"Look at you, you really taught your sister bad things."

Xu Shimei scolded with a look of disappointment.

But at this moment.


A crisp sound rang out.

At the same time, accompanied by an angry word

"You old bitch, you actually dared to hit my son, don’t you want to stay in this family anymore!"

Hua Mulan slapped Xu Shimei on the head!

"Wife...I was wrong."

Xu Shimei quickly admitted his mistake, and pulled out a keyboard from under the sofa, bent his legs, and knelt on it!

"Humph! That's more like it."

Hua Mulan snorted coldly,"I'll spare your life this time, but if it happens again, I'll make you paralyzed in bed, unable to walk!"

Xu Tian:"......"

Xu Xiaotang:"......"

Ah this...

Is this something we can listen to at our age?

"cough cough..."

At this time, Hua Mulan also noticed the reactions of Xu Tian and the others, and couldn't help but cough twice in embarrassment.

"Go! Let's cook! Let's make okra stewed with wolfberry! Give the children some nourishment"


Xu Shimei stood up and ran away.

He was afraid that there would be another prison transfer!........... ten minutes later...

Four people sitting at the dinner table

"Son, it’s almost time for you to have the city competition, right?"

"Tomorrow morning at 9:00 am, Punta Plaza...All the senior high school students in the city will enter the spiritual realm together to take the test!"

Xu Tianbian said vaguely while stuffing okra into his mouth....

It is an existence that has descended on Blue Star since the resurrection of spiritual energy! It looks like a giant gate with a small world inside. It connects Blue Star and the alien plane.

Hundreds of years ago, the aliens invaded Blue Star through it!

It is equivalent to a space tunnel!

"Huh? Brother, are you going to participate in the city competition tomorrow?"

"Of course I attended"

"Then you must inform me before you die, I am going to have a feast!"

Xu TianΣ(⊙▽⊙"a!! ?

Damn it! ?

I'm still here!

You're just thinking about the feast! ?

If I really die!

Won't all the gift money be embezzled by you?

Hey! I won't die!

"Humph! Want to have a feast? Not that easy! I have awakened a really awesome talent skill!"

"Huh? Isn't your talent rating F? Why did you awaken your talent skills?"

Talent skills...

Refers to the skills that the body awakens on its own!

Matching with one's own superpowers!

It can release extremely powerful power!

But generally speaking!

Talented skills are only awakened by those with higher levels of superpower talents!

It's no exaggeration to say!

Xu Tian's F-level trash talent! Not to mention awakening talent skills! Even improving the realm is difficult!

The probability of awakening talent skills is even lower than the nanometer level!

Mathematically it is called an 'impossible event'!

Of course!

Xu Tian naturally did not awaken talent skills! This is just a cover for the skills he rewarded by the system!

This is much more awesome than talent skills!

Pleasant Goat in the guise of Lazy Goat!

Xu Tian smiled!

"Damn! You don't understand my height!"

"What do you think? Do you want to see me show off my skills?"

Although Xu Xiaotang didn't like Xu Tian's annoying tone, she was still very curious and nodded frantically!

"Think about it!"

"Well, then you better open your 24k pure gold Kazilan eyes and watch carefully!"

Xu Tian stood up directly!

With one foot on the chair!

He hooked his finger at Xu Shimei! With a rogue look on his face, he said:"Come here!" As soon as the words fell!


Xu Shimei, who was originally sitting at his seat to eat, disappeared instantly!

He appeared at the door of the bedroom not far away!

Xu Shimei's neck twisted smoothly!


He directly hit the wooden door and made a big human-shaped hole!

Xu Xiaotang and Hua Mulan's eyes were about to pop out!


What just happened?

How did Xu Tian teleport Xu Shimei away? ?


Xu Xiaotang can do it!

I don’t think it’s strange!

What’s wrong with SS-level talents having some privileges?

Any opinions? If you have any opinions, keep them to yourself!

As long as he doesn’t die halfway! He will definitely be a giant!

Sweeping across the world!

The pillar of China!

And what about Xu Tian!

It’s okay to have an F-level talent! His realm is only a one-star scrap metal!

The difference between the two is not just one point!

It’s billions!

Could it be that the rare space system in the world also has privileges?

Xu Xiaotang rushed over!

Hugging Xu Tian’s thigh!

_(ÒωÓ๑ゝ∠)_Kneel down!

"Brother! Don’t forget me when you become rich and powerful!"

Xu Tian(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ It's no big deal~

Everything is easy!

Three seconds later...

"I’m so scared! Xu Tian, you little brat! Tell me the truth! How much did you pay for the cheat? Give some to your daddy too!"

Xu Shimei rubbed the big bump on his forehead!

He cried out!

It hurts so much!

Although it’s a wooden door! But it’s still a door!

Xu Tian grinned and pointed in the direction of the bedroom.

Xu Shimei was stunned:"What’s wrong with the bedroom? Is there a treasure?"

Xu Tian:"No way!"

Xu Shimei(((;꒪ꈊ꒪;)))???

"Hey! So what if you are capable?"

Xu Shimei rushed over and hugged Xu Tian's shoulders:"It's still my son who smashed it!"

Xu Tian rolled his eyes helplessly!

If you have the guts, wait and see in 18 years!

See who is the father!

Xu Shimei looked proud:"With a son like this, what else can I ask for?"

Xu Tian:"I think you are a Xinqiu!" (Xinqiu is a dialect, meaning... a person with a serious brain disease)

Xu Shimei (((゚Д゚))) ???

His face was full of question marks?

Sex ball? What the hell?

Is it a kind of ball?

Xu Tian found something wrong and quickly covered his mouth!


He accidentally spoke the native dialect of Earth! He was careless!

Xu Tian broke free from Xu Shimei's clutches!

"Okay! I'm going back to my bedroom to watch an English movie to develop my sense of the language. Please don't disturb me!"

"Let's watch it together!"

Xu Shimei gave him a look that showed he understood him!

Xu Tianquan ignored it as if it was a dog barking!

He returned to his room!

"Open the system store!"

Tomorrow's city competition is crucial!

I must first buy a handy weapon for self-defense!

【Product 1: Skill Clip Sound!】

【Product 2: JK uniform with Barry family black stockings!】

【Product 3: Splatoon Pills!】

【Product 4: The butcher knife of time!】

【......(Click to view all)]

There are all kinds of goods, all kinds of things! Food, clothing, housing, transportation! Everything is included!

There is nothing it doesn't sell except what you can't think of!

Xu Tian looked through it for a long time but couldn't find the bottom!

But most of the goods are gray!

I don't have enough authority!

I can't buy it now!

Xu Tian browsed in the system store for a long time and finally found....

I can only afford the Years Killing Knife worth 250 points!

I never thought!

I was a poor bastard in my previous life, but I was born into a wealthy family in this life!

Now I have to worry about the points of the system!


Life is unpredictable, and the big intestines are wrapped in the small intestines!

It has become an iron law of nature!


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