Above Xu Tian, dozens of Wind Fierce Eagles were attacking the military helicopter.


The machine guns fired, but the Wind Fierce Eagles were too fast to hit!

Xu Tian's eyes narrowed, as if he understood what had just happened:

"This stupid bird must have hit the helicopter and accidentally fell off."

"This is what the system means by practice!"

"It's a good time to give it a try."

Xu Tian chuckled and took out the 'Macabaca Camera' from the system space!

This camera was pink all over, about the size of a fist, small and portable!

Although Xu Tian had never used a camera, he knew the location of the camera port!

Xu Tian raised his hand, aimed at the dozens of wind eagles, and said,"Maca!"


As the sound fell, the dozens of wind eagles in the sky seemed to stand still, and their figures were frozen in the air!

Xu Tian was stunned!


It really works!

Everyone on the helicopter was also confused when they saw this scene!


What's going on?

Why didn't the wind eagle move?

Li Qi was the first to react. No matter why it didn't move, just kill it now!


Dozens of yellow lightnings surged out from between his fingers, cutting through the void, and accurately landed on the center of the wind eagle's eyebrows.

Kazi Kazi--!!!

In an instant, those wind eagles were wrapped in fierce lightning, and their hair was directly blown up by the electricity, and their hair all over their bodies turned black!

The air was filled with the smell of barbecue!

The figures of dozens of wind eagles fell quickly, and their vitality was gone!

They were just some spirit beasts that had just entered the golden realm, so Li Qi naturally killed them easily!

"Xiao Ming, quickly descend to pick up Xu Tian!"Li Qi said hurriedly.

Lu Ming also reacted quickly, directly turned off the helicopter control, and descended quickly!

Although this is very dangerous, there is no other way, otherwise it can't keep up with Xu Tian's falling speed!


The helicopter fell quickly, and soon it was about to catch up with the falling Xu Tian!

Li Qi grabbed the railing on the car door with one hand, his body half out of the cabin, and pulled Xu Tian in!


Lu Ming saw the opportunity and immediately started to rotate the propeller!

Due to inertia, the helicopter was still falling rapidly!

The people on the helicopter held their breath nervously, because there was a tall building less than 300 meters below. If they didn't have time to adjust it, they would directly crash into it, and both people and machines would die!

Lu Ming's forehead was full of sweat, but even at this critical moment, he did not lose his mind.

Calm and calm!

He tried his best to control the operation of the helicopter with both hands!


The helicopter suddenly went up, just passing by the tall building, and flew into the sky again!


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

Just a little bit more!

They will be buried here!

Li Qi kicked Xu Tian at his feet with a little bit of regret!

"Damn it! We are almost finished because of this guy!"

At this time, Xu Tian had fallen into a coma, lying on the ground with his butt facing the sky and his head buried in the ground!

Li Qi really wanted to kick him in the butt!

Nie Ying hurriedly squatted down and took a look:"Xu Tian should have fainted due to excessive shock, he will be fine after resting for a while"

"Humph! I almost couldn't wake up completely!"Li Qi crossed his arms and said angrily.

The others smiled helplessly.

Lu Ming drove the helicopter to meet up with the other dozen or so. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

The cooked body of the Feng Lie Eagle was tied to the rope and pulled to continue flying towards Gou Ba City.

The meat of this spirit beast cannot be wasted.

Swallowing it will have the effect of increasing the spiritual power in the spirit vein.

""Captain, isn't this area under the jurisdiction of the Law Enforcement Department? Why are there Wind Fierce Eagles?" Lu Ming, sitting in the driver's seat, frowned.

Wind Fierce Eagles are gentle beasts and generally do not attack others.

Li Qi also thought for a moment:"Man-made!"

Lu Ming:"Captain, can you tell what's wrong with the anomaly in the sky just now?"

The anomaly here refers to the dozens of Wind Fierce Eagles that were frozen in the air and unable to move.

