At this moment!

Behind the Hidden Dragon Mountain!

The blood-spraying ritual of the Big Dark Tiger has stopped, and it is about to go down the mountain to find the Little Dark Tiger!


A black dot flew over from the horizon!

The Big Dark Tiger felt that the breath was very familiar, looked up at the sky, squinted his eyes.

The corners of his mouth twitched wildly!


It jumped up and grabbed the small dark tiger that was flying over!

At this time, it had already fainted!


The big dark tiger noticed that its two hind legs were gone, and it couldn't help but get angry!


Hanging the little dark tiger, he was about to go down the mountain to settle the score!

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the sky!

"Ahhhh! Jiu Ming! Jiu Ming!"

The Dark Tiger was stunned and looked up!

The tiger's eyes were wide open!

He saw a figure flying quickly towards his position!

He wanted to dodge, but it was too late!


Chen Mingzhe landed and directly knocked a deep pit into the ground!

Smoke and dust rose!

The cracks on the ground spread around like spider webs!

Although the momentum was huge, there was no injury!

Chen Mingzhe stood up and rubbed his ears:"Damn it! Xu Tian, this little bastard! When I go back, I must fuck him so hard that he doubts his life!"


He cursed and was about to turn around and leave.

But suddenly, Chen Mingzhe felt a chill on his back and turned his head to look!

He saw a pair of big eyes with fierce light staring at him!

Even with smoke and dust, the pair of bright big eyes were still so terrifying!

In an instant!

Chen Mingzhe felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to the top of his head!

He staggered back a few steps and said with a smile:"Hehehe! What a coincidence!"

At this time.

Chen Mingzhe finally understood the real reason why he didn't feel any pain despite the great impact!

It's not because he has thick skin and can withstand beatings!

It's because.......

He is now on the body of the Dark Tiger!

The impact just now was all buffered by the Dark Tiger!


He was so embarrassed that he could dig out a three-bedroom and one-living-room house!

Suddenly, the Dark Tiger roared:"Roar!"

He was just worried about having no place to vent his anger!

Now a human sandbag comes!

This human should be in the same group as the kid before!

Shouldn't he be taught a lesson?

Chen Mingzhe waved his hand and said awkwardly:"Little tiger, listen to my excuse...Nonsence...Explain!"

But the Dark Tiger was not in a good mood!

With a roar, he shook Chen Mingzhe off!

Then the tiger pounced on him!

"Ahhhh! Don't come over here!"

Chen Mingzhe's legs were like small electric motors, leaving a trail of afterimages as he ran out! He raised a cloud of dust!

The Dark Tiger took the lead, swinging its four legs quickly, and chased after Chen Mingzhe!

"Ahhhh! Xu Tian! I am not done with you!"

The expression on Chen Mingzhe's face was uglier than crying, and his eyelids were dancing wildly!

【The resentment value from Chen Mingzhe +6666!】.......

In the infirmary of Lingyin Military Camp,

Xu Tian opened his eyes in a daze, and saw the familiar ceiling again.

"Wake up again?"

Nie Ying's voice came into his ears. Xu

Tian sat up, rubbed his eyebrows, and suddenly remembered what happened before he fainted.

"Damn it! Dogecoin Yan Zifang! I must beat him to death!"He clashed his fists and gnashed his teeth.


A huge shame!

Must take revenge!

"How long have I been unconscious?" Xu Tian stood up, stretched his muscles, and prepared to go out.

"Three hours"

"Where is Yan Zifang! ?"

"Going to carry out the mission!" Nie Ying said lightly.

Xu Tian was stunned and asked casually:"What mission?"

Nie Ying:"The traces of the Night Demon were found in the south of Gouba City. Uncle Li took Yan Zifang and others to arrest him!"

"South of the city?"

Xu Tian touched his chin and thought for a while:"Eh? Isn't Hu Zi's home in the south of the city?"

Thinking of this,

Xu Tian took out his mobile phone and called Wang Hu!

The call was connected!

"Hey! Huzi, where are you?"

"Where else can I put it? I can just lie down at home!" Wang Hu's weak voice came from the phone.

"Hey! You are not very confident in what you are saying. You must have been rewarded a lot. You should be moderate!"

"Screw you! Do you think everyone is like you? I'm working out at home!"

"Exercise? How to exercise? With Miss Five Fingers?" When Xu Tian said this, he also laughed evilly. As soon as he said this, the other side of the phone fell silent.

Nie Ying, who was sitting on the side, had already blushed with embarrassment!

⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄


You can even drive on this broken road! ?

I admire this old Huang!

The phone has turned yellow!

Wang Hu said faintly:"A red man is red when he is near a red man, and a yellow man is yellow when he is near Xu Tian!"

Xu Tian didn't care:"By the way, let's talk business, are you at home now?" Wang Hu:"Yeah."

Xu Tian:

"Is there anything unusual outside your side?" Wang Hu:"No.

" Xu Tian:"Are your uncles and aunts home?" Wang Hu:"No.

" Xu Tian:"Have you eaten?" Wang Hu:"Yes.

" Xu Tian:"What did you eat?" Wang Hu:"Stir-fried tomatoes, stir-fried potatoes with shredded potatoes, spicy rabbit heads, braised ants.

" Xu Tian:"Are you full?" Wang Hu:"Full.

" This conversation stunned Nie Ying on the side.

What is this? Checking the household registration? Why don't you ask what color pants he is wearing? Sure enough, Xu Tian did not let her down.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Tian said again:

"Huzi, what color pants are you wearing today?"

Wang Hu:"Did you take medicine today?"

Xu Tian was puzzled:"What medicine?"

Wang Hu:"A stupid movie!"

Xu Tian:"......."

Actually, it's no wonder that he would have such an awkward conversation.

A night demon appeared in the south city of Gouba City, and Xu Tian was very worried about Wang Hu's situation.

He is just an ordinary person now, and he will surely die if he encounters him.

Moreover, the two haven't seen each other for a long time, so of course they want to talk more and keep in touch.

But this was only Xu Tian's idea.

Wang Hu wanted to smash his phone right now, but after thinking about the possibility that those short videos might no longer exist, he still couldn't do it.

Xu Tian:"What are you doing?"

Wang Hu:"I'm calling you!"

Xu Tian:"Are you happy?"

Wang Hu:"I! Am! So! Happy!!"

He said these five short words with gritted teeth!

【Resentment value from Wang Hu +9999! 】

Xu Tian wanted to ask something else.

At this moment, Wang Hu's surprised voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone:

"who are you?"

"......The person who killed you!"


The cell phone seemed to fall to the ground, and there was a crackling sound of electricity from the phone!

Xu Tian's pupils suddenly contracted, and he shouted hurriedly:"Hu Zi! Hu Zi! Hello! Say something!"


There was a sound of sword drawing from the other end of the phone!


Followed by the sound of flesh being pierced!



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