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Chapter 1314: cultivation in competition


Qin Shaofeng finally passed the seventh level card!

But at this time, there are already many contestants passing the seventh level card.

7 Star-level martial skills are indeed very difficult, but for some extremely savvy geniuses who can appear in this all-around competition, even the evildoer is not as good as the Spirit Young Master.

But more than a year is enough for them to cultivation a 7 Star-level martial skill of this seventh level card.

Maybe for average person, cultivation of a 7 Star-level martial skill, even if it is only a successful cultivation, is not a proficient one, it will take years or even ten years.

Even for a lot of people, even if it takes 100 years, it is not surprising.

This is the difference between genius and average person!

It seems that the time spent at the seventh level card is too long, 4x more time than the Spirit Young Master, so when Qin Shaofeng entered the eighth level card, although many people noticed it, it was only just noticed, but not How many people follow Qin Shaofeng.

Because in many people’s eyes, with Qin Shaofeng’s performance from the second competition to the present, I am afraid I can’t win the first 2st place.

Yes, Qin Shaofeng’s perception is indeed very high, but the problem is that this perception may be absolutely superior in creating cultivation techniques, but not necessarily superior in comprehend martial skills and cultivation techniques.

And at this time, many people think that this may be related to Qin Shaofeng’s current experience. Many people now know that Qin Shaofeng is only in his 20s, which is basically related to Heaven’s Chosen of Antiquity Saint Domain this generation unable to compare.

Because now Heaven’s Chosen of Antiquity Saint Domain, like Spirit Young Master, which one has not been born for 50-60 years.

And they have stayed in the Antiquity Saint Domain for 50-60 years, enjoying the benefits of countless resources, and have already developed more than half of their potential.

But what about Qin Shaofeng?

I’m afraid that Qin Shaofeng, who was born and in the small plane space, even if it was smooth sailing all the way, would not be the same as the Spirit Young Master and the others.

In short, that sentence, Qin Shaofeng apprenticing to a master is late.

If he finds an apprenticeing to a master Baidi for ten or eight years, then today’s Qin Shaofeng may be even more dazzling.

This is the idea in the hearts of most people present.

However, if you let these people know that Qin Shaofeng from the very beginning of the first level card to the seventh level card, whether it is a 1 Star martial skill or a 7 Star-level martial skill, all of them have been completed, and they have all been successful. I’m afraid it’s another scene.

“Oh, just come in?”

The moment Qin Shaofeng stepped into the eighth level card, he was noticed by the Spirit Young Master who could shed a trace of Divine Consciousness.

In the first self-cultivation technique of Sentimental Domain, lost to Qin Shaofeng’s “Fiendgod Collection”, Ling Young Master has always been concerned about this matter.

Therefore, Ling Young Master is very concerned about the progress of Qin Shaofeng in this project, and even to notice the situation of Qin Shaofeng, every time he enters a level, he divides a trace of Divine Consciousness to pay attention to when Qin Shaofeng enters.

But this is good. The performance of Qin Shaofeng’s competition in this project, from the perspective of Ling Young Master, has always been unsatisfactory, not even ranking in the top 1.

Even more so now, he has been staying at the eighth level for a year, and this Qin Shaofeng just came in.

After seeing this scene, Ling Young Master smiled disdainfully.

“Oh, this Qin Shaofeng is really just this ability. I was afraid that his luck was due to a previous competition. Now it is not a concern at all.”

At this moment, the Young Master is completely relieved.

Qin Shaofeng only entered the eighth level card, but he has been in the eighth level card for one year, and the Ling Young Master is confident that he can pass the eighth level card for up to 2 years.

As for Qin Shaofeng?

Oh, so many times have been delayed in the previous levels, I am afraid that this eighth level card will delay more time!

This is what Ling Young Master thought of Qin Shaofeng, and he no longer regards Qin Shaofeng as his opponent.

Because Qin Shaofeng’s current situation is completely can’t threaten him.

Although Qin Shaofeng has achieved 1st place on the perception domain, but with his current progress, I am afraid that the limit is also a ninth level card.

And the Young Master can attack tenth level cards!

So he won!


Qin Shaofeng was embarrassed when Ling Young Master felt that he had a winning ticket.

Because after entering the eighth level card, he suddenly found that this eighth level card does not actually have a martial skill, but five 5 Star-level cultivation techniques!

There are 5 8 Star-level cultivation techniques again, which may be very attractive to others, but for Qin Shaofeng these 5 8 Star-level cultivation techniques are simply not attractive to him.

It ’s just the cultivation technique. Although there are also some martial skills in these 8 Star-level cultivation techniques, the martial skills owned by these 8 Star levels are simply not equivalent to the 8 Star-level martial skills compared to the existing martial skills.

Even in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng, if these martial skills are not supported by the cultivation technique, the formidable power is not as good as the 7 Star-level martial skill, which is at most equivalent to the 6 Star-level martial skill.

So in a word, Qin Shaofeng is totally a lack of interest for the five 5 Star-level cultivation techniques of this eighth level card.

What makes Qin Shaofeng speechless is that although he is not interested, the problem is that these 8 Star-level cultivation techniques have a very low success rate for Fiendgod’s replication!

