Chongming Hotel.

Room 306

"Brother Cai, this is not good!~!"

"Is this really necessary? This is my first time.~!"

The woman's voice echoed in the room

"Humph! You are both a jerk! Stop wasting time! Come up quickly!"Cai Kunkun's cold voice sounded.

Hearing this, the woman's voice trembled a little, and her tone was full of grievance:"Okay..."Okay."

In the huge presidential suite, Cai Kunkun was lying on his back on the bed.

On the sofa next to him, there was a sexy woman in a cheongsam.

At this time, both of them were playing games with their heads down.

When I looked at the screen, it was King of Glory.

The sexy woman was playing as a support player, and was supposed to help clear the middle lane, but...The first tower in the confrontation lane where Cai Kunkun was playing was destroyed.

Cai Kunkun asked the woman to come to the top lane to help him, but the woman was hesitant, so the previous conversation happened.


Cai Kunkun shouted again:"Defend the lower tower! Defend the lower tower!"

The woman was stunned, as if evoked memories of the past, tears gathered in her eyes:"Put him down?...I can't let it go!"

Cai Kunkun:"???"

He looked at the cheongsam woman sitting on the sofa as if she was mentally retarded.

Was this woman probably mentally ill?

Or was she..........Is it time to start being emo?

"I mean defense......."

Cai Kunkun was about to explain to her, but suddenly stopped talking.

The woman shook her wrist, and a silver needle hit Cai Kunkun's forehead accurately.

Cai Kunkun's eyes suddenly widened, pointing at the woman:"You...What are you doing!?"

The woman threw the phone aside, her thin lips slightly raised:"Oh, why are you asking me? Of course I'm here to take your life!"

After that, the woman said no more nonsense, with a ferocious smile on her face.

She took a step forward and grabbed Cai Kunkun's neck!

And just when her palm was about to pinch Cai Kunkun's throat.

A fountain pen shot straight at the woman's slender arm!

The woman frowned slightly, quickly retracted it, and dodged to the back

""Who!? Get out of here!"

The door opened.

A gentle man wearing gold-rimmed glasses walked in.

The woman's beautiful eyes fixed:"It's you? Si Wen!"

Si Wen raised his glasses:"What? You seem surprised?"

"How will you be here?"

"I can't resist the temptation of ten million." Si Wen raised his glasses again, with a gentle smile on his face.

If you don't know, you really can't tell that he is a dark web killer.

The woman was about to say something, but accidentally felt a familiar breath outside the window.

She turned her head suddenly and looked.

In the void outside the window, a man wearing a 'starving' takeaway uniform rode a lamb slowly into the air, smashed the glass directly, and rode in.


The man is very young, but his face is weathered and his skin is dark.

He smiled and said,"The starving takeaway has been delivered, I hope to give a five-star rating!"

The woman was startled:"Qi Shou? Why are you here too?"

"Ten million, how could I refuse that?"Qi Shou sat on the lamb with his legs crossed, like a street kid.

Just as Qi Shou finished speaking, a demonic voice suddenly echoed in everyone's ears....

"I love you walking alone in the dark alley~I love you for not kneeling~I love you for facing despair~and refusing to cry~"

Everyone's face changed!

They quickly covered their ears!

This music seemed to have some kind of magic that disturbed everyone's mind.

Then, a man in hip-hop fashion also walked in.

The woman frowned more and more, and said in a cold voice:"Ge Xing!"

Ge Xing raised his mouth with an evil smile:"Black Widow, I didn't expect it...You are actually the first!"

The four people stood on each side.

Confronted each other!

At the same time, their eyes fell on Cai Kunkun who was half lying on the bed.

Cai Kunkun looked at the four people blankly, with a confused face....o((⊙﹏⊙))o...

What's going on?

Why are you trying to kill me?

And....Ten million!?

What the hell is this?

""Why do you want to kill me!" Cai Kunkun said in a deep voice.

The Black Widow smiled:"Since you are about to die, let you die knowingly. Someone paid a sky-high price of 10 million on the dark web for your head!"

Cai Kunkun was stunned:"Are you sure you want to kill me?"

He was very depressed.

Who did he offend?

Why would he pay a sky-high price of 10 million to recruit a killer to assassinate me?

The Black Widow sneered at the phone screen:"Cai Kunkun, middle-parted hair, black shirt, Silver Nine Star Peak realm, in Chongming Hotel......This isn't you? Who is it?"

Upon hearing this, Cai Kunkun's pupils suddenly shrank!

He actually knew his location?

Did he install a tracker on him?

Cai Kunkun's consciousness swept across his body, his face suddenly changed, and he took out a small flesh-colored thing from behind his neck.

If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all, it is extremely similar to the color of the skin.

A mean smiling face instantly popped up in Cai Kunkun's mind, and he gritted his teeth and said,"Damn Xu Tian! It must be him!"

