Outside the forest

""Crows take a plane!"

Xu Tian muttered in his heart, and then his figure instantly appeared above a wild boar.

With a thought, the butcher knife instantly appeared in his hand.


The sharp blade directly pierced into the wild boar's flesh.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The butcher knife vibrated slightly.

In an instant, the vitality of the wild boar disappeared without a trace.

""Fuck! That's awesome!"

Xu Tian exclaimed.

This was his first time using the butcher knife, and he really didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Just a few slight vibrations could kill a strange beast?

It's simply too powerful!

【Ding! Kill the bronze five-star beast GGbang, hunting points +10]

The transmitter lit up faintly, and the mechanical electronic sound rang.

At the same time, the system's voice also sounded in Xu Tian's mind.

【Ding! Kill the scrap metal five-star beast GGbang, and get +50 points for the reward. Hearing this,

Xu Tian's eyes lit up, and he was motivated to kill pigs.

Without hesitation,

Xu Tian raised the butcher knife again.

He chopped at the wild boars around him.

Basically, they were all solved with one knife. In the past, there was Saitama's One Punch Man!

Today, Xu Tian kills pigs with one knife!

Puff, puff--!

The sound of flesh being pierced rang out one after another.

The ground at the scene was bloody and covered with the flesh and blood of wild boars.

Beside the big tree not far away,

Bakucha kicked the pig kidney at his feet away with a look of disgust, and his face was almost crying without tears.

Oh my god!

It's terrible!

I want to go home!

Bakucha's family conditions are good, and he has been spoiled since he was a child. Where has he seen such a bloody scene? He was desperate for a while.

But he didn't dare to run, for fear that he would be caught by Xu Tian and subjected to inhuman training.

But at this moment.

Dui! Dui! Dui!

A slight bubble sound rang out.

The sound was so small that if Bakucha hadn't had good hearing, he wouldn't have been able to hear it.

He was stunned for a moment and turned his head to look.


Bakucha opened his mouth wide!......


【Ding! Killed the 39th alien beast GGbang, and obtained a total of 620 hunting points]

Xu Tian pulled out the butcher knife that had pierced the wild boar and wiped the pig blood off his face.

""Ah~ I'm really worried about the IQ of these pigs!"

Xu Tian sighed.

These are all low-star bronze beasts with low IQ and no independent thinking ability.

They can only charge stupidly!

Xu Tian put the knife there, and the pigs pushed it up stupidly.

This is unparalleled.

It's a large-scale Shura scene.

Below the silver level, killing randomly!

""Xu Tian, be filial!" (Xu Tian, be careful!)

Suddenly, an unclear shouting voice came into Xu Tian's ears.

""Huh?" Xu Tian turned around in confusion.

But when he saw the huge monster behind him, he was shocked.

Behind Xu Tian,

a huge monster was slowly getting up and looking towards Xu Tian.

Its eyes were fierce and violent!

If you look closely, you will find...

This huge monster is made up of many wild boars.

They have merged into one!

【Ding! Unknown beast detected! Danger level SSS! 】

The mechanical electronic sound quickly reminded.

Then, the transmitter flashed red and blue alternately.

【Scientific name of the beast: tentatively named 'Pig Demon King'’】

【Realm: Unknown???】

【Strength: 64】

【Speed: 30】

【Mental strength: 10】

【Defense: 76】

【Skills: Unknown???】

【Comment: My child, despair! Remember! Be a good person in your next life, and don't encounter this thing again!】

"Pig Demon King? This attribute data is a bit biased!"

Xu Tian looked up at the huge monster, his sword-like eyebrows tightly knitted.

"Things seem to be heading in a bad direction...."

Suddenly, the Pig King started to move.

Every time his feet touched the ground, the ground would shake.

Xu Tian lost his balance and almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, three options appeared in front of Xu Tian.

【Option 1: Quietly! Don't shoot! Be a qualified Lao Liu and lead it to a crowded place. Completion reward: skill"Peeping Eye" (Great)】

【Option 2: Every man is responsible for the fate of the spiritual realm! Take the initiative to attack head-on! Completion reward: a bottle of Spirited Young Man Potion (second grade)】

【Option 3: Run away and yell to the pig giant,"I will be back!" Completion reward: a Thunderbolt Talisman (Level 3)]

Xu Tian saw this and pondered for a moment.

Option 1 is definitely not possible.

Whether it is out of"ethics" or human nature,

Xu Tian will not do this.

If it goes wrong, it will kill several innocent students.

He is not the lawless wild man Zhang San, so he naturally cannot do that.

As for options 2 and 3?...

Suddenly, a determined look flashed in Xu Tian's eyes.

Everyone has their own responsibility! This is the mess I made, I can't leave this mess to others!

"Hey! That stupid guy over there is...."Look here, godfather!"

Xu Tian pointed at the Pig Demon King and shouted provocatively.

At this time, the Pig Demon King's mental power had reached 10 points, his IQ had improved, and he could understand Xu Tian's words.


The Pig Demon King felt the provocation and roared.

He ran towards Xu Tian.

Seeing this,

Xu Tian showed a smile of success on his face.

"System, take out the 'all-purpose pill’"

In an instant, a white pill the size of a basketball appeared in Xu Tian's hand.

""What the hell is this? Why are you giving me a basketball?"

System: [You are the basketball! Your whole family is basketballs! This is a third-grade all-purpose pill!】

""Ah?" Xu Tianbian ran back, looking at the almighty pill in his arms.

A painful expression appeared on his face.


He was determined and lowered his head to chew it.

It was crunchy and tasted like a Malteser chocolate ball.

~(@^_^@)~It smells so good~

Before I knew it, a funny scene appeared in the forest.

In front, Xu Tian was holding a white pill the size of a basketball, chewing it while running.

Behind him, the Pig Demon King was chasing him relentlessly on his short four legs.

During this time, he also met many participating students passing by.

"Hey! This...What is going on?"

"you...Damn it! Did this pig grow up drinking Sanlu milk powder? How come it is so big?"

"Damn! The person being chased in front seems to be the school hunk of Gou Bayi Middle School...Xu Tian!"

"Ah? What immoral thing did Xu Tian do? Even the strange beasts couldn't stand it."

"Look at the white ball in Xu Tian's arms. Is there a possibility?......Did he steal the Sanlu milk powder balls from that pig?"

"Brother, you seem to have figured it out!"


Xu Tian also heard the discussions of the people around him.

The corners of his mouth twitched violently.

But he still did not stop, but ran to the deepest part of the forest, still chewing the almighty pill frantically.

Dui! Dui! Dui! Dui! Dui!

The ground was still shaking!

Every few steps Xu Tian took, he would jump into the air a few times.


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