After the words fell, the whole place was silent!

Li Qi covered his face helplessly, but his eyes were secretly looking at Xu Tian's expression!

Xu Tian's face was full of confusion!

What the hell?

After all this time, just want a club discount?

He looked at the other people, his eyes asking.......

Do you think so too?

Pang Tong and the others all looked serious and nodded heavily!

Xu Tian:"......"

Lingyin Army?

Are you sure this is the Lingyin Army?

Is it a knockoff?

Aren't the Lingyin soldiers said to be extremely upright?

Why are there so many old perverts?

Moreover, judging from this, their captain Li Qi doesn't look like a serious person!

Xu Tian said calmly:

"That's it....Actually, it’s not impossible!"

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him with shining eyes, waiting for his next words.

"As long as you serve me well, everything will be fine!" As soon as the words fell, several people rushed up immediately!

"Brother Xu, is your shoulder strength okay?"

"Brother Xu, do you need to use more strength at the root of your thigh?"

"Brother Xu, let me massage your back. It may hurt a little, but it will be gone soon!"

"Brother Xu, let me give you a head massage to relax you!"

"Xu Ge......"

Everyone was showing their hospitality, only Li Qi and Lu Ming stood there, smiling helplessly.

This group of people! They are really troublesome!

Then, both of them looked at the display screen!

The battle between Fan Jian and the other two continued..............

""Wooden snake entangles!"

A green vine suddenly shot out from Mu Wanqing's palm!

It quickly entangled a strange beast!

Then, she swung her arm vigorously, and the body of the strange beast swung with it!

All the strange beasts that were originally planning to attack were swept away!

The strange beasts within 10 meters around were immediately cleared!

Seeing this, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and her beautiful eyes looked at the pit in the center of the battlefield with worry!

She prayed in her heart...

Xu Tian...

You must not die!..........

On the other side.

Nie Yu put his hands together, then slowly separated them, and a basketball-sized water ball condensed in the center of his two palms!


Pushing his hands forward!

The water ball attacked the group of alien beasts gathered together at lightning speed!


The water ball shattered, and the large amount of water contained in it washed over the bodies of the alien beasts!

They drifted directly into the distance like a tide!

The huge impact force hit the wall! They fainted immediately!

Seeing this scene, Nie Yu's mouth curled up with a disdainful arc!

But he did not let down his guard, because there were many alien beasts beside him staring at him covetously!

Ready to seize the loophole!

Directly kill!

Suddenly, Nie Yu's originally brown eyes turned blue!

At the same time, a large amount of blue spiritual power gathered around him, condensing into a huge water ball, wrapping his entire body!

He opened his lips slightly and whispered:

"Water Dragon Dance!"

After the words fell, a faint blue dragon shadow appeared in the water ball, circling and flying, and also issued a deafening dragon roar!


The expressions of many exotic beasts became dazed, their steps stopped, and they stayed where they were!!

Not only that, their bodies were also shaking uncontrollably!

It seemed that they were in fear!

Mental fear!

Feng Mi and Lu Shou on the side looked at each other and saw the shock on each other's face!


The king of all beasts!

It is the emperor of the exotic beasts!

Respected by all beasts, with an extraordinary status!

Although the water dragon summoned by Nie Yu is not a real dragon, it has a hint of the charm of a dragon!

"He should have been nurtured by some kind of dragon magic weapon since he was a child, and his supernatural power has a trace of dragon spirit!"Lü Shou said.

As a summoner of supernatural power awakening, he naturally knows a lot about the alien beasts!

Feng Mi also nodded in agreement, and his eyes fell on Nie Yu again!

Nie Yu's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and blue light appeared in his eyes!

"Water Dragon......"Out!" As soon as the words fell, the huge dragon shadow rushed out of the water ball, and its body quickly grew larger!

Facing the many sluggish beasts, it swung its tail like a dragon!

A large number of beasts flew away!


The dragon roared again!

The smoke shook, disturbing the space fluctuations, forming waves that attacked the beasts!

It rushed fiercely!

Pushing all the way!..........

""Hey, hey, hey! Stop fighting! I surrender!"

On the other side, Fan Jin was holding a gourd in his hand, running around in the herd of strange beasts! He was as agile as a monkey!

But suddenly, a red claw mark attacked from behind!

Fan Jian didn't have time to dodge, he could only passively resist, and couldn't help spitting out blood.

""Shit! Are you serious about this? I’m serious!"


Jian raised the gourd in his hand and drank all the wine in it!

Then, a blush flashed across his face! He began to shake his head!

He was drunk!

At this moment, a monkey-like beast attacked Fan Jian from behind, silently, and slapped him with its paw!

If nothing unexpected happened,

Fan Jian would be seriously injured by this slap!

However, an incredible scene happened!

Fan Jian shook his head and just dodged it, just a little bit!

The monkey was stunned!

Fan Jian smiled foolishly on his drunken face:

""Hehe, hehe!"

He grabbed the monkey's tail with one hand and threw it to the ground lightly!


This light throw directly turned the monkey into bloody mud!

Blood spurted and splashed all over Fan Jian's face!

But he didn't care at all, wiped the blood off his face, and walked forward with shaky steps!

The scene just now had stunned many strange beasts, and they didn't dare to move forward!

Fan Jian staggered in three steps, shook the gourd in his hand, and found that the wine was gone!

Suddenly, anger appeared on his drunken face!

"Damn! I haven’t had enough to drink yet!" He couldn’t help but look at the group of strange beasts!

"Hey! Blood...Blood tastes good too!"

He said in a daze.

His body shook, leaving a trail of afterimages, and he instantly appeared in front of a giant beast!

""Smells good~"

Fan Jian smiled on his drunken face, and gently waved his right hand holding the butcher knife at the beast!

A huge blade was condensed directly!


Cut through the smoke!

Cut the beast's neck directly!

In an instant, the fierce look on the beast's face froze!

The brain and body slowly separated!

Fan Jian's mind shook, and he smacked his tongue in disdain:

"Tch, boring!"


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The names of the handsome guys who sent gifts are listed below!

(* ̄∇ ̄*)Crab!!

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