The originally oppressive atmosphere was broken by Xu Tian!

Wang Yuanfeng took a deep breath! He coughed twice and said,"End class early!"

After saying that, he walked away swaying from side to side!

His face was full of black lines!

I was convinced!

Was this Xu Tian my deskmate in my previous life?

Really a pair of happy enemies! ?......

In the classroom,

Xu Tian was surrounded by people!

"Xu Tian, I kneel down! Can you accept me as your apprentice?"

"Tsk! No sincerity at all!"

""Father Xu Tian! I am your son!"

The man knelt down immediately after saying this!

_(ÒωÓ๑ゝ∠)_Look at me!


Xu Tian:"......"

Where did my son come from?

Did he come from a trash can?

From an orphanage?

For free when I topped up my phone?

Or did he come with the toilet cleaner?


At this moment,

Bai Xiaoxiao walked up to Xu Tian and whispered:

"Xu Tian, are you free tonight?"

"Yes! Of course! Haha, there is time!"

Xu Tian was stunned at first, then he came to his senses in an instant!

In the evening?

There must be time!

Bai Xiaoxiao said:"Huihui said she wants to treat you to a meal!"

Xu Tian's face was full of peach blossoms:"Great, great!"

Two beauties are invited! Don't go?

That would be so rude! Polite!

China has been known as a country of etiquette for 5,000 years since ancient times!

As a good young man of the new era, Xu Tian must inherit traditional etiquette!

Bai Xiaoxiao said:"Then don't leave after school, wait for me!"

Xu Tian made an OK gesture:"ojbk!"

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded and left!

Time passed quickly, and it was time to go home from school in the afternoon!

""Xu Tian! Here!"

At the school gate, Bai Xiaoxiao waved to Xu Tian!

Xu Tian hurried forward!

He looked around!

"Why are you alone? Where's Huihui?"

"She's waiting for us in the restaurant!"

Bai Xiaoxiao was wearing a white dress and looked beautiful!

""Let's go! Get in the car!"

She opened the door behind her and pointed inside.

Xu Tian hadn't noticed it just now, but when he saw it now, he couldn't help but be shocked!

""Fuck! Poison!"

The sports car behind Bai Xiaoxiao was the limited edition Lamborghini Veneno!

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and sat in the driver's seat!

""How old are you?" Xu Tian couldn't help but ask curiously.

Upon hearing this, Bai Xiaoxiao's face turned red!

"you...You pervert!"

""Ah? I asked you how old you are!"

Seeing that she had misunderstood, Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help but blush with embarrassment!

"I...I'm 18!"

"Oh! Then I feel relieved!"

If I don't have a driver's license, if I get caught, I will definitely go to the police station for a drink!

Xu Tian opened the butterfly door and sat in it directly!

This feeling...


Bai Xiaoxiao stepped on the accelerator and started it!

Boom boom boom!

The cool model of Lamborghini Veneno shocked the passers-by!

Usually, they can only see some sports cars on the Internet. Where have they seen sports cars in real life?


What kind of family can afford a sports car?

It only has two seats! It also consumes a lot of fuel!

The most important thing is that they are short of money!

New stuff! First time seeing it!

They all took out their mobile phones and took pictures!

""Xiaoxiao, you should actually drive a more ordinary car. This car is too dazzling!" Xu Tian said kindly.

Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of doubts!

"My dad said that this one is the cheapest one! He was even planning to throw it away!"

Xu Tian:"......"

Damn! Rich woman!

I have bad teeth!

Want to live off me!

Xu Tian looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with shining eyes!

Just like the big bad wolf seeing Little Red Riding Hood!

Full of hunger and thirst!

Bai Xiaoxiao's body froze when he was looked at!

He couldn't help but raise his hand, and then put it down silently!

I really want to give him a big slap!


I'm a lady! I have to be reserved!

My personality can't collapse!

Bai Xiaoxiao clenched her fists, making a crackling sound!

Xu Tian:"......" or....

I'll dig my eyeballs out to cheer you up?

Suddenly, Xu Tian seemed to have thought of something and suddenly untied his belt!

He was groping for something in his crotch!

Bai Xiaoxiao was stunned watching from the side!

"Ahhhhhh! Pervert!"

She screamed loudly and threw the car cleaning rag at Xu Tian's face!

Xu Tian:"......"

He silently took out the pineapple phone from his crotch!

Then he took the rag off his face with a confused look on his face!

He looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with his eyes wide open!


His eyes were full of confusion!

What are you doing?

I'm not Sister Li!

I just took out a cell phone!

It's fine if you hit me! But you even called me a pervert?

This is so unfair!

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at the phone in Xu Tian's hand and was stunned for a moment!

Then her face turned red instantly!

Like a ripe peach, it felt like you could squeeze out juice!

Bai Xiaoxiao looked shy and asked:

"you...Why did you put your phone there?"

Xu Tian said:"It's safe!"

゛(‘◇’)?Bai Xiaoxiao:"......"


It's indeed safe!

It's just a bit embarrassing!

Bai Xiaoxiao pouted and looked straight ahead!

Xu Tian opened Douyin and typed"How to eat gigolo?" in the search bar!


Many related videos appeared on the screen!

Xu Tian looked at it carefully, sighing and smacking his lips as he watched!

"Well! This method is good! But it makes my brother suffer!"

"As for this?...A bit expensive!"

"Hey~ It's not easy to do!"

Xu Tian's voice attracted Bai Xiaoxiao's attention!

Bai Xiaoxiao glanced at him casually!

Her beautiful eyes suddenly widened!

She turned around and pretended not to see it!

The car was very quiet all the way!

Bai Xiaoxiao drove 'concentrated'!

Xu Tian was studying the method in the video carefully!

Twenty minutes later......

A small barbecue restaurant.

Bai Xiaoxiao and Xu Tian got off the car together!

Xu Tian leaned on���The roof of the car, with a flower branch in his mouth that came from nowhere! He looks like a loser!

Bai Xiaoxiao next to him is smart and cute!

The two of them standing together formed a sharp contrast!

It's like beauty and the beast!

Of course!

The beast here can be replaced by a loser!

"Brother Xu! Here!"

Wang Hu walked forward and looked at Xu Tian with a smile on his face!

"Hey! Huzi, you are here too?" Xu Tian asked in surprise

"Sister Xiaoxiao asked me to come!"

Led by Wang Hu, the two walked into the barbecue restaurant!

This barbecue restaurant looked very ordinary, even a little shabby!

There were not many diners!

There were still many empty seats!

As soon as they entered the door, they saw He Yunhui, who was smiling and chatting with the shop owner!

She was wearing a plaid short-sleeved shirt and denim shorts today! She looked smart and lively!

When she turned her head and saw Xu Tian, her eyes lit up!

She flew over directly!

She shouted loudly:



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