"I...I'll tell you! I'll tell you! I'll tell you everything!" Nie Yu said tremblingly. Xu Tian smiled brightly:"Wouldn't it have been better if you did this earlier? You forced me to use a knife!"

(;OдO)!!!Nie Yu:"......"

Really cruel!

I can't afford to offend him!

Chen Mingzhe secretly said,"Coward."

Then he straightened Nie Yu's body back.

Xu Tian sat on the chair, cracking melon seeds leisurely and said:

"Tell me, what is your specific identity? What are you doing here? What is the Ancient God Church?"

Nie Yu trembled and said,"I am from Yunan, from Nujiang, Yunan, from Lushui City, Lushui City Liuku, Liuku Water Source Clan!"

Xu Tian:"......."

Eh? What's going on?

Is it an illusion?

Why does this sentence feel so rhythmic?

Just when Xu Tian was puzzled,

Li Qi on the side suddenly said in surprise:"Are you from the Shuiyuan tribe?"

Chen Mingzhe nodded:"..."Hmm."

After saying that,

Li Qi directly blurted out a Chinese quintessence:"Fuck! How come you, a kid from the Water Source Clan, still want to release the Beast God? Are you crazy?"

Xu Tian was stunned!

He had never heard of the Water Source Clan, but looking at Li Qi's reaction, it seemed incredible?

"Old Li, what is the Shuiyuan tribe?"

Li Qi explained in a low voice:

"Water Source Tribe...The people of the clan have all been water elementalists for generations. A hundred years ago, they were a prominent family, but now they are gradually declining. I don't know where I got this information from, but I read it in a classic book."

Xu Tian was puzzled:"Then why are you so excited?"

Li Qi's mouth twitched:"Because...The chief of the Shuiyuan tribe back then was one of the powerful human beings who suppressed the eight beast gods."

Hearing this, Xu Tian was dumbfounded!

Chen Mingzhe was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out!

Oh my god!

Is this true?

Such a coincidence?

The ancestors suppressed the beast gods and died in the grave!

The descendants still want to release the beast gods and bring disaster to the world?

Funny, right?

There are such coincidences in the world?

If his ancestors knew about this, Nie Yu would be chased and spanked even if he went to the underworld!

Xu Tian looked at him with pity.

If that senior knew that he had such a descendant!

Wouldn't he jump out of the coffin directly?

"Hey, why did you come to release the Beast God?"

Nie Yu looked longing:

"I have lived in the clan courtyard since I was a child, and the elders did not allow me to go out. Once, I took advantage of their inattention, knocked them out with the incense, and sneaked out!"

Xu Tian's mouth twitched:"You are really filial! So what does this have to do with you releasing the beast god?"

Nie Yu rolled his eyes:"Don't interrupt me!"

Xu Tian:"???"

Eh? What's going on? ?

I'm the one interrogating!

Nie Yu continued,"I just came out and met a man in a red cloak. He said he was from an organization called the Ancient God Church and asked me if I wanted to join him!"

"I gave him a big smackdown and walked away!"

"Wow, that's awesome! What's next?" Xu Tian asked curiously, holding his chin with both hands.

"Then, the man held my legs tightly and wouldn't let me leave."

"Talent! Keep going!"

"He told me something that made me so furious that I joined him right back!"

"Ah? What's the matter? Tell me!" Nie

Yu shook his head:"The secret cannot be revealed!" Xu Tian stood up directly, and a knife appeared in his hand:"Hey! Let me see if your chicken can be revealed!"

Nie Yu showed horror:"I'll tell you, I'll tell you! Don't cut it!"

Xu Tian smiled brightly and returned to his seat, supporting his chin with both hands and continued to ask curiously:

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

Nie Yu pouted and continued:

"He said...One hundred years ago, our Shuiyuan tribe was once a well-known and prominent family. But at that time, the eight beast gods of the alien beast tribe descended on Blue Star and slaughtered innocent people indiscriminately!"

"The chief of the Shuiyuan tribe at that time, my great-grandfather, sacrificed his life to seal the beast god and save millions of people from danger!"


"Since many of our clan's strong men died in the war against the alien beasts, the clan's strong men were lacking."

"Since then, various forces have begun to unite to suppress us, until now we have been hiding from the world and never come out again!"

"When I heard that, I instantly flew into a rage!"

"I don't accept it!"

"Why did our ancestors sacrifice themselves for the human race? But our people were severely suppressed!"

"But those pugs who were hiding at home and dared not go out at that time were enjoying the world!"

"Then, the person who called himself the Ancient God Church told me...As long as they join them, they will have the opportunity to reopen the seal of the Beast God and let the Beast God come out to massacre them!"

"I was immediately attracted by it!"

"He agreed immediately!"

Xu Tian suddenly interrupted:"What does this have to do with you coming to the Lingyin Army?"

Nie Yu looked at Xu Tian timidly:

"Since the Beast God sacrifice requires the gathering of ten elements, the other nine are all in place, except for the space element.

Even if it is opened, the strength of the Beast God will be greatly weakened."

Xu Tian slammed the table and stood up:"Damn! So they sent you here to trick me?"

Nie Yu nodded guiltily

"Originally, I wanted to put you in a sack and take you away while you were sleeping!"

"But when I went to your room that night, you were gone."

"I just happened to see three sneaky figures, so I followed them curiously."

"The following scene happened."

Xu Tian's face darkened:"What a coincidence! Mu Wanqing wanted to trick me over! But you wanted to put me in a sack and catch me!"

""Fuck you!"

Xu Tian couldn't hold back his anger.

He wanted to give Nie Yu a few big fights to wake himself up.

But he was stopped by Li Qi.

Li Qi's face was distorted and he tried hard to hold back his laughter.

Xu Tian:"......"

"Otherwise you should just laugh....It's not good if you hold it in."

""Puff! Goose, goose, goose, goose!"

Chen Mingzhe on the side couldn't help it! He just cried like a goose! Xu Tian's face turned black!

He's really laughing!? Li

Qi tried to calm down and asked again:

"Did the Ancient God Church only ask you to come and trap Xu Tian? Did they say anything else?"

Nie Yu said thoughtfully:

"It seemed that someone named Cai would pick me up!

But I was so angry at the time! How could I care about that Cai? I just came over excitedly!"

Li Qi, Xu Tian, and Chen Mingzhe opened their mouths at the same time!

The surname is Cai...? ?

Xu Tian asked,"Is his name Cai Kunkun?"

Nie Yu seemed to have suddenly thought of something and suddenly exclaimed,"Yeah! That's the name! How did you know?"

Xu Tian's mouth twitched wildly, and he said in a faint tone:

"Because the man in red you scolded was Cai Kunkun."???"

His head is full of question marks???


"Is this true? I am young, don't lie to me!"

Xu Tian nodded meaningfully:"You can be fooled by a stranger, Que Shi is young!"

Nie Yu:"???"

I suspect you are implying something about me?

But I have no evidence!


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