"Why is it so big?" Mu Renxue asked in shock.

"Hehe! The bigger it is, the more effective it is!"Xu Tian scratched his head with a wry smile.

But Mu Renxue didn't hesitate too much.

After all, Xu Tian was her savior!

She took it with both hands.

First, she looked at the Yang Qi Yam.

Then a green light suddenly appeared on her palm, and the size of the Yang Qi Yam was gradually shrinking.

Xu Tian was dumbfounded when he saw this scene!

What the hell!

Can it be like this?

Aren't you going to eat it?

Question marks flying all over the sky???

(꒦໊ྀʚ꒦໊ི )???Xu Tian:"System, is this okay?"

System: [Of course! I didn't tell you that you have to eat it.]

Xu Tian:"......."


I didn't eat it anyway!

That kid Wang Hu is so miserable!

He sprayed so much blood in vain( ̄TT ̄)

Suddenly, Xu Tian suddenly asked:"If I absorb it, will there be any side effects?"

System: [I don't know....Practice makes perfect. 】

Xu Tian's mouth twitched suddenly!


Keep pretending!

I don't believe you!

You old man are very bad!

Soon, the Yang Qi Yam in Mu Renxue's hand was absorbed!

At the same time, she felt that the spiritual power in her body had recovered to its peak state!

And there were signs of a breakthrough!

She sat cross-legged on the ground, placed her hands on her knees, and closed her eyes!

The rich green spiritual power surrounded Mu Renxue's body, and then poured into her body like a tide.


Only a crisp sound was heard!

Mu Renxue suddenly opened her eyes, looking overjoyed!


The realm has been broken through!

At the same time, her originally pale face instantly became rosy.

The scars on her body were gradually healing.

A graceful lady's breath came to her face.

Although Mu Renxue was nearly 40 years old, she still had her charm.

If you didn't know, you would have thought she was an 18-year-old sexy beauty.

Xu Tian was stunned.

They are indeed mother and daughter!

One is sexy and charming! The other is pure and cute!


The power of genes!

Mu Renxue smiled softly:

""Xu Tian, let's go up and help. The Night Demons have spent three years preparing for this beast sacrifice. They will definitely not give up easily!"

Xu Tian nodded:"Okay."

With that, the three of them rushed to the tunnel entrance...........

On the altar,

Li Qi quickly retreated backwards and spat out a mouthful of blood.


"Damn it, young people have no martial ethics and try to sneak attack? ?"

Just now, Li Qi just came out of the cave and hadn't reacted yet.

He was attacked from both sides by Cai Kunkun and Cai Wenyuan.

He was slightly injured!

Cai Kunkun sneered:"Haha, talking about martial ethics with us Night Demons? Aren't you just playing the lute to a cow?"

Li Qi's mouth twitched:"Excuse me, have you ever been to elementary school?"

Cai Kunkun was stunned when he heard it:"I was the only one in the senior class of kindergarten who beat up the whole class and was expelled. No school wanted me, so I didn't go to school."

Li Qi's face twitched:"No wonder..."

Cai Kunkun was puzzled:"What do you mean?"

Li Qi:"Playing the lute to a cow...You are awesome!"

At this time, even if Cai Kunkun was slow to react, he understood what he meant. His old face turned red.

Cai Wenyuan beside him looked at him helplessly.

He moved his feet and silently moved away.


I can't afford to lose face like this! I told you to go to school well!

But you were in love in kindergarten, and when your girlfriend was bullied, you surrounded a whole class to fight!

You are so righteous!

Now you don't even know the meaning of idioms!



Cai Wenyuan's expression condensed, and he looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

He whispered:"Xiao Kun, the time is up, let's start now."

Cai Kunkun hesitated and said:"But....The sacrifices have not been gathered yet, which will greatly weaken the power of the beast god."

"There is no time to hesitate now."

Cai Wenyuan looked at the black-clothed figures surrounding them with a gloomy face,"Even if the Beast God's strength is weakened, these people can't resist it!"

These are Lingyin soldiers!

They are responsible for dealing with the Night Demons on the ground.

Seeing people coming out at this time, they surrounded them directly.

Chen Mingzhe, Pang Tong, Lu Ming and others were among them.

But they really didn't expect that the two would suddenly attack the captain who had just come out.

Cai Kunkun pondered for a moment, and with a ruthless heart, he took out a small black ball from his pocket.

He gently pressed the button on it!


A crisp sound rang out!

Followed by ten loud noises.

I saw that the ten stone pillars around the altar slowly descended, emitting dazzling light.


Except for the white and green stone pillars, there was no one on them. A figure appeared on each stone pillar.

They all sat cross-legged on them with their eyes closed.

Seeing this, Li Qi was shocked:"Quick, stop him, he wants to start the Beast God sacrifice!"

As soon as these words came out,

Chen Mingzhe and the others instantly released their own special powers and swooped down towards Cai Kunkun and the other person in the center.


The battle was about to break out!

Cai Kunkun dodged back and forth, but was still beaten back by Chen Mingzhe's iron fist.

Lu Ming controlled the virtual computer, opened the CSGO game, picked up the virtual dragon sniper, aimed at Cai Kunkun's palm and shot!


The huge impact force directly made Lu Ming's figure fly backwards.

But hard work pays off, the bullet passed through the crowd silently and accurately shot at Cai Kunkun's arm.


He screamed.

The black ball in his hand fell to the ground.

Cai Kunkun's eyes condensed, no longer paying attention to the gunshot wound on his hand, and wanted to rush over to get it back.

However, he was knocked away by the giant Pang Tong!

The black ball kept rolling.......

It didn't stop until it hit a boy's shoe.

The boy bent down and picked up the black ball on the ground.

A smile appeared on his lips, and he murmured:


When Li Qi saw the man's appearance, his eyes suddenly widened!


Today's three chapters(*^▽^*)

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