Bai Xiaoxiao on the side was stunned!


You can just watch Douyin!

Why did you post it?

What's going on?

And why did you put me on camera?

Xu Tian turned off his phone!

Looking at Bai Xiaoxiao's puzzled expression!

He grinned and said,"Of course it's to attract likes and increase followers! You are so beautiful! I am so handsome! A man and a woman work together! It's not tiring!"

Bai Xiaoxiao:"......"

She rolled her eyes silently!

But, this little mouth is quite sweet!

Bai Xiaoxiao glared at Xu Tian fiercely again, and then went back to her seat!

When she turned around, a happy arc appeared at the corner of her mouth!

Everyone around was stunned!

What is going on?

Bai Gaoleng’s cold school beauty is going to be kidnapped by Xu Tian?

The girls are all full of peach blossoms!

A face full of infatuation!

This couple! Bow first to show respect!

And the boys were wailing in their hearts!

Cabbages are going to be eaten by pigs?


It hurts!

It hurts too much!

Our goddess!

She’s going to be gone!

The boys glared at Xu Tian fiercely, wishing to tear him into pieces. Seeing this, Xu Tian also opened his eyes wide and glared back!

"Whoever moves will be a bald donkey!"


Do you want to do this?

You're still a fucking bald donkey?

Why don't you say whoever touches that is a cuckold?

What a talent! You don't even help an old lady crossing the road, I admire you!

And just at this moment.

Wang Yuanfeng walked in!

He looked at the scene of many boys staring at each other!

He couldn't help but froze in place!

What kind of style do these people have?

Quite unique!

Wang Yuanfeng crossed his arms and said:"What's the matter! Are you all starting to flirt with each other?"

"Did you create a spark of love in the void?"


There were no sparks!

But there was a lot of dust in my eyes!


Give you a hundred million points?

Seeing that Wang Yuanfeng had already walked to the podium, everyone returned to their seats in disappointment! Only

Wang Yuanfeng and Xu Tian were left standing in the class!

Wang Yuanfeng asked with a puzzled look on his face:"Xu Tian, why are you still standing here?"

Xu Tian glanced around and said:"A bunch of bald donkeys!"

After that, he sat back in his seat with a look of disdain!


Wang Yuanfeng:"......"

He looked confused.( *⊙~⊙) ???

What does it mean? Why don't I understand?

Am I too old? Can't keep up with the trend of the times?

Is there a generation gap?

Many doubts lingered in Wang Yuanfeng's mind!


The class bell has already rung!

If I don't attend class and get reported, my salary will be deducted!

A serious expression appeared on his face:

"Attend class!"

"stand up!"

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello classmates!"

"sit down!"

"Thank you, teacher!"

(。◕ᴗ◕I don't have any water, I'm just helping you reminisce about school days! )......

"As we all know! It has been more than 500 years since the spiritual energy of Blue Star was revived!"

"The awakening of superpowers! The advent of the space gate! The invasion of aliens!"

"It motivates us to keep moving forward!"


"Through the efforts of our ancestors, China has become one of the most powerful countries in the world!"

"We are no longer as afraid of foreign races and the covetous eyes of other countries as we were in the past!"

"You should all be familiar with the deeds of those predecessors! I won’t mention them any more!"

"Today I'm going to talk about...."

"The general types and habits of alien races!"

On the podium, Wang Yuanfeng's face was full of seriousness!

His palms were stroking back and forth!

The students present were all fascinated by it!

They wanted to continue listening!

They couldn't help themselves!

Even the not-so-serious Xu Tian rarely made trouble!

He supported his head with one hand and stared at Wang Yuanfeng intently!

Very seriously!

And Wang Hu saw Xu Tian who was listening to the class seriously in a daze, and couldn't help but said in surprise:

"Brother Xu, you actually attended the class?"

Xu Tian did not make any other moves after hearing this. He just stared at Wang Yuanfeng and said:

"Listening to the class? Even dogs don't listen! I'm just thinking....So where did the 90% of the money from selling the books go?"

Wang Hu:"......"

His face was full of confusion!


What notebook?

But he was heartless and didn't care too much!

He turned his head and continued to sleep!

You talk! I sleep! Don't interfere with each other!

Wang Yuanfeng paused and continued:

"First, let's talk about the relatively large and extremely common alien species......."

"The alien beast tribe!"

"The venue of your city competition, the [Wild Boar Forest] spiritual realm, is the territory of the alien beast tribe!"

"The alien beast tribe was also divided into numerous small populations!"

"The creatures of the alien beast tribe, relatively speaking, have low IQs! But their physical strength is extremely powerful!"

"I believe you all have a deep understanding of this!"

Hearing this, the students all nodded in agreement!


Wang Yuanfeng nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"They often move in groups! They are violent and manic by nature! All beasts above the silver level have innate skills.’!"

"So the best way to defeat them is...Sneak attack!"

"If you can fight, fight! If you can’t fight, run away!"

"Don't be too aggressive! Otherwise, you might become its poop!..."

As soon as these words came out, many students burst into laughter!

"Absolutely amazing! Absolutely amazing!"

"A piece of shit! I was stunned for a moment! Hahaha!"

"Too cool! Lao Wang has figured out the homophony!"

"You are the best successor to socialism!"


There was a lot of heated discussion around!

Wang Yuanfeng did not interrupt!

He just watched with a smile in his eyes. He taught in such an entertaining way!

It would be better to remember!

Maybe because of this class, someone's life could be saved!

And Xu Tian frowned tightly!

A face full of confusion!

Seeing this, Wang Yuanfeng said:"Xu Tian, do you have any doubts?"

Xu Tian nodded solemnly:"That shit......Will dogs eat it?"

Wang Yuanfeng:"......"

Students bought:"......."

Will dogs eat it?

Damn! What a weird question!

What kind of brain circuit is this?

Wang Yuanfeng was also choked!

Why am I so mean!

Why am I asking him?

Am I not a pure enemy?

Wang Yuanfeng smiled and said:

"I don’t know if dogs will eat it!"

"But if you say one more word, I will feed you!"

Xu Tian:"......"

Then I leave?


Author's words:

I will be making my debut after this chapter!

I am a new author and I am asking for five-star reviews online! Please update! Bookshelf! Free gifts!

I hope you will continue to write with good results!

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~Crab!

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