Xu Tian exclaimed loudly!

Then a white light flashed around him, and he exchanged positions with the black chicken in an instant!


The black chicken's body hit the tree hard and slowly slid to the ground!

Seeing this, the red-haired pheasant kicked its legs and immediately ran forward!


The wings shook the black chicken's body vigorously!

It seemed to be saying...

Baby~ wake up! Are you okay?

I didn't mean it!

Of course! I didn't mean it!

It was all that stinky human's fault!

The black chicken opened its eyes in a daze, confused and at a loss!


Its body flashed white light again!

The Great Shift of the Universe was launched!

Xu Tian's face was full of a look of wanting a beating!

"Hello! Long time no see! What a coincidence! I meet you again!"

Red Pheasant:"......"

I have never seen such a shameless person! It is so shameless!

It is unreasonable!

Damn it! The red hair felt ruthless!

The red hair on his body instantly burned, and the whole chicken looked shiny!


"Oh my god! Why are you so angry! You are really furious!"

Xu Tian sighed!

But he didn't make any other moves!

Seeing this,

Red Hair was even more angry!

He raised his wings and slowly moved to the middle!

At the same time, the airflow around him became violent at this moment!

The surging spiritual power burst out from Red Hair's body!

A fireball the size of a tire formed between the wings!

This is not over yet!

The fireball kept changing!

In an instant!

It turned into a lotus!

It was Red Hair's innate skill!

Buddha's wrathful lotus!!

"Tsk tsk, it looks so scary!"

Xu Tian smacked his tongue!


Without waiting for him to react, the Buddha's wrath lotus shot out quickly!


Xu Tian looked nonchalant! He didn't seem to be worried at all!

White light flashed around him again!

And he disappeared on the spot!

He ran away, but Heimao suffered!


The shrill crowing of a rooster echoed in the Tianshui forest!

"Huh? Why is there a rooster crowing?"

"Lao Wang said in class that there is a spiritual beast called"Ji Ni Tai Mei" in Tianshui Forest! You don't even know this! Are you fantasizing again in class?"

"cough cough...That's called wild imagination!"


Similar situations happened in various parts of the forest!

The students were very curious!

First there was the huge sound of Xu Tian's engine!

Now there was the shrill scream of the pheasant!

For some reason!

They even felt fear!

Sure enough!

Tianshui Forest is full of dangers! It's better to be careful!

"Brother Qiang! Brother Qiang! We are here!"

In the outer part of the forest!

Liu Xiba and his men were seen supporting each other and staggering towards Liu Qiang!

"Are you okay?"

"Hehe, very strong!" Liu Xiba laughed. He also patted his chest hard!

But this pat! He was fine before, but now he is in trouble!


A crisp sound rang out!

At the same time, it was accompanied by Liu Xiba's shrill screams!

Liu Qiang:"......"

Many younger brothers:"......"

Look at this! Look at this!

Isn't this the pure and innocent one! It was all right originally!

Now he is beating himself!

He has no future when he grows up!

His sternum is even broken!

Liu Qiang covered his face helplessly.

Don't tell anyone that I know you when you go out!......

【Ding! Option 3 mission completed! Reward weapon: frying pan!】

【It has been automatically stored in the system space! The host can take it out by himself! 】

With a thought, a completely black frying pan appeared in Xu Tian's hand!

This pan looks very ordinary!

Nothing special!

【Frying pan: It can be evolved into a weapon! It can prevent fire, theft and perverts! One pat, one hit, one world! Honghong said it was great when she saw it!】

"Evolvable weapon! ?"

Xu Tian's eyes were attracted by these words!

In that case! The grade of this weapon must be very high!

And it can evolve continuously!

It is simply a top-notch fighting chicken!!

"Brother Xu, what's the situation over there? Can we eat now?"

Wang Hu asked excitedly.

Xu Tian was silent for a moment, counting silently in his heart:


"Time is up!"

"What time is it!?"

"It's time to eat!" As soon as he finished speaking,

Xu Tian's body flashed with white light again!

He disappeared on the spot!

And with him came a roasted black chicken!

All the feathers were burned!

Only the fragrant smell of meat was left!

""Fuck! Brother Xu is so nice!"

Wang Hu's mouth was drooling!

Without hesitation, he stepped forward, stuffed the black chicken into the iron basin, poured high school seasoning on it, and then ate it up!

His mouth was covered with sauce!......

On the other side!

Xu Tian had quietly come behind the red-haired pheasant!

At this time, the red-haired pheasant was lying on the ground leisurely....

Pretending to sleep!

It had just used the Buddha's wrath lotus, consuming a lot of spiritual power!

Now it was extremely weak!

But when it thought that Xu Tian was gone!

It was delighted!

As for the life or death of the black chicken! ?

It didn't care at all!!

Seeing this, Xu Tian secretly said in his heart:

"Bah! Trash chicken!"

"We broke up so soon!"

"Don't be a bitch!"

You thought I was dead!?

You are dreaming!

Let me, the justice from heaven, punish you!

Xu Tian whispered in his heart:

"Crows are on a plane!"


The figure disappeared in an instant!

And then appeared in the sky above Red Hair in an instant!


Red Hair didn't find any signs at all!

Xu Tian's mouth curled up with a cruel arc!

"Haha haha haha!"

""Prepare to die!"


The dark frying pan hit the red-haired man's forehead!

In an instant!

The red-haired man felt a black screen in front of his eyes!

But it had the strength of the silver realm after all!

Naturally, it would not fall down so easily! It was still holding on tightly!



Xu Tian swung the frying pan again!

Smashed it hard!

But the red-haired man was still not knocked out!

It would not work if he kept smashing it like this!

What if he couldn't be killed!?

At this moment!

Xu Tian's heart moved!

He thought of the physics knowledge he had learned in his previous life!


He saw him stepping on the red-haired man's head with both feet! He jumped hard!

According to the law of gravity From the formula G=mg, we can see that the greater the mass, the greater the gravity.

Add to that the effect of the skill [Crow on a Plane]—the weight increases tenfold!

Converting its own gravity into power!

After Xu Tian’s figure rises to a certain height, the speed is 0!

Then his body begins to do free fall!

Falling straight down!

Combining these elements!

Xu Tian’s eyes light up!

He raises the frying pan high!


He knocks the red-haired guy unconscious in an instant!


The red-haired guy’s huge figure falls straight to the ground!

Seeing this, Xu Tian’s face is full of smiles! Putting what you have learned into practice!

Nothing is better than this!


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