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Chapter 1317 The Perfect Body of Holy Spirit

Off the field, because the time flow speed is related to the field, this has resulted in the passage of time for an hour.

In less than an hour, everyone saw a very exciting competition.

Although this competition is not a fight, looking at each and everyone contestant, very quickly cultivation each and everyone martial skill and cultivation technique, it is very exciting.

The only thing that makes everyone feel unfortunate is that starting from the eighth level card, whether it is the cultivation technique or the martial skill, will not be presented to everyone.

Even now everyone does not know what kind of cultivation technique and martial skill the six contestants in the ninth level card are facing.

This is natural, starting from the eighth level card, it appears that both the martial skill and the cultivation technique are 8 Star level.

This level of cultivation technique and martial skill is not suitable for being widely spread.

However, although it is not known what martial skills and cultivation techniques exist on the ninth level card, everyone can confirm that, according to the current situation, the person who seems to be able to win finally is the Spirit’s Heaven’s Chosen Spirit Young Master.

Because Ling Young Master is almost a year earlier than the second contestant who entered the ninth level card.

This is an absolute priority!

Under the Spirit Young Master is the Demon Sovereign child, one of the ancient Demon Race 3 Imperial Family.

This Demon Sovereign child is also very perceptive. In comprehend cultivation technique and martial skill, it is at most slower than the Ling Young Master.

Although the stone of the ninth level card can be seen clearly, everyone knows that the stone of the ninth level card is not a 9 Star level martial skill, it must be a 9 Star level cultivation technique.

The 9 Star-level martial skill and 9 Star-level cultivation technique will definitely take a long time during cultivating.

Therefore, at this time, one year ahead is not a special advantage.

Therefore, judging from the current situation, who in the top 3 of the current ranking can pass this ninth level card for the first time?

And behind the 4th and 5th contestant, it is not that absolutely does not have a chance.

However, for the 6th place contestant who is also on the ninth level card at this moment, that is, Qin Shaofeng, everyone is not very optimistic.

No way, who is Qin Shaofeng?

There is still a chance to catch up after 2 years, but if you are behind 3 4 years, or even 5-5 years, then I am afraid that it will be difficult to catch up.

Qin Shaofeng is like this now. Although he is also on the ninth level card, he is the 6th contestant, but no one is optimistic about him!

Of course, people who are optimistic about Qin Shaofeng are not without.

At least there is Bai Nishang!

As his own Little Junior Brother, Bai Nishang completely believed that Qin Shaofeng could still win the championship on this time’s perception domain.

Well, it’s totally blind faith.

婢瑰彴 寮?鍛?

I used to believe it, but now he is a little uncertain.

Because Qin Shaofeng is too far behind!

However, thinking of his abnormality of Young Martial Uncle, Yantai Yi was firm again.


With the abnormality of Young Martial Uncle, the champion of this savvy domain may fall into his hands!


At the same time, in that special Small Space, Baidi is also talking to Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian now.

However, the tone of his speech at this moment was a bit wrong.

As Bai Di’s existence as such, Bai Lao naturally knew the origin of this ‘floating slaughter hand’.

Therefore, after Qin Shaofeng sat on the stone tablet of the “Floating Sacred Hand” and chose cultivation “Floating Sacred Hand”, Bai Lao said to Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian.

“Look, this brat really chose the” floating slaughter hand “, do you think he will succeed in cultivation of your” floating slaughter hand “, do you think?”

Facing the question of Baidi, Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian still looked indifferent.

But no one noticed that he looked again towards Qin Shaofeng’s gaze, a little different.

Actually choose the “floating slaughterer” of true body?

This is the same as he was then!

However, the true body wants to see how your merely a yellow mouth child can successfully cultivate the ‘floating sacred hand’ carefully created by the true body.


Soon, another ten years of flow velocity passed in the arena.

At this time, Ling Young Master finally sighed in relief.

“It’s done, finally to this step, this ‘floating sacred hand’ I finally have complete confidence to successfully cultivate it!”

That’s right, it’s just that you can be sure that the cultivation is successful, not that it is already successful.

After a full 20 years, Ling Young Master finally completely completed the elements and conditions for the success of this “floating slaughter hand” cultivation.

Although this is just the case, it is not a direct success in cultivation of the “floating sacred hand”.

But even at this step, Ling Young Master is extremely proud.

Because according to this situation, he will have at most another ten years, and he will be able to give the cultivation to the cultivation.

This also counts. It took 30 years for His Master Young Master to give the cultivation to the cultivation.

If the Young Master of the Spirit remembers it correctly, it seems that the Patriarch of this generation Jiang Family is the most successful person except the Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian.

But the other party successfully cultivated the “floating slaughter hand”, but it took 6 70 years, which was amazing at the beginning.

So now it’s only half of the 30 years?

The thought of Ling Young Master was an excitement at the thought.

Just at this time, he accidentally saw that there were still people under the stele of the “Floating Sacred Hand”.


Someone chose to cultivate this ‘floating slaughterer’ like him?

who is it?

