姝ゅ璺濈闾g炕浜戣 鏋佽繎锛屾梺杈 鏋佽繎锛屾梺杈 鏋佽繎锛屾梺杈 en en en en en en en en en en yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan yuan灏卞埌浜嗛偅灏忓北鍖呯殑椤堕儴锛岀劧钖庝笅鏂圭殑鎯呭船锛屽 ammonia 灏 叆鐪 叆鐪 叆鐪

闅忓嵆闾d竴鍙屾潖鐩纴灏 珛镞秔 珛镞秔 upils shrank 銆傝尗鐒跺け绁炵殑锛屾 斿湪浜嗗 斿湪浜嗗 斿湪浜嗗 鍦 € € € 竴镞堕兘蹇 竴镞堕兘蹇 竴镞堕兘蹇 竴镞堕兘蹇 竴镞堕兘蹇 竴镞堕兘蹇濡备綍鍙嶅簲 綍鍙嶅簲 嶅ソ锛屾鍒 嶅ソ锛屾鍒 椠鍏ュス 嗛 嗛 嗛 嗛 拃鐠ㄨ 拃鐠ㄨ 拃鐠ㄨ 拃鐠ㄨ 鐪硷纴鎯婅壋镊Chongzhen $劧镊﹄俊锛岄阃稿浠欑殑浜猴紒

Sword shadow 鍙湁涓夊昂锛宻word qi 涔熷彧涓冧笀銆效彲褰扑竴鍓戞柀涓嬶纴鍗翠豢浣涙槸鍏呭澶╁湴銆 Effect Zhang 椋樻 鐏靛姩锛岃建杩硅帿娴嬨

Xuanyuan Yiren 镄勬剰璇嗛噷涔熶笅镒忚瘑镄勶纴灏 棯杩囦 棯杩囦 鍑犱 鍑犱 傛鍒讳篃鍙湁杩欎袱涓︼瘝锛屾墠鑳 傛鍒讳篃鍙湁杩欎袱涓︼瘝锛屾墠鑳 傛鍒讳篃鍙湁杩欎袱涓︼瘝锛屾墠鑳 傛鍒讳篃鍙湁杩欎袱涓︼瘝锛屾墠鑳 傛鍒讳篃鍙湁杩欎袱涓︼瘝锛屾墠鑳 傛鍒讳篃鍙湁杩欎袱涓︼瘝锛屾墠鑳 傛鍒讳篃鍙湁杩欎袱涓︼瘝锛屾墠鑳Rose


鈥滆 Umbrella 鏄痁 S Shou 锛熸 庝箞鍙兘锛屼粬涓嶆槸鍙岃剦涔嬩綋锛屾 庝箞鍙兘锛屼粬涓嶆槸鍙岃剦涔嬩綋锛屾 庝箞鍙兘锛屼粬涓嶆槸鍙岃剦涔嬩綋锛屾 庝箞鍙兘锛屼粬涓嶆槸鍙岃剦涔嬩綋锛屾 庡彲鑳 庡彲鑳 庡彲鑳 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍓 鍓 鍓戋€曗€曗€

Hurricane 殑sword technique 锛屽摢镐曟槸鍦≧ed Spring Sect 鍐咃纴闾d簺innate talent 缁濋 “镄凷enior Brother 浠纴濂 篃浠庢 佷粬浠兘浣 佷粬浠兘浣 佷粬浠兘浣垮嚭杩囷紒


姝g洰鍏夎糠锣纴涓嶆暍镊﹄俊镄勫憿锽冭嚜璇纴闾f潕鑺稿涔焒ollow closely from behind嗕笅鏂 竴鐪硷纴闱 四 (four) 壊鏄纾宁哥殑澶嶆潅銆

鈥滃皬濮愶纴褰撴汹涓栧瓙璇 捣鏄粬鏂╂潃璇 捣鏄粬鏂╂潃璇 墤浠诲崈镒侊纴杩樻湁 墤浠诲崈镒侊纴杩樻湁 d d d d thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝锛屽叾瀹炴槸鐪熺殑銆傞偅鏉庨偑鐏碉纴鐪熺殑鏄鍦ㄤ粬 嬩腑銆 嬩腑銆 墤鏉 璇 璇 璇 墤浠诲崈镒侊纴 墤浠诲崈镒侊纴 敤涓嶅埌 敤涓嶅埌 敤涓嶅埌 敤涓嶅埌涓夋伅鈥曗€曗€

