirit, and the potential for awakening, this is not a special reward for most Heaven’s Chosen.

Because of the identity and status of these Heaven’s Chosen Child, they already have this thing.

However, the reward of the savvy Domain champion is very good, it is a very special elixir-Wu Dao Pill!

Wu Dao Pill is a very special kind of elixir, because this Dao Pill is not at all what level, but in terms of medicine efficacy, Wu Dao Pill is at least 7 Star or even 8 Star elixir.

Because taking a Dao Pill, you can improve your own perception by 100 times and 1000 times in a short time. No matter how difficult the cultivation techniques and martial skills can be easily comprehend, and then the cultivation is successful.

Of course, the premise is that you have the cultivating conditions. After all, Dao Pill’s own increase of consciousness does not increase other abilities.

Wu Dao Pill is easy to refining. Basically, as long as the strength of Grand Dao Law is communicated, that is, Supreme Ruler Realm cultivation base with the pattern of Grand Dao, Wu Dao Pill can be refined, and it is difficult to fail.

But this refining the material that Dao Pill needs, it is extremely difficult to find.

The material of Dao Pill refining is not a medicinal herb, but a special rule of strength that occasionally appears in Grand Dao Law.

This law strength, not at all is the exact name, but because strength is similar to strength of Wu Daoshi, it is also called Power of Laws!

Wu Dao Pill is the special medicine pill refining from this Power of Laws condensing. It does not need to add any medicinal herb, nor does it need to depict any divide runes.

Even after Dao Pill refining came out, it was different from other elixir medicines. Although the medicine efficacy was amazing, Wu Dao Pill would not show any divine runes, which is why Wu Dao Pill does not have a specific star rating.

But in the Grand Dao Law, it is too difficult to realize the Power of Laws.

Even if some of the Ruler Supremes are wandering and exploring in Grand Dao Law, it is difficult to find a ray of Enlightenment Power of Laws.

Therefore, Wu Dao Pill is difficult to appear. In terms of preciousness, Wu Dao Pill is no less precious than any 9-star elixir.

That’s why it appeared. Ling Master and 6 other Top Level Heaven’s Chosen participated in this comprehension domain.

They all came to Dao Pill.

Other Heaven’s Chosen does not pay attention to Dao Pill, but whether it is the Spirit Young Master or Ancient Race Heaven’s Chosen Gubo, as well as the demon god Crown Prince, Demon Sovereign son, Qilin Young Master, these Heaven’s Chosen are extremely savvy. generation.

With their participation in the competition, I am afraid it will be difficult to win 1st place.

Therefore, many Heaven’s Chosen of Antiquity Saint Domain did not participate.

But it’s different now, because the competition of the ability domain seems to have more items, and it also seems that the competition of the ability domain has some importance. This leads to the reward of the ability domain competition, but it is very rich.

Let’s not talk about the championship first, just the top 10 reward is enough to make these Heaven’s Chosen crazy.

The 10th place reward for the ability to compete in the Domain, but an elixir that allows the first step peak realm of Ruler to enter the Second Step Supreme Ruler of Ruler without any side effects.

Because this elixir can easily condense the 1000 Law Core of a Ruler within the body, and refining it into a Grand Dao pattern.

This is only the reward of the 10th place, and the rewards of other rankings are more abundant.

Therefore, at this moment not young supreme talents are anxious.

Because according to the situation of Qin Shaofeng, his scores are getting more and more. When the time comes, as long as he competes in the main projects and gets a little good score, then he can have a lot of points.

The top 10 has only ten quotas, and one enters one less. That many people compete, and the competition is naturally fierce.

It is with this in mind that, starting from the 6th project, these Heaven’s Chosen finally did not have the pride in their own status, and many people participated.

A competition with a 1-point score does not mean that as long as you get a 1st place score, you can get that 1-point score.

Only projects with 1 point competition, in fact, top 3 can get 1 point.

And if there are special circumstances, such as not entering the top 3, but having good performance, they will also be specially treated by referee, and then get an extra point.

Of course, such a situation is afraid it is difficult to appear.

Prior to this, the score of 1 point will not let these Heaven’s Chosen fancy. After all, the 5 most important project competitions are all 10 points.

But think about it now, you can only have 10 points if you get 1st place!

If you want to get 1 point, you must wait at least for top 10, because the top 10 score is only 1 point.

If only the final ranking is outside the 10th place, then there is no point.

Now getting 1 point, it is equivalent to 5 main event competitions getting a 10th place score.

Looks like not many, but if 1 point at a time, you can get a lot of points.

Therefore, those Heaven’s Chosen who have been calm, have finally started to participate in the competition of each and everyone with a small number of scores.

This makes those ordinary geniuses who are preparing to show their talents in competition very hard.

The reason Heaven’s Chosen Child is called Heaven’s Chosen Child is because these geniuses have very evildoer innate talents and abilities, and they have all aspects.

Not to mention far, take Qin Shaofeng to participate in the two detection and fire control competition, if these Heaven’s Chosen participated.

Then 1st place may not change, or Qin Shaofeng’s.

But the 2nd 3rd place behind that, I am afraid they will be replaced with these Heaven’s Chosen.

This is the case now. With the competition projects these Heaven’s Chosen participated in, there is no general genius.

Now it’s a competition between each and everyone Heaven’s Chosen, and nothing more than ordinary genius.

Even in the end, it seemed to feel a crisis. Ling Young Master and other Heaven’s Chosen couldn’t sit still, and began to participate in the competition of each and everyone project.

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