Seeing this,

Feng Mi wanted to dodge, but was surprised to find......

His body was out of control!

He could only watch the hundreds of silver needles shooting at him!

Feng Mi's face showed a horrified expression!

It's over!

Am I really going to die? No!

I haven't been a dragon rider yet!

I haven't experienced the joy of love yet!

I won't give up!

And at this critical moment!

A huge frog fell from the sky, stretched out its tongue and directly rolled Feng Mi away!

The next moment!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh--!

All those silver needles shot on the wall, buzzing and trembling, showing how powerful they are!

Xu Tian was also stunned for a moment!


There are accomplices!

Xu Tian looked up and looked at the figure on the frog not far away!

He was sitting cross-legged, also wearing a red cloak, and there was a long scar on his forehead!

At this time, Feng Mi's body had recovered as before!

But he still looked frightened!

Because what happened just now was too outrageous!

Suddenly he teleported!

And his body was controlled!

It was so sudden!

So confusing!

Isn't this guy a space type?

Why can he control his body?

Could it be dual powers?

No, no, no!


Absolutely impossible!

From ancient times to the present, except for that saint, there has basically been no dual powers!

Feng Mi's mind was full of thoughts! On the other side, Xu Tian frowned and asked:

"Does this frog rinse its mouth after eating insects? Doesn’t it think it’s dirty?"

Feng Mi:"......."

【Resentment value from Feng Mi +666!】

【Resentment from Hu Shou +999! 】

Hu Shou?

This must be the one on the frog's head!

And at this moment!

The system's prompt sounded suddenly!

【Congratulations! Congratulations! A large number of strange beasts have been detected around the host! We've made a fortune! We've made a fortune!

Hearing this, Xu Tian was stunned for a moment! He looked around!

He saw a dense crowd of strange beasts walking out of the fog and appearing in the sight of several people!

A mountain of beasts and a sea of beasts!

There was no end in sight!

And there were many kinds!







And so on.......


Only what you can't think of!

There is nothing he is not present!

Xu Tian couldn't help but brighten up!

Oh my!

How can this be a densely packed beast?

It's clearly a densely packed points!

Xu Tian was so excited that his whole body was shaking!

His action!

In Feng Mi's eyes, he thought he was scared!

"Hehe! Boy, surrender obediently, and I will let you die happily!"

Xu Tian ignored him!

His body teleported to the side of Fan Jian and the other two!

He whispered:

"We will divide these beasts equally. I will fight for half and you three will fight for the other half!"

Fan Jian(ΩДΩ)!!?

Mu Wanqing...(,,•₃•,,)Kuomie???

Nie Yu(ಥ_ಥ)???

They were all stunned when they heard this!

Did your PE teacher teach you math?

What a tie!

"Hehe!" Xu Tian smiled awkwardly!

Fan Jian and the other two were also somewhat helpless!

Is this a serious illness?

And they are still scrambling to kill strange beasts?

What are they doing?

Can they kill monsters and get equipment?

It's totally funny!

Mu Wanqing frowned and looked at Xu Tian worriedly:

"With so many strange beasts, can you handle it?"

Although she and Xu Tian had only known each other for a few days, and their relationship had not reached this level, but!

There was one thing that still needed Xu Tian's help!

Naturally, she didn't want Xu Tian to die early!

If he passed away by then, who would she turn to for help?

Hearing this, Xu Tian's face became serious:"Don't ask a man if he can do it! Asking is a punishment!"

Mu Wanqing:"......"

She was full of confusion? ? ?

What did she mean?

Xu Tian didn't want to teach the little girl a bad lesson, so he didn't say anything more!

His sparkling eyes looked at the strange beasts that were constantly approaching!



The screen is full of points!


Xu Tian couldn't help but smile!

Not far in front of him, Lü Shou, who was sitting on the frog, frowned in confusion!

Something is wrong!

Why didn't this guy follow the script?

Shouldn't he be nervous?

Why is he still eager to try?

Could it be.........

Are you scared?...This is the only explanation!

Suddenly, Lu Shou closed his eyes, made hand seals, and said:

"Myriad Beasts...Attack!"

The voice was very low!

But it was transmitted to the ears of many strange beasts like an imperial decree!

And it was firmly imprinted in their brains! As soon as these words came out!

The eyes of the strange beasts were confused for a moment, and then they became violent!

Subconsciously, they all obeyed the order very obediently!

The momentum on their bodies suddenly increased!

Disrupting the surrounding magnetic field!

A violent storm was generated, washing Xu Tian's body!

Xu Tian covered his face with a frying pan and cursed:

"Wind down, if my face gets scratched, you have to pay the full cost of the cosmetic surgery! I haven't paid enough years for my insurance yet!"

Lu Shou:"......"

【Resentment from Lv Shou +666! 】

Listening to the system prompt in his mind!

Xu Tian roughly figured it out!

This Lv Shou should be a summoner with a special ability!

He can sign a contract with creatures from other planes and summon them to be free fighters at any time!

And from the fact that he can control so many beasts at the same time, it can be seen that.......

His realm must be high!

But it seems that something is suppressing everyone's realm!

Lv Shou's realm is also severely suppressed!

Correspondingly, the realm of those summoned beasts at this time is not their own strength!

Although the enemy is numerous and we are few, Xu Tian did not feel afraid!

Turning his head, he said:

"I hope you can still live, but if you can't, don't force yourself. I can transport the body back. Just treat me to a feast!"

Fan Jian and the other two:"......"

(o^-^)Go to the corpse~''☆ミ☆ミ

【Resentment value from Fan Jian +333!】

【Resentment value from Nie Yu +666!】

【Mu Wanqing's resentment value +999!

Good fellow!

You curse us to death?

And you still want to have a feast?

How about we invite you to eat Nether Flower Cake in the underworld?

"I hope you can hold on to your breath, and it won’t be too late to treat me to a meal before leaving!"

Fan Jian couldn’t bear this anger, so he directly said.

Xu Tian:"......"

Young man!

You have a promising future!

Xu Tian smiled and said nothing more!

He teleported to the right side of the herd of strange beasts not far away!

Xu Tian said with a grim smile on his face:


"Welcome to my world, dear little beasts!"


The author has something to say:

I just glanced at the gift list and was surprised to find...Three brothers actually gave me gifts! This is the first time someone gave me gifts! I am so happy!

I have received your kindness! Special thanks again to Taigu who loves to eat raw roasted river tiger’、‘Nine Three’、‘Ahem. I'm down here.......Cao Ze' The three generals are doing a good job in poverty alleviation!

The boss is generous!

Of course, I also want to thank all the readers for their support!

So I thought about it for three seconds and decided......

I will sleep less tomorrow and add another chapter!!!

ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )Heart...

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