Ling Young Master was surprised in his heart, but when he saw the other person clearly, he almost didn’t laugh.

Oh, who am I?

This is Qin Shaofeng!

After recognizing the opponent, Ling Young Master’s eyes flickered with disdain.

He doesn’t think Qin Shaofeng can cultivate this ‘floating slaughter hand’ because the opponent simply doesn’t have the conditions to cultivate ‘floating slaughter hand’.

Even if he is because of his strong Holy Spirit body, plus some means, this has the conditions for cultivation ‘floating holy hand’.

According to Qin Shaofeng, simply is impossible.

However, naturally the Young Master will not tell Qin Shaofeng about this matter, but after a slight glance at Qin Shaofeng, a little mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, the Young Master focused his attention.

He is now confident that he will successfully cultivate this ‘floating slaughterer’ within ten years.

However, he also wanted to cultivation the 鈥淔loating Master鈥?more quickly.

This is not only for future tenth level cards, but the most important thing is the Spiritual Young Master, but I know that at this moment, the Ruler Supremes who are paying attention to this all-round competition, including Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian are present.

If it is because of his cultivation ‘floating slaughter hand’ that he can be appreciated by Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian, then he may be able to get the guidance of this Celestial Emperor Sir!

This is a thing that really cares about the Spirit Young Master who worships Celestial Emperor very much.

Therefore, in the following time, the Spiritual Young Master is completely concentrated into the cultivation of the ‘floating slaughter hand’.

I have to admit that this Spirit Young Master is indeed a rare Heaven’s Chosen for Spirit Race.

Spirit Race owns the Holy Spirit, which is something everyone in the Antiquity Saint Domain knows.

But few people know that even the Holy Spirit body has strong and weak points, and even if the strong Holy Spirit body is not fully awakened, it is not as good as the weak Holy Spirit body!

If the Spirit Spirit body of the Spirit Race is divided into 5 grades: low grade, middle grade, high grade, superior grade, and the strongest perfection, then the Holy Spirit body owned by the Young Master is the perfect Holy Spirit. Body.

Perfect Level’s Holy Spirit body is very rare even in Spirit Race.

For each level of Holy Spirit, there are ten levels of awakening, one to ten Stars.

Young Master has the perfect Holy Spirit body. Although the level of awakening has not reached 10 Star level, it already has 7 Star level.

And with the perfect Holy Spirit body, there is no need to awaken by yourself, because the awakening of the perfect Holy Spirit body will awaken by itself as the age grows and the strength changes.

It is precisely because of this that the Holy Spirit body of this level is called the perfect Holy Spirit body!

The Young Master, who has the perfect Holy Spirit, is strong in both innate talent and perception. Whether it’s Innate or Acquired, he has a lot.

And once he focuses on certain events, the cultivation technique or the martial skill, the speed cannot be imagined by an average person.

Therefore, under his concentration, he actually cultivated this “floating slaughterer” successfully in the 8th year.

This is a lot shorter than he expected.

Although at this time, the Demon Sovereign child and Gubo have successfully cultivated a 9 Star-level martial skill in this level card, and both of them have entered the tenth and final level.

But after knowing these things, Ling Young Master didn’t care, because none of them could be compared with his joy of cultivation of the “floating slaughter hand” cultivation.

Moreover, the Demon Sovereign son and Gubo entered the last level, which was 3 months ago, which is not long for the Spirit Young Master, and he can completely catch up.

Even if this time is not for this ‘floating butcher’s hand’, he can only take 20 years at most, and he can use Demon Sovereign son and Gu Bo’s simplest 9 Star-level martial skill to give cultivation success.

In this regard, the Spirit Young Master completely imagines that whether it is the Demon Sovereign son of the ancient Demon Race or the Ancient Race Heaven’s Chosen Gubo, which is also one of the 3 Saint Races, it is far worse than him in perception.

Just 3 months ahead, simply don’t need to worry.

When the Spirit Young Master successfully cultivated the “floating slaughter hand”, the Ruler Supremes of that special Small Space were slightly surprised.

As a top-level powerhouse of Ruler Supreme, several of the people present at the scene have witnessed the power of the “floating slaughter hand” and naturally know that the “floating slaughter hand” is difficult to cultivate.

But it took only 28 years for Ling Young Master to cultivate this “floating slaughterer”.

This has to surprise these Ruler Supremes.

However, everyone was relieved soon.

These Ruler Supremes are very clear about Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian’s “floating slaughter hand”, but they are also very clear about the Spirit Young Master. They also know that Spirit Young Master owns the most difficult and perfect Holy in Spirit Race. Body of Spirit.

Although it is difficult to cultivation, it needs certain conditions for cultivation to succeed.

But the Spirit Young Master has the perfect body of Holy Spirit, and the level of awakening has reached 7 Star level.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the Spirit Young Master can cultivate the ‘floating slaughter hand’, and it has only taken such a short time, then it is not surprising.

Instead, these Ruler Supremes were curious about another contestant who was cultivation ‘floating sacred hand’.

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