Li Qi was stunned:"Little rookie? Are you calling me?"

Xu Shimei:"You ask even though you already know the answer." Li Qi seemed to have suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up:"Senior, were you the one who saved me three years ago?"

"Three years ago? I think........I have saved so many people that I can't remember them all."

Xu Shimei's tone revealed indifference.

It seemed very sparse and plain.

Li Qi's eyes shone brightly!

"Thank you for saving my life! I owe you a huge favor!"

"Then go buy Xu Tian a coffin, just as a way of repaying the favor.((⊙﹏⊙))o???

"cough cough...I would like to ask, what is the trap that the senior just mentioned?"


Beep, beep!

Before he could finish his words, the phone was hung up.

Li Qi and Xiong Hai looked at each other in bewilderment...........

The previous Gouba City [Wild Boar Forest] spiritual realm is a kind of 'pseudo' spiritual realm.

It has been injected with human technology and is capable of human intervention.

‘The information in the 'transmitter' is also summarized by the predecessors based on their own experience!

And this time, the [Kyoto] spiritual realm is a 'natural' spiritual realm.

There is no human intervention.

This is only the second time it has been opened, and the situation inside is still unknown.

So there is no need to wear any transmitter to enter.

The situation inside...Only self-exploration..........

【The resentment value from Ji Erxiao +999!】

【The resentment value from the sand marten is +999!】

【The resentment value from Saipan is +999!】


The mood value is refreshing like crazy!

Xu Tian is so happy

【Ding! Option three mission completed! Reward 'Lightning Shadowless Kick', the host can perform it by himself! 】 The world spun around.

The scene in front of Xu Tian changed.

What caught his eye was the vast desert, boundless and endless.

In the hot summer, the space was a little distorted, and there was a burning feeling in the air, which made people feel irritated for no reason.

Xu Tian poured Nie Ying out and put away the colorful sack, which might be of great use in the future!

Nie Ying fell flat on her face. Her baby-like face fell directly into the yellow sand.

【Resentment value from Nie Ying +555!】


Nie Ying stood up by grabbing the ground with both hands

"" Xu Tian! Why are you so rude!"

Nie Ying complained, and a stream of water spurted out from the palms of her hands, washing away the yellow sand on her face.

At the side, Xu Tian covered his eyes with both hands and glanced around:"Why is the sun like this?"

He felt that all the water in his body was about to evaporate!

"Xiaoying, I'm thirsty! Give me some water!"

""Hmph!" Nie Ying turned her face away,"No, no! You just put me in a sack!"

"Hey! I was doing this for your own good! If I hadn't put you in the sack, your cute little face might have been beaten!"

Hearing this, Nie Ying shuddered.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems...Right

""Forget it, I'm generous, so I'll just spray you some."

As she spoke, Nie Ying's hands condensed into a water ball, about the size of a basketball, and floated directly into Xu Tian's abdomen.

In an instant,

Xu Tian felt refreshed, and a thin layer of water film seemed to be attached to the surface of his body. Even under such strong sunlight, there was no burning sensation.

It was like being in a cold storage room at a high temperature of 40 degrees.

Don't mention how comfortable it was.

Suddenly, the yellow sand on the ground in front of Xu Tian's sight began to wriggle violently.

His eyes condensed, and he thought it was not good.

Then he grabbed Nie Ying's little hand and disappeared on the spot..


And just at the moment after the two of them disappeared.

Suddenly, a huge"worm" rushed out from the yellow sand!

Yes, it was a"worm"!

Its appearance can be described as strange.

It has no eyes, and two sharp blades are exposed in its open bloody mouth.

The cold light on it is inexplicably frightening.

Its body is as thick as a tree trunk, and the texture of its skin is similar to that of an earthworm. It is about ten meters long.

These are Xu Tian's first impressions when he saw it.

At this time, Xu Tian and Nie Ying had teleported to 100 meters away

【Name: Corpse Maggot】

【Realm: Silver Seven Stars】

【Strength: 99】

【Speed: 99】

【Spirit: 10】

【Defense: 88】

【Skill: Maggots come straight in! Maggots come together!】

【Friendly suggestions.......I advise you to be careful, you might lose your virginity if you are not careful! 】

Xu Tian(ΩДΩ)!! ?

Really? ?

So scary?

Looks like we're going to get serious!

Xu Tian turned his head and looked at Nie Ying, and said seriously,"Are you ready?"

Nie Ying was stunned, looking at Xu Tian's serious expression.

She also took a fighting stance, and the spiritual veins in her body were already quietly running.

"I'm ready!"

Xu Tian∑(´△`)???

"I'm not saying prepare to fight, I'm saying prepare to run!" As soon as the words fell,

Xu Tian directly summoned the 'Lightning Shadowless Kick'.

Lightning flashed on his legs, and lightning snakes intertwined.

Xu Tian directly pulled up one of Nie Ying's arms.


It rushed in the opposite direction at lightning speed!

This long worm is at the Silver Seven Star level!

If Xu Tian and Nie Ying join forces, they can kill it instantly if nothing unexpected happens!

However, Xu Tian is worried about.......This might be the base camp of this worm.

If it attracts other companions, their situation might be much more dangerous.

The corpse fairy maggots also chased after them at a very fast speed, and the yellow sand continued to sink and squeeze.

At this time, Nie Ying was still in a state of confusion.

Prepare......Run away?

One of her arms was held by Xu Tian, and the wind blew past.

Nie Ying's little figure floated in the air, and her hair fluttered in the air, hitting her face, leaving a clear red mark. She suddenly woke up and looked at the yellow sand flashing in her sight........It was still yellow sand.

Xu Tian ran in front, and the corpse fairy maggots chased him from behind.

The distance between the two was getting farther and farther.

But slowly.

Xu Tian found something wrong.

Because.......The yellow sand around him began to wriggle.

All of a sudden, many corpse fairy maggots rushed up from under the yellow sand!

Xu Tian's expression changed drastically!


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