"Ah hey! Look at you, you look so ignorant!"

""Don't stand there! Get in the car!"

Hearing this, Wang Hu came back to his senses.

He put on his helmet and sat in the back seat of Xu Tian with excitement!

"Hehe! Thick hair! Next stop, pheasant farm!"

As he said that!

The electric motorcycle made a deafening engine sound!

Boom boom boom!

The sound was so loud that it echoed in the forest!

Basically all the students in the forest heard it!

"Holy shit! What’s that sound! Is it a silver-level spirit beast! ?"

"Why does it sound so much like a car engine to me!?"

"How is that possible? This is Tianshui Forest. Not to mention cars, even sheep are not allowed to drive in!"

"Seems to make sense「(°ヘ°)"


But they all have question marks on their faces∑(O_O;)? ? ?

I don't know what this sound is! ?

In the middle of the Tianshui forest.

In the bushes.

Several men squatted there, whispering about something.

"Brother Qiang! What is our next plan?"Liu Xiba asked.

On the side,

Liu Qiang held a silver meteor hammer in his hand, his eyes fierce!

"Find Xu Tian! Kill him!"

"But Tianshui Forest is so big, where can we find him?"

"Haha, I have already made all the preparations."

Liu Qiang showed a ferocious smile on his face.

"You dare to offend my father? You are really tired of living!"

He took out a dark black thing from his pocket.

There was a red dot and a blue dot on the screen.

Liu Xiba looked closer.

"Brother Qiang, what is this?"

"Lingxing locator!"

"Ah?" Liu Xiba was shocked!...

It can avoid interference from magnetic fields and accurately locate the location!

Its name is well-known to everyone, but its price is prohibitive!

Even the cheapest one costs 10 million spirit coins!

It's so terrifying!

"This blue dot is where I am, and this red dot is where Xu Tian is!"Liu Qiang explained.

The younger brothers around him were surprised and complimented him:

"Brother Qiang is so smart! And the government doesn't care?"

"Strange! I wasn't under the tree of wisdom, so how did I see Brother Qiang, who is so smart?"

"We are all related to the growth of all things, why are you so smart! ?"

"Brother Qiang, please leave us a way out. You are so smart that you have sucked away our IQ!"

"Brother Qiang! You are so smart!!"

Listening to the compliments in his ears,

Bald Liu Qiang's face was full of smug smiles.

Although his ears were callused from hearing these words, who can resist being praised?

Of course, the more the better!!

"Hey! Something is wrong! Why is the red dot moving so fast? ?"

At this time, Liu Xiba looked at the screen again and asked in confusion. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen.

They saw that the red dot was moving at a very fast speed, and it was constantly approaching the blue dot.

They were all stunned!

Even Liu Qiang was stunned!

What's going on?!?

Is there a machine failure?!

Damn! Sure enough! The things bought from Pinduoduo have never been used for more than one day!

Damn it! I will give a bad review when I go back!

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on the screen again.

But this time, it was incredible!

The red dot was moving faster, and it was only about 2 centimeters away from the blue dot.

Converted, the actual distance was still 200 meters away.

Ah this...

At this moment.

Boom boom boom!

A huge engine sound was heard!

And it was getting closer and closer!

Liu Qiang and his many brothers all looked over!

After a while!

A man wearing a white helmet drove an electric motorcycle towards them at a very fast speed!

This figure was...

Xu Tian!

""Shit! Get out of the way!"

Liu Qiang reacted and quickly dodged to the side!


The others were not so lucky!

Except for Liu Qiang, the others were all knocked away by the huge impact of the electric motorcycle!

"Ahhh! I will be back!"

"Mom, I want to go home!"

"Wow wow wow ~ wet! wet!"

"Grandpa and grandma! I don't want to be an astronaut!"


Many screams of fear echoed in the air!

Liu Qiang stared blankly, petrified on the spot!

Where did the electric motorcycle come from! ?

"Eh? Huzi, did you hear that noise just now?"

On the electric scooter, Xu Tian rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked in confusion.

It was obvious that he had just woken up!

""Ah? Brother Xu, you called me?"

Hearing this, Wang Hu also woke up!

Xu Tian just turned on the driverless mode!

The two of them were bored and fell asleep directly!

"I didn't hear any sound!"

"Oh, okay, it must be an illusion."Xu Tian relaxed his brows and glanced at the map on the display.

"Get ready, we're almost at the 'pheasant farm'!"

""Okay!" Wang Hu suddenly woke up when he heard that they were almost at their destination.


A foodie!

A foodie soul!

You need a bowl to eat!

Wang Hu took out a large iron bowl from his black backpack! He held it in his arms like a treasure!

Soon, they arrived at their destination!

Xu Tian put away his electric motorcycle and took out a map.

"The location marked on the map should be here"

"Brother Xu, what is this?"

"Tianshui forest supplies distribution map"

"Oh my god! Brother Xu, where did you get this prostitution from?"


This is what Xu Tian got from the security captain Li Yuan! Wang


The world of money men!

I am not Sister Li!

While the two were talking.

On the big tree behind them, a pheasant with black fur looked at Xu Tian and the others below.

Its eyes were fierce! It was extremely unfriendly!

The most important thing was that it had a head of flowing gray hair!


It moved!

It opened its mouth suddenly!


A ball as big as a fist came out of its mouth! It shot towards Xu Tian at a rapid speed!


The sound of breaking through the air was heard!


Xu Tian, whose mental power had already exploded, had extremely sensitive senses and noticed it instantly!

He raised his head to avoid it!





Suddenly, several more balls came flying in!

Not only that, these balls were very elastic, flying around in the bushes!

Xu Tian was caught off guard!

""Fuck! Lao Liu! Get out of here!"

Xu Tian cursed while hiding!

But all he got in response was endless black balls!

Fuck your mother! You really can't afford to play with me! You just hide in the dark and act like Lao Liu!

Xu Tian's mind moved!

"Kylin Arm..."Out!"

After saying that, numerous complicated runes instantly appeared on his right arm!

"Huzi, go hide in the air first!"


Wang Hu jumped up, and the [Tigger] under his feet shone with golden light!

Although he didn't know why he had to go into the air!

But Xu Tian's words were unquestionable to him!

Xu Tian's mouth curled slightly, and his cold eyes swept around.

"You forced me to do this!" He pounded the ground with his right hand!




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