Wang Hu is just an ordinary person now, and his mental strength is almost negligible.

He just had a violent emotional fluctuation.

Xu Tian was curious for a moment, so he casually checked his memory in the morning, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.


So awesome?

He can directly knock down several night demons without any superpowers?

Arrogant magic skills?

It's even more flowing than a branch!

And, that line...Isn't this too childish?!

The atmosphere was broken!

Without thinking any more, Xu Tian took out a few things from the system space and put them on the ground.

A small transparent medicine bottle, which contained the glowing Netherworld Blood Essence.

A fist-sized red crystal.

Ten golden and glittering golden fruits.

Four ordinary-looking herbs, namely Mother and Infant Grass, Kasai Lu, Heidi Cheese, and Banu, which Xu Tian just bought when he passed by the herbal medicine market.

"Eh? What is this fruit?"Wang Hu's eyes were immediately attracted by the hatching golden fruit.

Although his supernatural power was broken and he had become an ordinary person.

But for the golden holy fruit like the Vanity Golden Fruit, there was still a fatal attraction, and he noticed it at a glance.

Xu Tian did not answer Wang Hu's question. Even if he said it, he would not understand. He would have to explain it for a long time. Would he still practice medicine?

"I will make medicine in a while, please don't disturb me."

Wang Hu nodded blankly, not knowing what Xu Tian was doing.

Xu Tian took out a bowl-shaped vessel from the system space, about the size of a palm.

First, he picked up the small transparent medicine bottle on the ground and opened the stopper.

In an instant, a bloody smell came out of it, and wisps of faint light could be seen floating in the air.

He slowly poured the blood in the medicine bottle into the vessel.

The blood with a little faint light was a little sticky and stuck tightly to the bottom of the bowl, about the height of a fingernail.

Then, Xu Tian picked up the red crystal and put it in.

In an instant, the blood with a faint light was directly absorbed by the red crystal.

This red crystal...

Actually, it was the blood crystal in the body of the Lonely Soul that Xu Tian killed in the Spirit Realm earlier.

When the alien beasts reach the diamond realm or above, they usually have spirit beads in their bodies, which contain spiritual skills.

Although other alien creatures do not have spirit beads, they have other things.

For example, the blood clan, there is a chance that blood crystals will condense in their bodies above the diamond realm.

The blood crystal contains the power of its lifelong bloodline and is extremely precious.

It is basically a priceless existence.

Not to mention that this is the blood crystal of the Eternal Night Noble!

In comparison, it is even rarer!

Originally, Xu Tian planned to directly repair Wang Hu's broken superpowers.

However, ever since he got the blood crystal, the idea in his mind has been adjusted.

Just restoring the superpowers can no longer satisfy him.

What he wants to do...It is to sublimate Wang Hu's superpowers and make it even more powerful!

That's why he let the Dark Tiger release some Nether Blood Essence!

He wants to fuse the blood crystal with the Nether Blood Essence, and then add the original medicinal materials for restoring superpowers.

However, Xu Tian doesn't know if it can succeed.

This idea is really too crazy!

There is no relevant record of such practices in the doctor's inheritance.

Xu Tian is not worried about failure, as there are many golden fruits for hatching.

Even if the fusion fails, he can settle for the second best. Just restoring superpowers is quite easy for him.

After the blood crystal absorbed all the Nether Blood Essence, the color of the blood crystal also became a little darker.

Seeing this, Xu Tian couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Place the successfully fused blood crystal in the air

"Do you have a lighter?"

Hearing this, Wang Hu, who was still a little dazed, nodded:"Yes, I'll get it."

Wang Hu handed his father's lighter to Xu Tian and asked casually:"Brother Xu, why do you take the lighter?"

Xu Tian rolled his eyes:"How can you refine medicine without fire? I'm not an awakened fire-type ability!"

In fact, even Xu Tian forgot.

He doesn't have fire-type abilities, and he can't refine medicine!

But, a lighter should be okay, right?

Xu Tian thought so, then took the lighter and adjusted it to the highest fire.

But, he thought too much after all.

The flame has been burning for more than an hour, and there is still no change.

Even Wang Hu fell asleep out of boredom.

Xu Tian frowned.

Just when he was at a loss, the voice of the system rang in his mind....

【Hi, hi! Are you in trouble? Are you out of ideas? Is there anything else you can think of? Do you want to continue? Are you going to give up? No way? No way? You can't do it either! 】

The system directly made an ultimate taunt!

After hearing what the system said, Xu Tian's mouth twitched wildly.

Good fellow!

If you have the guts, come out!

You'll be finished if I don't stab you!

Suddenly, Xu Tian's mind lit up, and an immature idea was born.

He curled his lips and said faintly:

"Haha! You are so ashamed to say that? Don’t you have any other options? Your system really lowers my standard! It’s not even one tenth as good as the system next door!"

After saying this, the system was silent for a moment, then snorted coldly:

【Humph! How can such a small matter stump me? Dog eyes look down on people! A dog can't spit out ivory! 】

Xu Tian was not angry, and said shamelessly:"Six six six! Your lung capacity is really big! You can blow away the cow!"


【Okay! I won't pretend anymore! I'm telling you! I'm a god-level store system! Look at the products in the store yourself! 】

Xu Tian was stunned and curiously opened the store panel.

As soon as he saw it, at the top was...

【The treasure of the store - Bone Spirit Cold Fire! Not 999! Not 188! Only 99,999 points! 】

There is also a line of small words below...

【...Just updated】

Xu Tian(ㅍ_ㅍ)??? this...The name looks familiar....

And! I think you're kidding me!

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine points?

Is that funny?

How can I do that?

Go rob a bank?

Banks don't have points either!

"I***!"Xu Tian cursed in his heart.

System: [Friendly reminder, host, please speak politely!】

"I noticed*****!!I***you***!"

Xu Tian was getting anxious, and kept broadcasting telegrams in his mind.

System: [Warm reminder, host...】

Xu Tian:"I***Gan***"

System: [Warm......】

"I***I***you****Ah Xi!"

At this moment, a small illusory panel suddenly appeared in front of Xu Tian.

System:【▄█▀█●Kneel down! Stop scolding me! 】

Xu Tiano(▼皿▼メ;)o? ? ?

He was stunned.

This system is quite cruel!

It can even send emojis? ?

? Hey, there is something wrong!

Seeing this, Xu Tian also suppressed the violent fluctuations in his heart.

Since the system has taken a step back, he is not an unreasonable person.

"Tell me! Do you want a discount or just give it away?"Xu Tian held the back of his head with both hands, leaning against the wall, with a smile on his face that he couldn't hide.


He was actually convinced by the system's scolding, no need to poke!

System: [Ahem]...Is there a possibility...There is a coupon in your backpack?

Hearing this, Xu Tian was startled and clicked to check his backpack.

When he saw the"10% discount coupon" in the backpack, his eyelids twitched wildly.


Ah this!?

All the scolding was in vain???


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