The sound...


Thoroughly so!

Even Bai Xiaoxiao, who was thousands of meters away, could hear it clearly!

""Xiaoxiao, what's that sound?" asked He Yunhui, her best friend, puzzledly.

She couldn't help but tighten her arm around Bai Xiaoxiao's!

Bai Xiaoxiao frowned slightly,"It seems to be the sound of a fight?"

"Huh? Such a loud noise, is there a fight going on?"

"Maybe..."Bai Xiaoxiao said uncertainly.

Her smart eyes looked in the direction of the sound.

"Let's go and take a look."

Hearing this, He Yunhui hesitated for a moment.

Then she followed Bai Xiaoxiao and went......

Similar situations occurred in every corner of Tianshui Forest!

After all, who wouldn't be curious when there was something exciting to watch? They all gathered in the direction of Xu Tian in tacit agreement!......

These two attacks directly stunned King Kong Explosion Bear!

Although it did not break King Kong Explosion Bear's defense, the huge impact force still caused considerable damage to the bear's brain!


It roared loudly!

Very angry!

This human being, the size of an ant, actually dared to hit me!

Relying on deception! Relying on sneak attacks!

No martial ethics!

King Kong Explosion Bear swung his iron fist and suddenly smashed towards Xu Tian in mid-air!

The wind of the fist made a sound!

Like an invisible spike, it scratched several bloody marks on Xu Tian's face!

Xu Tian crossed his arms and ran spiritual power in his arms!

He tried his best to block!


It only played a little role in relieving force! The terrifying power of King Kong Explosion Bear directly smashed Xu Tian away!

Xu Tian's figure stepped back, his face was pale, and some blood was spilling from the corners of his mouth.

Seeing this, Wang Hu hurried forward to support him!

"Brother Xu, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just didn't expect this guy to be so powerful!"

Xu Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

His eyes were slightly condensed!

With his current strength, it was still a bit difficult to fight King Kong Explosive Bear alone!

Even if he won, it would be a situation where he would hurt the enemy by a thousand and lose eight hundred of his own!

But suddenly, Xu Tian seemed to think of something, and a gleam of light shone from the depths of his eyes!

He said to Wang Hu:

"Huzi, can you hold it back and wait for me?"

"ojbk! Watch me do it!"

Wang Hu nodded confidently!

The [Tigger] under his feet shone with golden light! He bent his legs and leaned forward!

Whoosh! He rushed towards King Kong Explosive Bear at lightning speed!


King Kong Explosive Bear roared when he saw this!

His bear paw took a step forward!

The ground shook three times!

But Wang Hu did not face the hard steel directly, but shuttled between the trees at will. To the naked eye, there was only a black shadow flashing!

King Kong Explosive Bear was fooled around, turning around and punching constantly, but he still couldn't hit Wang Hu!

Even his afterimage couldn't reach him!

Seeing this, Xu Tian curled his lips slightly

"System, take out the spinach!"

After the words were spoken, a spinach the size of a computer host appeared in Xu Tian's hand.

It was green all over!

【Powerful Spinach: Ten times the power! Lasts for two hours! Come with me to be Popeye! 】

Seeing this, Xu Tian's mouth twitched again!


Can't you do something serious?

System [Serious...Hmm~ Why doesn't it count?( ̄▽ ̄)~*】

Xu Tian (︶︿︶)=╭∩╮ Middle finger.


I'm really speechless....

Xu Tian didn't talk nonsense with the system anymore. The most urgent thing now was to get rid of this stupid bear first!


Xu Tian's mouth was like a human meat grinder. In the blink of an eye, he ate the spinach cleanly!

At the same time.

Xu Tian felt a warm current in his body, slowly flowing to his limbs!

Very comfortable!

In addition, the muscles on Xu Tian's arms were also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

【Name: Xu Tian】

【Realm: Peak of Scrap Nine Stars!】

【Strength: 300!!!】


At this moment!

Xu Tian felt like he had turned into a humanoid Tyrannosaurus!

And at this moment.


A sound of spitting blood sounded!

Wang Hu was seen flying backwards at a very fast speed!

And he spit out blood in the air!

It was obvious that he had suffered a serious injury!

Xu Tian's eyes condensed, and he took a step forward!

He caught Wang Hu from behind, relieved his force, and landed safely!

But Wang Hu's face was unusually pale! His lips were purple!

""Huzi, are you okay?" Xu Tian asked with concern.

Wang Hu did not speak, but waved his hand.

He sat cross-legged on the ground.

His face was full of pain that was difficult to conceal!

The punch of King Kong Explosive Bear was too fierce!

I couldn't bear it!

Seeing this, Xu Tian took out a yam as thick as a tree root from his backpack and handed it to Wang Hu with both hands.

"Here , make up for it."

Wang Hu took it, his eyes dull, even forgetting the pain....Big?

Xu Tian didn't say anything more, but turned around and looked at King Kong Explosive Bear with cold eyes!

""Stupid bear! Your whip is going to be gone!" As soon as the words fell,

Xu Tian took a step forward!

He didn't take any weapons!

He swung his right fist suddenly!


King Kong Explosion Bear didn't show weakness either, and roared!

His huge right fist also swung at Xu Tian!

The two fists collided!

There were bursts of sonic booms!


All the surrounding trees were broken in half by the strong wind!

The ground cracked!

Within a radius of fifty meters, there was no life!

Xu Tian and King Kong Explosion Bear looked at each other at the same time!

Big eyes stared at small eyes!

No one was willing to retreat!


Blast again!

This time, Xu Tian summoned the Qilin Arm!

He circulated the spiritual power in his body, and all gathered in his right arm like a tide!


The two fists collided with a huge roar!

Xu Tian had the blessing of the powerful spinach and the Qilin Arm!

As expected!

King Kong Explosion Bear was directly blown away!

His huge figure flew backwards, Xu Tian Many trees were destroyed!

Xu Tian twisted his wrist, took a step forward without pausing!

He didn't give King Kong Explosive Bear any chance to fight back!

He punched out with his right fist!







Every punch of Xu Tian hit King Kong Explosive Bear firmly on his body!

One wrong step!

Every wrong step!

King Kong Explosive Bear was at a disadvantage in the initial fight, and now he didn't even have a chance to stand up!

He could only use his arms to protect the bear's head!

Thick skin and flesh!

Xu Tian couldn't kill him for a while!

Seeing this, Xu Tian's mouth curled up with a cruel arc!

A big knife appeared in his right hand!

The butcher knife!

Xu Tian's body flashed with white light!

Instantly, he appeared at the feet of King Kong Explosive Bear!

The butcher knife was raised high!


A sound of flesh being cut rang out!

There was also a sound accompanying it...



A huge sausage fell straight to the ground....


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(*❦ω❦)Looking forward to...

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