Xuanyuan Yiren lovable body 鍐嶉渿锛屼竴镞多箣闂达纴镒忚瘑鍐呮剤鍙戠殑绱娄贡锛屼竴鐗囩┖锏姐€效彧链変竴鏂柇璁粠鑴戞捣娣卞缈画秾秾

鈥溾€曗€曟垜Zong Shou 镊︷《澶╃珛鍦帮纴浣曢渶浣犱竴涓コ瀛愭潵鎶ゆ寔锛熸槰旋湪钖庨櫌锛屼綘涔熻褰撴湁镒熷簲 嶆槸銆 嶆槸銆 灏忓鐪嬶纴杩欎笘涓婃湁鍑犱綅 Martial Ancestor 涔嬩笅锛屾槸鎴戝 嬶纻鈥 嬶纻鈥

鈥滆缮鑳 槸璋侊纻杩欓噷闄や 槸璋侊纻杩欓噷闄や 鎴戜箣澶栵纴杩樿兘 鎴戜箣澶栵纴杩樿兘 寰椾 寰椾 寰椾 寰椾 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 曗 曗 曗 曗

鈥滃皬濮愶纴 囧 囧 変竴澶╋纴浣犲彂鐜癦 S Shou 涓栧瓙涓嶆槸涓栦 浠ヤ 浠ヤ 镄勫 浜 浜 浜 纴 纴 纴 thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand鏉 鏉庨偑鐏碉纴杩樿寮 鏉庨偑鐏碉纴杩樿寮 鏉庨偑鐏碉纴杩樿寮 浜涚殑灏戝 浜涚殑灏戝 浜涚殑灏戝 浠栫殑浜 浠栫殑浜 浠栫殑浜 浠栫殑浜 浠栫殑浜 浠栫殑浜 纴瀵 纴瀵 纴瀵 纴瀵 纴瀵 岃 岃 岃兘濡傝澕铓佽崏鑺ワ纴璺 灏忎笐涓 鑸纴涓嶅 鑸纴涓嶅 鑸纴涓嶅 鑸纴涓嶅 竴鍝 € € € € € 皬濮愪綘浼氭 皬濮愪綘浼氭 庝箞 庝箞

涓€鐭煭璇濊锛屼笉鏂殑娑岀幇銆俋uanyuan Yiren 锛屼篃涓岖敱绱х揣镄勶纴鐢ㄨ礉 垮挰镌 涓嫔 涓嫔 涓嫔 涓嫔

鐪熺殑锛岄偅浜涜瘽灞呯劧鏄湡镄勩 傛寚鐢 傛寚鐢 墸鍏ヨ倝 墸鍏ヨ倝 岋纴寰堢棝锛佷笅鍞囦篃鍦ㄧ柤鐥涳纴娓楃潃琛 涓 涓濄€ ス鐪熺殑鏄湪鐜 ス鐪熺殑鏄湪鐜 疄 疄 疄 屻

Flying 湡鏄浠栨墍鏉 锛岃 锛岃 屽ス鐪 屽ス鐪 屽ス鐪 He He He He He Heaven Flying Immortal 鑸竴鍓戠殑锛屼篃鐪熺殑 Zong Shou 銆

闾d笉鐪熷疄镄勬亶鎯氭劅锛岀珛镞 笉鐪熷疄镄勬亶鎯氭劅锛岀珛镞 銆 銆 銆 腑锛岄偅涓棤娉昪 腑锛岄偅涓棤娉昪 腑锛岄偅涓棤娉昪 ultivation鍙堟湁浜涙尌暗嶆棤鏂癸纴濮撴儏绋嶆樉鎯噿镄勫皯骞达纴涓纴涓鐬箣闂纴灏纴灏纴灏笌鐪笌鐪墠杩欎墠杩欎瓒彲浠や笢涓翠翠簯闄嗭纴 € € € 夊ぉ瀛愰 夊ぉ瀛愰 瀛愮緸镒 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑

Keyuan uanyuan Yiren

鏄锽滐纻鏄鎱 纻鏄劅鎱纻鏄叴濂嬶纻鏄緸鎭硷纻鏄儹镒э纻

Xuanyuan Yiren 镞犳硶鍒呜 Yi 锛屽彧 Xu

铏庡崈绉嬩篃姝g湳镌€鐪硷纴鎶ご鐪硷纴鎶ご涘悜涓婄┖銆傞偅鐩厜钖屾牱杩峰锛屽嵈鏄锛屽嵈鏄锛屽嵈鏄闾 shadowword shadow 镓€杩杩杩婊°C枼镌€鎯婂枩锛岃禐璧忋€傜溂鐪镐箣涓纴涔熷ご涓€娆¢€忓嚭浜呜鐪熶箣鑹层€

鈥滃ソ涓 涓杽鏀 涓杽鏀 咃纴褰揿姩浜庝 咃纴褰揿姩浜庝 咃纴褰揿姩浜庝 澶╀箣涓婏紒杩欎竴鍓 澶╀箣涓婏紒杩欎竴鍓 纴鐪熸鏄棤杩 纴鐪熸鏄棤杩 纴鐪熸鏄棤杩 纴鐪熸鏄棤杩 纴鐪熸鏄棤杩 曗 曗 曗 曗€

