Next to the green light stone pillar, there were only two people left, and the other three had already changed shifts and went to rest.

One of them, who was standing nonchalantly, said:

"Wanqing, you said your mother is under this stone pillar?"

""Yes." Another person nodded.

These two people were Xu Tian and Mu Wanqing.

At this time, they were both wearing red cloaks and bloody masks on their faces.

Earlier, the two were hiding in the bushes and suddenly heard voices.

Turning around, they found that they were three night demons who were about to change shifts.

Xu Tian knocked out the three people while they were not paying attention.

Mu Wanqing used a special secret method to peek into the memories of the three people and told Xu Tian.

After Xu Tian pondered for a moment, he thought of this method....

Disguised as a Night Demon, he sneaked in.

Unfortunately, he met the Demon Envoy. Xu Tian was quick-witted and came up with this excuse.

Not only did he find a suitable reason to avoid suspicion, but he also indirectly weakened the overall strength of the Night Demons guarding him. Killing two birds with one stone!

"How should we get down?" Xu Tian asked

"The central altar is the entrance."

Mu Wanqing looked towards the circular altar in the center.

If you look from the air, you will find...There is a hole in the center of the altar.

Xu Tian looked at the people standing by the stone pillars and felt a little distressed.

With so many people, how can they get to the entrance?


Xu Tian seemed to have thought of something, put his hands in his pockets, and took out the"Da Chu Brand Hehuan Powder" from the system space.

A bright smile appeared on his face.

Mu Wanqing looked at Xu Tian's harmless smile, and her body shuddered!

No way! ?

What tricks is Xu Tian brewing again?

And this smile......

Something is wrong!

He must be up to something bad again!

Mu Wanqing looked at the Night Demons around her with pity.

I hope you don't meet Xu Tian again in your next life.

Xu Tian took out another fan the size of a computer host.

The nameplate read"Da Li".

This was bought in the store....It cost 200 points.

In the past, Xu Tian would definitely feel bad for a while, but now these 200 points are completely dispensable to him.

【Dali brand fan: Full of wind power! Blow your unsettled mind! 】

Xu Tian:"......"

Don't call it the Improper System anymore! Just change your name to the Deception System! You are such a good fool!

The advertising industry losing you is like the West losing Jerusalem!

Although Xu Tian's movements were not big, they were still noticed.

One of the Night Demons came over and said coldly:"Boy, do you understand the rules? You are not allowed to make any extra movements during your duty."

Seeing the man coming, Xu Tian did not answer him, but smiled and said:"Brother, have you ever experienced the ultimate happiness?"

""Ultimate happiness?" The man frowned. He looked at Xu Tian carefully and asked in confusion:"Are you new here? Why haven't I seen you before?""

"None of this matters. Brother, do you want to experience it?" Xu Tian said with a sinister smile.

"Which aspect?"

"The following"

"Brother, let's become sworn brothers."The man's expression was determined, and his eyes suddenly became vulgar.

Xu Tian was secretly shocked.......


This guy is a sultry lsp!

Xu Tianyin smiled and said,"Brother, have you ever heard of the golden gun medicine?"

"The golden gun is invincible?..."

"Yes, that's right, it's what you think."Xu Tian said first

"Hey, brother, do you have any?"The man rubbed his hands, with a wretched smile on his face.

Xu Tian looked around and found that the Night Demons were not looking here, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Buddy, you come here so blatantly, aren’t you afraid that those people will report you?"

"Ha! Who dares to report me?" The man said arrogantly,"These are all my brothers."

Xu Tian nodded in surprise,"Fuck, my bro is awesome!""

"Brother, as long as the medicine arrives, you will be my last brother in the future"

"The door-closing boy? The one responsible for closing the door?" Xu Tian's mouth twitched.

"Leak! Big leak! It refers to my direct disciple."The man paused and continued:"Oh, by the way, brother, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Cai Kunkun, you can call me Brother Ji."

After hearing Cai Kunkun's words, Xu Tian's mouth twitched again.

This name......So familiar.

But I can't remember it for a moment.

"Hello, Brother Chicken, Hello, Brother Chicken, just call me Little Chicken."

Xu Tian knew that he was in a higher position, and a bright smile immediately appeared on his face.

"chick..."Okay." Cai Kunkun's mouth twitched fiercely.

Xu Tian didn't care, and took out the"Da Chu Brand Hehuan Powder" from his pocket with a smile, and handed it to Cai Kunkun with both hands.

"Brother Ji, this is the elixir I told you about. Three days and three nights of hard work is not a problem. Just be brave enough to be a man for seventeen days in one night!"

"Is this true or not?"Cai Kunkun looked at the small medicine bag in his hand with a look of disbelief.

Just this little thing, can it last for three days and three nights?

Funny, right?

Even Wei Ge wouldn't be so confident, right?

Xu Tian put his head close to his ear and whispered:"Brother Ji, trust me, I used this thing to directly order 10 last time"

""Fuck! I'm young, don't lie to me." Cai Kunkun stared at Xu Tian in amazement.

But he was very obedient and put the Hehuan powder into his pocket.

Xu Tian:"......"

Good guy!

He's still pretty good!

Also, why are you so nervous?

No one's competing with you for it!

Xu Tian rolled his eyes silently, but secretly nodded to Mu Wanqing.

Then he grinned:"Dude, don't believe it? Want to try it now?"

"Now?"Cai Kunkun hesitated for a moment and glanced at Han Qian who had disappeared into the jungle.

Although he was the boss here, he was still a younger brother in front of Han Qian's identity as a demon envoy.

If he was discovered by Han Qian,...

At the mildest, their skin will be peeled off, their bones will be broken, their tendons will be pulled out, and their blood will be drained; at the worst, their limbs will be removed, and they will be cut into human pigs and put into a jar filled with constant temperature tea, where their corpses will spend their remaining life in vain.

Thinking of this, Cai Kunkun shuddered violently.

Xu Tian was also a smart guy.

He saw the right opportunity and took advantage of the opportunity, and said with a sarcastic tone:"No way, no way, buddy, aren't you the boss here? What are you worried about?"

"Could it be......Tsk tsk tsk, forget it, you should come back later..."


In the end, the desire to win defeated reason. Before Xu Tian finished speaking, Cai Kunkun interrupted him and said:

"Oh! Just give it a try, who’s afraid of who?"


Beep beep…

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