Li Qi shook his head:"Speaking of this......I am also confused!"

Lu Ming thought of a possibility:"Could it be that there is a hidden boss in our team?"

Li Qi shook his head again:"No, I didn't feel any fluctuation of spiritual power just now, it shouldn't be the method of our insiders!" As soon as these words came out!

The helicopter fell into silence for a while.

Not only were they curious.

In the other helicopters, people were also discussing curiously.

After all, the scene was really too shocking!.......

On the way back, they did not encounter any attacks from spirit beasts, and arrived safely at the Lingyin Military Camp in Gouba City.

Xu Tian did not wake up after a short rest as Nie Ying said, but slept for three full days!

In a daze,

Xu Tian opened his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling.

Lingyin Military Medical Office?

This is the third time!

"Are you awake?"Nie Ying, who was sitting aside watching Ultraman, said lightly when she noticed Xu Tian's movement.

Xu Tian sat up and was stunned for a moment:"How long have I slept?"

"Three days!"

"What the hell? Three days? You're not kidding me, are you?"

"Why would I lie to you? Just look at the time yourself!"

Nie Ying threw Xu Tian's pineapple 13 over, and the date displayed on the screen proved...Three days had indeed passed before he fell into a coma.

Xu Tian rubbed his head, still a little confused!

At that time, he used the 'Macabaca Camera' to freeze the Feng Lie Eagle.

Just as he was feeling novel, he felt that all the mental power in his mind was poured into the camera.

He lasted less than three seconds before he fell into a coma and lost consciousness.

He didn't know what happened afterwards.

But it seemed that he had dealt with those beasts.

Suddenly, Xu Tian seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked up at Nie Ying.

Nie Ying was startled by his big move:"What are you doing!? You're so startled!"

Xu Tian opened his mouth slightly, stammering,"I...you...Why are you here?"

Nie Ying tilted her head:"Why can't I be here?"

Xu Tian's mouth twitched wildly and he covered his face helplessly!

Another reason to go to Yunnan City was to send Nie Ying home! He actually forgot!

Xu Tian coughed twice:"Ahem...Sakura...Why didn't you remind me to take you home?"

Nie Ying:"You didn't ask me to remind you either....Send me home!"

Xu Tian:"Don't you want to go home?"

Nie Ying smiled and shook her head:"No."

Xu Tian:"......."

Good boy!

It turns out that this little girl did it on purpose, deliberately not reminding him, just to avoid going home.

Xu Tian:"Why don't you want to go home?"

"Because I have joined the Lingyin Army!"Nie Ying's eyes curved into small crescents, and she seemed very happy.

Originally, she planned to come to the Lingyin Army camp in Gouba City and take Nie Yu back to the clan.

But Nie Ying was still a little reluctant, reluctant to leave this colorful outside world, where every day was fulfilling.

Returning to the clan, she would definitely have to live a dull life day after day.

So she asked Li Qi to join the Lingyin Army. After hearing this, how could Li Qi refuse?

He knew Nie Ying well, and Nie Ying was powerful. Joining the Lingyin Army would be a big help!

As for Nie Yu, Nie Ying kicked him into the plane and brought him back to the clan!

Not to mention that he had the stain of colluding with the Ancient God Church, the Lingyin Army would definitely not accept him again, and staying here would be a free ride!

Besides, he is the quasi-heir of the Shuiyuan Clan. How could he hang out outside every day? Xu Tian had no choice but to sigh helplessly:"Hey~ Old Li made a lot of money this time!"

Not only did he trick Wang Mazi, a powerful swordsman, away.

Even Xiaoying was lured in!

Tsk tsk!

One has to admire Li Qi's ability to trick people.

As it happens, when you mention the devil, he appears!

Li Qi walked in with a smile on his face and looked straight at Xu Tian:

"Xu Tian, you don’t want others to know that you were scared to death, right?"


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