浠ヤ粬Mysterious Martial Ancestor realm 锛岀珶涓嶆暍鐩存拕鍏堕攱锛岃韩褰(三)灛闂存毚阃€ten zhang 锛岀洿鍒癦ong Shou 镄勫墤锷 暐琛 暐琛 暐琛 纴鏂墠绯呰韩钖戝墠锛屾尌鍒€鍐嶆柀锛

鍒 鍓戜氦阌欙纴绔熸湭鎾炲 鍓戜氦阌欙纴绔熸湭鎾炲 鍦ㄤ竴澶勶纴绔熸槸闄╄ 屽 屽 闄╃殑浜掔浉鎿 闄╃殑浜掔浉鎿 闄╃殑浜掔浉鎿 韩 韩 韩 韩 韩 韩

Key 屽悗杩炵 鏁 崄鍑 崄鍑 崄鍑 崄鍑 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠浜哄悇镊︼垶鍒 鑸炲墤锛屽 鑸炲墤锛屽 鑸炲墤锛屽 鑸炲墤锛屽 € € € € € € € € 笉杩 笉杩 闾 闾 闾 闾灏 槸韬涓ゆ涔嫔眬銆

Zong Shou 镄勭溂锛屽嵈杩炵湪閮 湭鐪ㄤ竴 湭鐪ㄤ竴 湭鐪ㄤ竴 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 鍗 鍗 傝 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 娉涚潃绾 二愬湪鍏朵腑锛屾瀬鍏朵鍙椼鍙椼

鍦ㄥ懆锲翠紬浜虹溂涓纴鍗村张鏄彟涓€鐣劅鍙椼€傝傝 鍗 镄勫垁锛屽浐鐒 槸澶 槸澶 紑澶 紑澶 紑澶 槚锛岀 槚锛岀 槚锛岀 槚锛岀 槚锛岀曞埄钀 纴 纴 纴 镞犳瘮銆俍 镞犳瘮銆俍 镞犳瘮銆俍 Shou 箮 箮 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿 樉楂樻槑銆俿嶅彲镐濊镄勮搴〉垭鏉ワ纴浠や汉镞犳硶鎹夋懜銆效嵈鍗婄偣娌°C湁闾h鍓戠殑璇¤安姘旀伅锛岀伒锷ㄥ埌浜嗘瀬镊达纴椋橀€彉骞彉骞彉骞

浠 姣忎竴鍓戦兘钑 姣忎竴鍓戦兘钑 姣忎竴鍓戦兘钑 潃鍓戦 潃鍓戦 潃鍓戦 镊 镊 镊 镊 镊 镊 鑸纴鍓戦煹銆佸墤锷 鑸纴鍓戦煹銆佸墤锷 佸墤镒忔棤涓 佸墤镒忔棤涓 佸墤镒忔棤涓

姝 湅寰楀叆绁烇纴蹇 湅寰楀叆绁烇纴蹇 屽 屽 鍙︼镞佽 鍙︼镞佽 鍙︼镞佽 鍙︼镞佽 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °銆备紬浜篴stonish 渚х洰锛屽彧瑙侀偅Chu Xue 锛屾婊¢锛屾婊¢(一)枩涔嬭壊镄勶纴鐪嬬潃Zong Shou 镄勫墤锛岀湁椋炶壊鑸炪€傝Han Yuhua 娍鈥欙纴涔熷 闅愬 闅愬 闅愬 鐜 鐜 鐜 鐜 鐜 槸鏋佸叾鐏靛姩锛岄椋樻椋炪

杩欎簺浜 篃镄嗘槸镵槑镊 篃镄嗘槸镵槑镊 瀬镄勪 瀬镄勪 鐗╋纴姝ゅ埢鍙﹄竴杞 hou hou hou Shou hou 墠闾 彞璇濈殑钖箟銆 彞璇濈殑钖箟銆

锽勬敾 咃纴褰揿姩浜庝 咃纴褰揿姩浜庝 澶╀箣涓娿 傛 傛 傛 嶉偅涓 嶉偅涓 嶉偅涓 嶉偅涓 鍓戠殑鍓戞剰锛屽彧镐曟阃 鍓戠殑鍓戞剰锛屽彧镐曟阃 鍓戠殑鍓戞剰锛屽彧镐曟阃 鍓戠殑鍓戞剰锛屽彧镐曟阃€鎸囩偣涔嬫剰銆

In the heart of Zong Yuan, there was no secret. I haven’t had a breakthrough yet, I can appreciate the ‘potential’ of martial arts. The future of this girl, I don’t know how far it will go. Anyway, it is better than him – he didn’t dare to distract him for too long, only secretly swearing, and then paying attention to the fighting.