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng performed Fiendgod successfully. The current target is 8 Star cultivation technique ‘9 to brute force’. The success rate is 9.83%! Use 15 Skill Points to set the success rate to 100. %! Does Player Qin Shaofeng use Skill Point to increase the replication success rate? “


Seeing such a success rate, Qin Shaofeng has a headache!

too low!

Even 10% is a little bit worse, but think about Qin Shaofeng.

After all, in cultivation, the cultivation technique is more difficult than the martial skill, so if it is an 8 Star level martial skill, it is estimated that the Fiendgod copy can still have a success rate of a tenth of a hundred, but if you switch to the cultivation technique, I am afraid that It looks like this.

“Well, there seems to be no way out. I can only stay at this level for a while!”

Lightly sighed, Qin Shaofeng sat down in front of this ‘9-turn brutal decision’ stone.

Of course, before that, he was too right to try it out. He performed a Fiendgod copy of the five 5 Star-level cultivation techniques.

The results of it!

Without exception!

“System Prompt: Copy failed!”

“System Prompt: Copy failed!”

“System Prompt: Copy failed!”

“System Prompt: Copy failed!”

“System Prompt: Copy failed!”

Failed 5 times in a row!

As for the copy of the 8 Star cultivation technique that failed, Fiendgod copied it cool down for ten years.

Qin Shaofeng not at all Leave an 8 Star-level cultivation technique to try cultivation, and then wait until it is cultivated to a certain degree before going to perform Fiendgod replication.

Because the success rate of 9.83% is too low, he has been cultivation of 7 Star-level martial skills for a year before he achieved a success rate close to 100%.

Qin Shaofeng knows that it will take more time to switch to the 8 Star level and also the 8 Star level cultivation technique.

Now it’s better to just fail once, and use Fiendgod to copy the failed copy. On the basis of some cultivation EXP that can be obtained, cultivating these martial skills is good!

Qin Shaofeng also does not want to use 15-point Skill Point and learn an 8 Star-level cultivation technique that is not very useful to himself.

Moreover, after all, the competition for this project is 100 years old, and it is only a little over a year now.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng sat down with patience and began compulhend the ‘9 turn brute force decision’ on the stele.

And not only that, at this time Qin Shaofeng even separated out a trace of Divine Consciousness and continued to run cultivation Fiendgod Pill Scripture.

Anyway, idle is also idle, comprehend this ‘9 turn brute force decision’ does not require all the energy of Qin Shaofeng, it is also possible to allocate some energy to cultivate Fiendgod Pill Scripture.

Maybe cultivation can raise Fiendgod Pill Scripture again with cultivator. Although this is somewhat impossible, try it without losing a piece of meat.

Not only Fiendgod Pill Scripture, but even Qin Shaofeng also began to try to absorb the surrounding Power of Laws and continue to condense the cultivation of Law Core.

The 2nd competition of the perception domain, but the competition of the cultivation martial skill and cultivation technique, is not the same as creating the cultivation technique like the first one, and does not require much power of law.

But cultivating, then it’s different.

Once you enter the cultivation martial skill 5 cultivation technique, it will consume a lot of Power of Laws.

This is an all-round competition held by the Ruler Supremes, so there is definitely no shortage of Power of Laws.

Although at this moment, this arena cannot be the same as the 1000-floor gladiatorial arena. The Power of Laws born and possessed are extremely pure and can be directly absorbed for their own improvement.

However, the Power of Laws in this arena is also very pure. After absorption, it only needs to be refined and transformed into its own Power of Laws to supplement the Power of Laws consumed by the cultivation martial skill and cultivation technique. Already.

In this way, there is no need to worry. At the time of cultivation martial skill and cultivation technique, because it consumes too much Power of Laws, it takes a lot of time to recover.

But such an environment has made Qin Shaofeng see the hope of cultivating.

Although the Power of Laws here cannot be directly absorbed, it can be transformed into its own strength, which requires some refining.

But this is not a big problem for Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng’s Fiendgod Pill Scripture awakened God’s Pill Fire when he was at 3 stars. If he uses the Pill Fire of God for tempering, then the Power of Laws that can be absorbed can be directly tempered into Qin Shaofeng’s own strength.

The 3-star Fiendgod Pill Scripture’s Pill Fire, the speed of Power of Laws absorbed by the tempering, is not very fast.

But after Fiendgod Pill Scripture was upgraded to 4 stars, the awakening god Pill Fire formidable power has also been improved, and now the power of Laws is being tempered, which is not slow.

It can be said that under such circumstances, it is already a good place for cultivation for Qin Shaofeng.

Still that sentence, anyway, it does not affect the comprehend cultivation of ‘9 to brute force’, which is completely good for Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, when other contestants were struggling, and struck a ten-two spirit to comprehend martial skill and cultivation technique, Qin Shaofeng started cultivation in the eighth level card.

Right, he started cultivation!

If you let others know what Qin Shaofeng is doing now, I’m afraid I’ll be surprised.

However, everyone did not think in this regard, because in the eyes of others, Qin Shaofeng of Law Core is being cultivated, which is completely comprehend cultivation 8 Star level cultivation technique!

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