Xu Tian took a quick look at the options and made a decision!

He took out a small transparent bottle from the system space, and inside it was a lot of white powder.

That's right!

This is what Xu Tian carefully refined by combining 108 kinds of medicinal materials....Xu Gong's secret medicine powder.

A trace of cruelty flashed across Xu Tian's eyes.

""Little ants, you were the first to attack, so don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After saying that, he took out a powerful fan and put it in place.

Then he opened the bottle cap and turned it upside down. All the white powder inside spilled out and floated into the cave in the direction of the powerful fan.

""Hey, hey, hey! Wait for the effect of the drug to take effect!"

Xu Tian had a sly smile on his face.

His body floated in the air and flew above the cave entrance, stroking his cheeks in boredom.

He surveyed the surroundings and found that there was no danger, so he opened the chat room of the novice village No. 666.

At this time, everyone was chatting enthusiastically.

"I envy the boss Xu Tian for the nth day!"

"Jealousy makes people crazy, but jealousy of Xu Tian will only make people feel cold!"

"I'm really not like Sister Li! Why did he level up so fast? Even wall-hanging doesn't work like this, right?"

"And I found that the experience value growth was continuous before, that is to say,..."

"...One battle, many?"

"Well, it's possible!"

"Oh! I am so unskilled that I can only say"Fuck!" and then silently deduct 6!"

They were all discussing around Xu Tian.

Xu Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This was not his fault. If there was anyone to blame, it was because this secret realm gave too much.

At this time, Liu Xiba suddenly spoke:

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Guys, do you know what I discovered?"

"The person above, if you have to fart, please do it! Don’t be a riddler!"

"I doubt you're fishing!"

"Don't keep me in suspense! If you want to say something, say it now! If you don't, sew your mouth shut!"



Liu Xiba: picture.jpg

Liu Xiba: Look what this is!

He directly sent a picture.

Xu Tian was curious and clicked it, and his eyebrows raised.

He saw a palm-sized token in the photo, with three red characters"scapegoat" written on it.


What is this?

He was confused.

Not only him, but almost everyone who saw this picture was very confused.

"Hey, Liu Xiba, what does this mean?"

"I'm curious too! Where did you get this thing? Is it in the secret realm?"

"It may be that Pinxixi offers free shipping to your home for 9.9 yuan!"

"Ahem, is it possible that the secret realm had confiscated all personal belongings before?"

"That...9.9 yuan for free shipping to the secret place?"

"The person above, with such imagination, it would be a shame if you don’t write a novel!"

"Three spoonfuls of sugar would be better!"

Everyone chatted.

Although the topic was the scapegoat token, the topic gradually deviated.

At this time, Liu Xiba spoke:

"Stop guessing! This is what Brother Qiang and I found in the stomach of a level 2 monster after we killed it!"

"Then the watch gave an explanation."

Once this sentence was uttered, everyone became even more curious.

They stared at the screen and had no time to speak.

However, after everyone in the chat room waited for 10 seconds, Liu Xiba still did not say anything.

"Damn it! Liu Xiba, don't speak half of your words! What is the watch talking about?"

"That's right! Your mother is a bitch! Hurry up and tell me!"

"Believe it or not, I can crawl along the chat room network cable and stab you!"

"Zhuo! Unlucky guy! A dog that keeps people in suspense!"


Liu Xiba's behavior directly aroused public anger!

He originally planned to let everyone guess, but he didn't expect that everyone was so impatient and asked directly.

The smell of gunpowder in the chat room became stronger and stronger.

Liu Xiba saw that the situation was not right and quickly responded:

"Don’t panic, don’t panic, I said it’s okay!"

"The watch explains...This token is called the Scapegoat Token. There is only one in the whole village. It can directly summon the number one in the village!"

This sentence was like thunder, striking in everyone's heart.

There was silence for a moment, and then the barrage of comments like a wave was brushed up!

"Holy shit! So awesome? Can't he just summon Boss Xu Tian?"

"Why is it called a scapegoat token? It should be called a clinging token!"

"Why didn’t I get the token?"

"I'm curious about one thing, is it a forced summon? Or can the first person to win refuse?"

"@Liu Xiba, please explain!"

When Liu Xiba saw someone mentioning him, he spoke directly:

"It's mandatory! Whether you accept it or not, it will be sent directly to me!"

"Damn it! Isn't that unfair to the first place?"

"Queshi, I feel it is unfair too!"

"But think about it from another perspective. If the first person is in danger, can we also summon him to save him?"

"Damn! The above person, your idea is good, in that case, this token is really a great treasure!"

"Don't be happy too soon!"

"Don't forget, the first place is Xu Tian, and the one holding the token is Liu Xiba. Do you think Liu Xiba would be so kind to save him?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone fell silent.


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