Xu Tian's eyes narrowed, and he thought to himself that it was not good.

What kind of luck is this?

I come out to try out new skills and I can meet a gold-level spirit beast?

Is this necessary?

Suddenly, the gold-level dark tiger kicked its four legs, jumped up, and pounced directly at Xu Tian!

The speed was extremely fast, only in a flash.

Xu Tian shouted:"Hey! Monster! Don't come over!"

After saying this, Xu Tian had teleported hundreds of meters back.

The spirit beasts in the golden realm are not something he can directly fight now!

Although he killed three gold-level blood creatures in the spiritual realm!

But you have to know that the three gold-level blood creatures in the spiritual realm have been suppressed by the laws of the spiritual realm!

They have not exerted the strength that they should have in the golden realm.

The most important thing is......At that time, they won by a surprise attack!

You may not be able to win by fighting alone!

Moreover, the attributes of blood creatures are very different from those of beasts. The strength and defense of blood creatures are not strong, but their IQ is relatively high, and their means of attack are extremely weird.

Who can withstand drawing blood from a distance?

Beasts are completely opposite. They are extremely strong and defensive, strong and ferocious, but their IQ is not high, and they can only rush forward stupidly!

There is no comparison between the two!

The exposed fangs of the Dark Tiger were cold and reflected the faint moonlight.

Xu Tian's body shuddered.

This time there is neither Squirtle nor the assistance of others, so it is really difficult to deal with.


The Dark Tiger roared, and flew into the air, rushing over directly!

Xu Tian did not fight back head-on, but kept dodging!

If you can't beat me, can't you dodge me?

At this time, the option was suddenly triggered...

【Option 1: Keep dodging and find an opportunity to escape! Completion Reward: Speed +4!】

【Option 2: Don't be afraid! Go straight to the attack. Completion reward: Strength +6!】

【Option 3: Try something exciting! Provoke! Completion reward: Skill 'King's Aura’!】

Xu Tian only took a glance and had the answer in his mind!

He kept dodging, and the Dark Tiger couldn't do anything to him!

Xu Tian smiled, leaned his neck forward, pulled his eyelids with two fingers, and made a face at the Dark Tiger:"Lululu! You can't hit me!"

"Hahaha! You can’t catch up with me!"

He didn’t hesitate and chose option three!

Although it’s a death wish, it feels good!

I like to see someone wanting to hit me but unable to do so!

It feels so good!

【Resentment from Dark Tiger +1000! 】

At this time, Dark Tiger was also a little angry!

I won't show my power! Do you think I'm Hello Kitty!?

In an instant.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of Dark Tiger, and the momentum on his body suddenly rose. An invisible might burst out from his body!

Xu Tian felt his breath stagnate, and an invisible sense of oppression came, and it became difficult to breathe!

""Zhao! This is a big deal!"

He didn't expect that the Dark Tiger would have such a bad temper?

He got angry at the slightest provocation?

【Ding! Option 3 mission completed, reward skill: 'King's Aura’】

【King's aura: It can burst out a powerful"momentum", which can resist the"momentum" of the strong who are far higher than oneself. At the same time, it can also be used to bully the weak and crush them with momentum. It is called a weapon for pretending to be powerful! Invisible pretending is the most deadly!

Xu Tian's eyes lit up!


Isn't this a coincidence!

Although this reward has appeared before, Xu Tian didn't want it when he saw the name.

I thought it was a bronze, but I didn't expect it to be a king!

With this, pretending to be powerful and getting slapped in the face is not a dream!

Xu Tian smiled brightly, and did not forget the current situation!

With a thought!

King's aura burst out from his body like a surging wave!

At the same time.

A moment of confusion appeared in the eyes of the dark tiger!

It didn't expect that this weak human also had"momentum"?

In fact, not everyone has"momentum"!

First of all, the realm needs to be above gold to have a chance to comprehend"momentum"!

If you have a special bloodline, the purer the bloodline, the stronger the"momentum"!

The Dark Tiger in front of him has a little bit of"Nether Tiger Bloodline" in his body, and can release"force", which is understandable!

And those ordinary people can also release"force", but they are as empty as balloons, and they may burst directly with a slight poke!

Although it is very unfair, the reality is here. Can you still go to God to reason?

If God is in a good mood, he may pee to make you sober!

In the woods.

Two invisible forces intersect in the void!


The huge impact force blew the surrounding leaves whirring!

The birds flew out of the forest in fear!

Some weak spirit beasts that were hiding nearby to watch the show were also blown away directly!

The two forces collided!

It was evenly matched, sometimes leaning towards Xu Tian, and sometimes leaning towards the Dark Tiger!

The Dark Tiger's head was full of question marks? ?

? What's going on?

This human's realm is obviously far behind his own!

Why is the"force" a draw?

The Dark Tiger has reached the Golden Realm. Although it cannot speak human language, it still has basic intelligence.

Seeing Xu Tian's forehead covered with sweat, breathing heavily, and looking weak, it had an idea in its mind!

At this time, it was about 300 meters away from Xu Tian.

If it pounced directly, Xu Tian would definitely dodge.


Suddenly, the Dark Tiger moved!

It did not rush directly towards Xu Tian, but leaped to the right!

Xu Tian's mouth twitched!

"Hey, hey, hey! Silly cat, you are afraid of the wrong direction! I'm right here!"The

Dark Tiger seemed to understand, and kicked the tree with its hind legs, and pounced directly towards Xu Tian!

""Shit! Is this a dirty trick?" Xu Tian was really stunned.

The Dark Tiger first leaped to the front right, which not only shortened the distance but also confused the opponent!

Finally, it made a fatal tiger pounce!

Most people really couldn’t resist this set!


There was no panic on Xu Tian’s face. On the contrary, there was a smile at the corner of his mouth!

Due to the dim environment, the Dark Tiger did not notice this detail of Xu Tian!

It swung its right claw hard!

A huge tiger claw condensed by spiritual power attacked!

Xu Tian shouted:"Ahhh! Cat, don't wow!"

Before he finished speaking, his figure had already disappeared from the spot.

When the huge tiger claw phantom arrived, Xu Tian's figure was no longer there!

But the speed of the tiger claw did not slow down at all, pushing all the way, breaking the trees on the path in half, and the flowers were ruthlessly destroyed, leaving a mess!

The Dark Tiger saw that its skill - Dark Claw did not attack Xu Tian!

It couldn't help but feel a little angry!

But Xu Tian's figure had disappeared from its sight!

It scanned the surroundings cautiously with its fierce eyes!

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded from the sky:

"Crows are flying! Caw, aw, aw!"


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