The door closed again!

Because Chen Mingzhe had brought in a desk lamp before!

So there was still some light in the small dark room!

"Hey! Were you two also captured here?"

Sheniu's Fan Jian asked curiously out of boredom.

However, both of them glanced at him and ignored him!

The cold woman closed her eyes and sat cross-legged at the foot of the wall!

The feminine man sat at the other end, lying on his side and pretending to sleep!

"Damn! What are you so proud of?"

Fan Jian curled his lips in disdain!

"Boy, I advise you to swallow this sentence and say it again!"

A feminine voice sounded!

It was the man with the phoenix eyes who said it!

His name is......Nie Yu!

"Hey! Boy, you are quite arrogant! How about a fight?"

Fan Jian stood up, rolled up his sleeves, and looked excited!

He has been here for at least 2 days! He hasn't done anything for two days!

It's inevitable that he feels a little itchy!

""Ha! What a vulgar man!"

Nie Yu glanced at him with disdain and stroked his flowing hair!

"I'm too lazy to argue with you!"

"Hey! I'm really angry!"

Fan Jian took a step forward and pounced on him!

Nie Yu was also shocked!

He thought Fan Jian was just bragging, but he didn't expect him to be serious?

He quickly dodged sideways!

Fan Jian missed, but his eyes became brighter!

The less I can get!

The more I am interested!

Thinking so!

His eyes were like a hungry wolf seeing food, and he pounced on it directly!


At this moment, the door was opened again!

Chen Mingzhe walked in with a black face and shouted:

"What are you doing! Stop flailing around! I'll sue you for disturbing the public!"

Fan Jian:"......"

Nie Yu:"......"


Disturbing the public?

Why are you illegally detaining people?

"If you make such a loud noise again, I will use Feather to serve you!"

Chen Mingzhe said with a gloomy face.

Then he closed the door!

Fan Jian snorted!

But he didn't flutter again!

He sat cross-legged on the spot and began to close his eyes to rest!

None of the four spoke!

The small dark room fell into silence again!...........

In a spiritual realm!

The sky here is as dark as ink sprinkled on rice paper, and from time to time there are a few lightning snakes galloping, raising ripples of dark clouds!

The air is filled with a bloody smell that ordinary people cannot bear!

On the ground, blood flows like a river, and corpses are everywhere!

Many corpses lie with their eyes wide open, their eyes full of reluctance and anger!

In an open space not far away, a figure wearing golden armor stands, with long hair down to the waist and a pretty figure!

But if you get closer, you will find that she exudes an invisible power!

If Xu Tian is there!

He will recognize.......

She was the woman who tricked him into going to Lingyin Academy!

Ji Feihong!

Opposite her, there was a huge figure as big as a tall building!

A lion's head, a leopard's body, and a snake's tail!

This created its strange shape!

Suddenly, his huge mouth opened, and a voice came out from it.......

"Human, you are crying"

"No! Everyone must die, their death is as heavy as Mount Tai, it is not unjust."

The woman's cold voice came out!

"Haha, they are just the shrimp soldiers and crab generals you sent to die, and you still talk so noble? Hypocritical human beings!"

"The meaning of death......This is something that you beasts who don't know what knowledge is cannot understand!"


The beast roared!

The sound waves vibrated the space, creating waves that attacked Ji Feihong!

However, Ji Feihong's expression remained unchanged, only her hair was lifted in the air!

"It really is......"Beast!"

After saying that!

Ji Feihong took a step forward and crushed the ground!

She clenched her right fist and attacked the huge face of the beast!

Her thin body formed a sharp contrast with the huge beast!

Seeing this, the beast also raised its leopard paw!

The two, one big and one small, collided in the void!

There were bursts of roaring sounds!

The surrounding earth cracked, the space trembled, and there were faint signs of destroying the spiritual realm!

The two sides borrowed strength from each other!


Bombarded again! Bang!——!..........

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, six days have passed!

China is peaceful!

Very peaceful!


Far away on the other side of the ocean, the situation is not so good in the United States!

In recent days!

Social order is in chaos!

There are frequent incidents of malicious awakeners wantonly injuring people in public places!

And it continues to ferment on the Internet!

Coupled with the weakness and incompetence of the local government!

For a time!

All the focus on the news is on the United States!

Deeply condemned by various countries!..........

Xu Tian, who was locked in the small dark room, had no idea about these things!

In these six days!

The Lingyin Army never sent in a drop of water or a grain of rice!

Fan Jian rolled over with hunger!

No matter whether he knocked on the door loudly!

Or jumped around in the room!

Making loud noises!

No one cared!

This abnormality made Xu Tian frown slightly!


Whenever Fan Jian made a louder sound!

Chen Mingzhe would come in and scold him!

But now Fan Jian was going to tear down the house!

There was no movement outside!

This was not normal!

""Men, don't be so rude!"

Nie Yu's feminine voice reached Fan Jian's ears!

Fan Jian, who was already very angry, was worried about not having a sandbag to hit!

After hearing Nie Yu's words, he became even more irritable!

"Hey! You little brat, you still dare to talk, I have been enduring you for a long time.....It's been a long time!"

He rolled up his sleeves and rushed to give him a few big fights!

They have been staying in the small dark room all the time!

There is no clock!

No meal time!

No work!

So basically they can't feel the passage of time!

They don't know how much time has passed!

On the side!

Xu Tian grabbed the impulsive Fan Jian and frowned and asked:

"Fan Jian, do you feel......A bit abnormal?"


Hearing this, Fan Jian touched his chin!

In fact, he had thought of a possibility before!

But he directly passed it up!

The Lingyin Army is so powerful!

Could it be attacked by surprise?

And now, he is so hungry! He was so hungry that he lost his mind!

After Fan Jian pondered, he looked at Xu Tian and asked:

"It's a bit abnormal, so...what should we do?"

"Go straight ahead!"


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