The hurricane was overflowing, the knife was raging, and the sword had been wiped out.

However, at this moment, the sky has gradually become clear, and a bundle of sunlight, shining through the clouds, from the east, makes the blade more dazzling.

And just as the sword’s momentum has expanded to the extreme, and more and more exciting, at this time, Tiger Qianqiu has resumed a regretful sigh.

“The world is really chaotic, this style, how do we win?”

“it is good!”

Zong Shou’s chest and blood surge, unable to speak, simply answer complied. Then the sword light suddenly broke out, the lightning flashed, and the shadows were heavy, and they went away. This time, it is another style, and it is not afraid to collide with the seven-foot tiger blade of the tiger. All the powers are concentrated and concentrated in the whole, and they are gathered and then regrouped. Then suddenly broke out when the sword hit.

Sword light to the knife shadow, in a flash, and more quickly several times. It is almost too fast to exceed the limit of the eyes of everyone here, and it is difficult to identify.

It’s just the sword of Zong Shou, but it’s also like a silk flower. When it blooms to the most dazzling, it begins to fade again.


A deafening thunder, Zong Shou’s silhouette, slammed back and flew back. The whole person seems to have lost all his strength and is unable to support. Shaking, only with a sword, did not fall, a trace of blood spilling around the corner of the lips.

It’s just that eyelid, but there’s no pain in it, but it’s full of satisfaction and satisfaction after World War I.

And that tiger is a thousand years old, it is a horizontal knife. The whole person seems to be stunned and looks at the sleeves of his right hand.

Everyone was unaware of it, and they saw a piece of clothing, which was slowly falling off and slipped on the ground.

During the time, the two cars were dead around. Everyone, this moment is silent, as if he has lost the power of speech.

Straight through a few ten breaths, the tiger is screaming again and laughing again, crazy, full of gratification and excitement: ” Lose, lose good! This battle, really refreshing, dripping and smooth! Originally I Tiger Qianqiu, still look down on the world. Is this your sword? The world is unparalleled! After ten years, no, just seven years, the sword of the world, you must be invincible!”

The voice has not fallen, and the tiger is sweeping out. This knife was suddenly reached to the extreme, and the talents had just come to the eye, and the sturdy knives of the hundred zhang had already reached the side of Zongling.

Almost rubbing the body of Zong Ling, sweeping behind him, Feng Xiao, who is quietly retreating, and the innate masters, smashed.

The flesh and blood are sprinkled, and countless blood spots are sprinkled. Zong Ling’s body, suddenly half a body. Both are dyed red. The whole person did not move, and the eyes completely lost the focal length. The wood wood looked away towards the distance and did not dare to wipe it.

“It’s the speed of knowing the machine! Just in front of me, do you still want to escape? Let you be crazy with Laozi, you have the ability, TMD and then mad to Laozi?”

Tiger Zhongyuan’s eyelids moved, but no words were dissuaded. Since three months ago, his home old fogey has been wronged for a long time, and has been forbearing countless times in the dry Tianshan. At this time, I don’t need to endure any more. I suddenly broke out, and naturally I couldn’t get out of it.

They iron Tiger Clan, also need to borrow the heads of these people, in front of the world, to show their posture.

To blame can only complain that this kind of spiritual luck is not good. At this time, the tiger is like a human typhoon, and even he does not dare to provoke.

Having said that, this Shizong spirit is really hateful, there is no real ability, what is it?

Like their sons, the sword technique is so high that there is no such thing in the world, but they know the truth of low-key people. It’s just too low-key. Just thinking about it here, the tiger’s middle school has seen a gaze, and it’s cold and cold, and it’s Tiger’s autumn. Without a sigh of relief in my heart, my mood sank to the bottom of the valley. He knows the means of his own father, the extreme of violence, and I am afraid that it will be inevitable to stop the pain later.

Zong Yuan was on the ground, and at this moment he also showed a bit of banter, and he knew that this would be the case.

At that moment, the Zongling was mostly crying in his heart. Who are these idiots in these people?

It’s just in my heart, but I can’t afford to take a little bit of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, only some of the martial arts to comprehend, and I’m not interested in it.

Waiting for Zong Shou to make room, I am afraid that I should die too?

Xuanyuan Yiren is standing in the foothills, stunned, and a pair of jade hands clinging tightly.

– Victory, he actually can beat the tiger and the half. Even the latter, which has bound most of the power, can not compete with Zong Shou in the strength of Martial Ancestor, but it can be done without falsing martial arts.

(To be continued)

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