This is not over yet!

Xu Tian took advantage of the victory and hit the man in the face with a punch!

He was knocked unconscious!

He fell straight to the ground!

The remaining five people were stunned!

This...What kind of boxing is this?

It's so strong!

The most important thing is, this boxing is too shameless!

And there is no pattern at all!

"How is it? Do you want to fight again?"

Xu Tian stepped on one of the people and asked the remaining five people.

The five people all shook their heads!


Xu Tian just pretended not to see it!

"Fight, right? Good! That's just what I want!"

Five people:"......"

Calling a deer a horse?

This is indeed...


The five of them quickly gathered together, fearing that they would be defeated one by one by Xu Tian!

Xu Tian didn't care at all!

He slid over and a younger brother fell down!

Then he swung his leg!

Another one fell down!

The remaining three!

Xu Tian used different methods to knock them down one by one!

Kick in the stomach! Hammer in the nose!

Pull the hair!

In the blink of an eye!

All seven of them fell down!

And all of them fell into a coma!

Of course!

Counting Liu Quan!

Eight people lay on the ground together!

Xu Tian clenched his fists and looked at Chen Zhiyuan who was trembling not far away

"The whole family must be in good order. What? Do you do it by yourself? Or should I help you?"

Chen Zhiyuan's eyes condensed, and his aura suddenly burst out! He was using supernatural powers!

He suddenly took a step forward!

Attacking Xu Tian!

"Damn! You can’t afford to play! You actually use supernatural powers? Then don’t force me to be cruel!"

Xu Tian silently said in his heart:

"Crows are on a plane!"

After saying that!

Xu Tian's figure disappeared instantly!

At the same time!

Chen Zhiyuan found that his spiritual power seemed to be restricted all of a sudden!

His body was frozen in place!

He looked confused!

""Ha ha ha! Get ready to die!" Xu Tian's voice came from the sky!

Chen Zhiyuan looked up, his pupils suddenly shrank!

He wanted to escape!

But his body was completely out of control! He couldn't move at all!

He could only watch Xu Tian's big butt approaching!


With the effect of increasing weight 10 times!

Chen Jizhi was directly crushed!

Xu Tian stood up!

Looking down at Chen Zhiyuan, he sighed:

"Last time I beat someone up, I did it again!"

Xu Tian took out a pineapple phone from his crotch and called the Law Enforcement Department!

He told the address of this place and hung up the phone!

Xu Tian looked around with a puzzled look on his face.

"Why is it so quiet?"

The surroundings were completely silent!

Except for Xu Tian's puzzled voice, there was no other sound!

Because everyone was stunned!

He defeated nine people by himself?

And he did it with his bare hands!

What's more amazing is that he can actually teleport!?

Everyone around witnessed it with their own eyes!

Xu Tian suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then appeared above Chen Zhiyuan!

A fatal blow!




"Wow! Hello, Master!"

He Yunhui rushed into Xu Tian's arms again!

She raised her head and looked at him with stars in her eyes!

It was like looking at an idol!

Xu Tian smiled easily,"Search easy thief!"

But the people present were not calm!

They all looked at Xu Tian with a dull look!


Suddenly, someone said:

"Damn! He seems to be the champion of this city competition, the space-based supernatural awakener from Gou Bayi Middle School..."Xu Tian!" As soon as these words came out, everyone's memories were instantly evoked!

They remembered the person on TV a few days ago, and it was him!

"Really? I actually saw a living space system!"

"I'm so numb!"

"It is indeed the rarest supernatural power in the world! It is really amazing!"

"Simply invincible!"

"Eh!....The book seems to be different from the real thing!"

After the words fell,

Xu Tian's mouth twitched fiercely!

No way! It's been so long!

There are still people talking about this matter?

How many copies did Lao Wang sell?

The audience is quite wide!

The people around were also stunned for a moment!

After thinking carefully!...Book! They instantly became excited again!

They all gathered around that person!


"I’ll give you 10,000! Sell it to me!"

Xu Tian:"......"

He looked at the young man who had spoken before with a gloomy look!

Young man!

I advise you to be kind!......


The people from the Law Enforcement Department arrived!

The red and blue lights of the police car flashed alternately!

A middle-aged man with a square face got out of the car!

Xu Tian happened to be at the door to meet him!

Seeing the newcomer, Xu Tian greeted him warmly:

"Uncle Li! You're here!"

"Hey! Xiaotian? Why are you here?"Li Peng was stunned for a moment!

Xu Tian scratched his head:"Because it was me who called!"

Li Peng:"......"

""You are not hurt?" he asked concernedly.

This person is a colleague of his mother Hua Mulan!

Because Xu Tian often went to the Law Enforcement Department when he was a child!

So he got along well there!

"Uncle Li, I'm fine, they're just a few hooligans!"

Xu Tian waved his hand!

Then he took Li Peng and the others in!

When Li Peng saw the scene in front of him, he froze in place!

The team members who followed him were also dumbfounded!

There were many figures lying on the ground!

And everyone's face was in pain!

Some covered their crotch with their hands! Some inserted two fingers into their nostrils!

Some were hunched over like shrimps!

They were all in a very embarrassed state!

Li Peng walked forward!

After taking a look at the injuries of several people, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

Li Peng was surprised and said:"Xiaotian, did you beat all these?"

Xu Tian said:"Yes!"

Li Peng asked in confusion:"What's the reason?"

Xu Tian said with a righteous face:"He scared my girlfriend! I was defending myself! I accidentally knocked him down!"

Li Peng:"......"

Bai Xiaoxiao:"......"

But when she heard Xu Tian call her his girlfriend, she couldn't help but glare at him in reproach!

Xu Tian winked at her!

Follow my lead!

Bai Xiaoxiao:"......"

How come it's like Mission Impossible?

Li Peng turned his head and glanced at Bai Xiaoxiao, and was also momentarily amazed!

"I didn't expect that! Xiaotian, you have good taste!"

""Hehe!" Xu Tian laughed.

Then, he pointed at Chen Zhiyuan and said:

"Uncle Li, this guy couldn't beat me! He even used his supernatural powers in public! And then I punished him!"

"Use supernatural powers?"Li Peng was shocked!

You know!

Chinese law has regulations!

In public, no one is allowed to use supernatural powers!

Violators will be severely punished!

Li Peng looked in the direction of Xu Tian's finger!

At a glance, he saw Chen Zhiyuan lying on the ground in a mess.

He walked to his side!

Crouched down!

His brows were tightly furrowed!

"This person seems to be..."

"......Strong rice on the run!"


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