Shocked the whole audience!

【Shock value from Fan Jian +666!】

【Shock value from Feng Mi +888!】

【Compassion from Chen Mingzhe +999! 】

Chen Mingzhe?

Xu Tian was stunned when he heard this name!


Isn't this the guy who tickled my feet last time?

Is he still alive?

Xu Tian looked east and west, but, except for the dead beasts and Fan Jian and his men, there was nothing else! Not to mention people!

But suddenly!

Xu Tian seemed to have thought of something.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up!

But the Gatling gun in his hand did not stop, and continued to shoot frantically!

Basically, a beast would fall to the ground with every shot!

What if you release the boiling blood of the beast?

It's still one shot?

You know.

Hot weapons have fatal damage to creatures below the gold realm!

Generally, they can't bear it!

Lu Shou looked at the beasts that kept dying, and felt distressed!

He couldn't help but slap Feng Mi on the forehead!

"What are you still standing there for? Go get him!"

"Oh oh!"

Feng Mi came back to his senses, and a fierce look instantly appeared on his face!

He jumped directly from the frog's head!

But unexpectedly, his foot turned! He fell to the ground like a dog eating shit!

Lu Shou:"......"

He covered his face helplessly! He looked like he had lost all hope in life!

He was not afraid of god-like opponents!

He was afraid of teammates who were like pigs!

Feng Mi raised the iron pipe high and shot directly at Xu Tian!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Hundreds of silver needles came!

Xu Tian was keenly aware of it!

He put away the Gatling gun! He jumped back with both legs!

He dodged cleverly with a backflip!


Feng Mi didn't intend to give Xu Tian a chance to breathe, and kept shooting!

Xu Tian kept dodging!

He cursed while dodging:

"Damn! How can you shoot so much? Don’t shoot it all! Save some for later!"

Feng Mi:"......"

He felt insulted!

Then he took out another iron pipe from his back!

Two pipes fired at the same time!

""I'm so angry!"

Xu Tian was stunned! What the hell!

There are actually two of them?

Xu Tian was dodging the attacks of the strange beasts!

And at the same time, he was guarding against the sneak attack of the silver needle!

It was really miserable!

Very passive!

""Damn it! It's so frustrating!"

Xu Tian cursed!

He felt ruthless in his heart!

"System, purchase 'Universe Super Invincible Spiral Sky Drill’!"

【Ding! 600 points are needed. Do you want to pay?】


【Ding! Purchase successful! 】

After saying that!

An electric drill the size of a computer screen appeared in Xu Tian's hand!

Seeing the approaching beast attack!

And the silver needle shooting at him!

Xu Tian sighed:

"Among the thirty-six strategies, running away is the best one!"

"It is never too late for a man to take revenge. Just wait for me!" As soon as the words fell,

Xu Tian started to drill directly at the ground!

Buzz buzz buzz!

The sound was huge!

It immediately attracted everyone's attention!

When they saw Xu Tian holding the sky drill in both hands, they were all stunned!

What tricks was this guy going to do?

Xu Tian's body sank deeper and deeper, and soon disappeared from the spot!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Roar whoosh!

At the same time!

The attacks of the silver needles and the strange beasts arrived!

But Xu Tian's figure had already drilled into the ground!

Everyone was stunned.(゚Д゚Three゚Д゚)乂!!!

The shocked people were numb!

Lu Shou was also dumbfounded!

He and Feng Mi came to the place where Xu Tian originally stood!

There was a deep pit here. Looking down, it was pitch black and bottomless!

The two looked at each other and seemed to understand each other's intentions!

They nodded heavily!

Thinking of this, Lu Shou summoned a huge beast to block the two!

They untied their belts and took out their little brothers!

They peed in the deep pit!

The summoned beasts beside them couldn't bear to watch it anymore and turned their faces away helplessly!


At the same time!

In the basement!

Li Qi and his companions looked at the display screen in front of them!

They were stunned!

Chen Mingzhe on the side exclaimed:

"Damn, who is this guy and why does he have so many weapons?"

"Hehe, I wonder if you can give me two of them to play with!"

Pang Tong's eyes lit up!

The same was true for the men in black behind him!




What kind of background does Xu Tian have?

How could he get so many advanced gadgets?

Just when everyone was confused!

A short man with a black box on his back said:

"Xu Tian, 18 years old, 181cm tall, 115kg in weight, F-level talent, space-related ability, tops the school in cultural subjects!

His father is the owner of the Fengyue Club, his mother is a senior leader of the Law Enforcement Department, and he has a 17-year-old sister who is in her second year of high school!"

His voice is very childish, just like a child's voice!

As soon as he said this!

Chen Mingzhe's eyes widened!

"Shit! Lu Ming, are you kidding? Fengyue Club belongs to his father! ?"

After the words fell!

It seemed to resonate with everyone present, and they were all stunned!


"I didn’t expect that this kid is actually an invisible rich second generation?"

"No way! How can this guy have the airs of a rich second generation? He's just like a loser!"

"What a coincidence! I just paid for my annual membership there!"

"I knock! Then if I please him, can I get a discount?" As soon as these words came out!

Everyone's eyes sparkled!


Unknown liquids flowed from the corners of their mouths!

Lu Ming, who was carrying a black box, smiled helplessly!

These lsp were really drunk!

But Li Qi, who was standing in the front, did not speak! He looked at the display screen with a serious expression!

Chen Mingzhe noticed that something was wrong with him! Although the captain was a bit serious at ordinary times!

He was also an lsp!

He would chat with others!

He would even take the lead in chatting!

But this time, he was surprisingly quiet, and he seemed to be worried about something

"Captain, what are you thinking about?"

After hearing this,

Li Qi came back to his senses and turned his head to ask tentatively:

"You say, is it possible for him to......Drilling into our place?" As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent!

They were all confused!

Then they all looked up at the ceiling!

Chen Mingzhe seemed to have thought of something and said in surprise:

""Shit! I actually forgot that they were fighting right above us!" As soon as he finished speaking, a huge roar was heard!

Buzz buzz buzz!


A big hole was drilled directly into the roof!

A person fell from above and hit Chen Mingzhe!

"Hiss! It hurts!......Eh? Why doesn't it hurt?"

Xu Tian stood up and rubbed his buttocks. Why didn't he feel anything?

This shouldn't be the case!

He looked down in confusion and was dumbfounded!


The author has something to say:

I have slightly revised the previous chapters today. If you are interested, you can go back and take a look. The biggest changes are...The skill 'Pan Zhoudan 29 years old' was changed to 'Come here!', the effect remains the same, only the name has changed.

Next, I would like to thank several handsome guys for their targeted poverty alleviation. Their names are listed below, so don't accuse me of wasting words!

Finally, I beg for five-star praise! Urge for more! Follow up reading! Free small gifts!

(`・ω・´)So sour!

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