Black Widow sneered,"Since you already know, then just go on your way!" As soon as she finished speaking!

She swooped down with a nimble body!

At the same time, the other three also rushed towards Cai Kunkun.

Si Wen held the pen in both hands, with a cold light!

Qi Shou rode the lamb and accelerated, leaving behind a trail of illusory afterimages!

Ge Xing sang in a low voice:"Running with the wind, freedom is the direction~ Chasing the power of thunder and lightning~" As soon as this song came out!

His footsteps became obviously much lighter, and his figure rushed towards Cai Kunkun as fast as lightning.

Four people came up together!

Cai Kunkun's face no longer had the previous confusion, and a weird smile appeared on his face:"It seems that I will disappoint you......Goodbye!"

After that, his figure turned into a ball of black mist and floated out through the broken window.

Seeing this, the four people hurriedly stopped.

The Black Widow suddenly said:"Let's cooperate with each other. If the mission is successful, the bonus will be 10 million. We will share it equally among the four of us. Otherwise, it will be difficult to catch him with only one person's strength!"

The other three looked at each other and nodded in unison:"Okay!"

The Black Widow reminded again:"Those who rob others will not die well!" After that

, she jumped directly out of the window, followed by the other three!

This room is the presidential suite of Chongyang Hotel, located on the 20th floor.

From here to the ground, it is about 50 meters high.

But none of them were afraid.

Ten million......It was enough to make them lose their minds!

Even if there was a bottomless abyss below, they would not hesitate to die!..........

Time flies, the next morning.

Fengyue Club.

Li Qi received a call from Xiong Hai:"Okay! Right away!"

His eyes focused, and he stood up, put on his clothes, and hurried to the door of Xu Tian's room.

He was about to go in.

But he was stopped by two bodyguards in black!

Li Qi:"I have something important to do with Xu Tian."

The two bodyguards said in a flat tone:"No, the young master said that no one can enter without his order!"

Li Qi glanced at the time, his face anxious:"It's really too late! Go in and call him!"

"Without the master's order, we cannot enter."

"Don't be stupid! This is a special situation! Time is running out!"

The two bodyguards said in unison:"We are emotionless bodyguards."

Li Qi (;゚Д゚)y? ? ?

Damn it!

Li Qi released lightning directly!


The two black-clad bodyguards had no power to resist and fell to the ground!

Li Qi directly broke open the door and shook Xu Tian's body with both hands:

"Xu Tian! Wake up! [Jingye] The spiritual realm is open!"


Xu Tian just slowly pulled Li Qi's hand away, turned over, and continued to sleep!

Li Qi:(*゚ロ゚)???

Seeing that the time was almost up!

Li Qi suddenly shouted in Xu Tian’s ear:"Xu Tian! There is a 36D beauty!"

"Beauty! Where are you!?"

Xu Tianteng sat up, his face full of glory and said:"Lao Li? Eh? Why are you in my room! You didn't drink too much last night and......."

Li Qi rolled his eyes helplessly, without saying anything, grabbed Xu Tian by the back of his collar and hurried to the door of the club!

Outside the door.

Xiong Hai was already waiting in the car.

Nie Ying was also sitting in the car in a daze, drowsy, with her little head like a dragonfly skimming the water!


The car door opened, Li Qi threw Xu Tian in, and hurriedly sat in the passenger seat.

"Little Bear, how long will it take for the [Kyono] spiritual realm to open?"

"five minutes.......According to the last time it was turned on, it lasted about three minutes."

Xiong Hai looked at the time and said,"Let's go! I'll drive at the maximum speed!"


Xiong Hai stepped on the accelerator to the maximum!

It felt like the tires were about to fly off the ground!.......

Xiong Hai sent people to Shenxu Square last night to keep an eye on the situation at the gate of the spiritual realm.

Just now, his men reported that...The gate to the spiritual realm began to tremble violently, showing signs of opening!

Judging from past experience...

It took about five minutes!

Xiong Hai immediately called Li Qi and waited at the door........

Xiong Hai's driving skills are amazing!

Even though there are many vehicles on the road now, he still drives as if there is no one in the world!

They are also relatively lucky, with green lights all the way without stopping!

In less than three minutes, they arrived at Shenxu Square!

At this time, there were many figures gathered here, so dense that it can be described as a sea of people.

In the center of the square, a huge spiritual realm gate was suspended in the air.

It is about 10 meters long and 20 meters wide, with a silver frame, and the two doors in the center are shaking violently. It is similar to the spiritual realm gate of [Wild Boar Forest] on the square next to Gouba City.

At this time, the silver frame on it was emitting a dazzling light.

Outside the square.

Xu Tian rubbed his eyes, looked at the crowded square, and couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

""What the hell!? Why are there so many heads? How scary! Being tall is a problem!"


Xu Tian's eyes became dull.... because......The system options appear.


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