Xiong Hai rolled his eyes silently and left the office.


The door was shut heavily, as if to vent Xiong Hai's suppressed bitter emotions!

Li Qi glanced at Nie Ying, then looked at Xu Tian and asked,"When will Xiaoying be sent back?"

Xu Tian was about to say something when he heard that.

But he was suddenly interrupted by Nie Ying's baby voice,"I don't want to go back!"

Xu Tian frowned,"Xiaoying, aren't you afraid that your people will worry?"

Nie Ying hugged Xu Tian's arm tightly and shook her head fiercely,"It's okay, I told them when I came out."

"Does your clan leader trust you to come out alone?"


So I used the magic incense to knock them all out."???"

Li Qi:"???"

What's going on?

How come this technique is exactly the same as Nie Yu's?

They are indeed siblings!

So synchronized!

Xu Tian rolled his eyes speechlessly:"But...We are going to enter the spiritual realm to take samples. It is very dangerous inside and we cannot guarantee your safety."

Nie Ying snorted:"Why are you worried about me? My realm is higher than yours!" Xu Tian was stunned:"What realm are you in?"

Nie Ying:"Silver Nine Stars."

Xu Tian:"???"

He was stunned!

I was shocked!

I woke up from my dying illness and found that the clown was me! ?

I was worried for a long time......It turns out that I am the one who should be protected the most!

"OK...You can go with us then."

Xu Tian scratched his head a little embarrassedly....Xu Tian was naturally happy to see this.

Nie Ying was strong, and the three of them could help each other....It's just one more strength!

Why not?

Li Qi didn't say anything else.

After waiting for about ten minutes,

Xiong Hai took Xu Tian and the other two to the special restaurant in the club to eat.

As soon as they arrived, the air was filled with an alluring aroma~

Nie Ying was drooling with hunger!

But Xu Tian didn't speak, and she didn't dare to move.

Xu Tian rubbed Nie Ying's little head and smiled slightly:"Go eat.

" As soon as he finished speaking, Nie Ying rushed over like a hungry tiger!

The table was full of fragrant meals!

Just smelling it can make saliva secrete quickly!

Xu Tian and Li Qi also sat down one after another!

At this time, Xiong Hai suddenly said:"Master, this is your exclusive dinner.

" As he said, Xiong Hai took a plate from the small dining cart at the back.

It was covered with a sealed semicircular iron cover.

You can't see what's inside.

Xu Tian's face was full of curiosity.


Fried rice without eggs or rice, what else can you do? Xiong Hai leaned over at 45 degrees and slowly opened the iron cover.

""Shit! There's nothing! Are you asking me to eat air?" Xu Tian cursed.

The plate was empty, nothing at all!

Xiong Hai shook his head:"No, no, no, Master, you don't understand this, there are rules for this."

"Oh? What do you mean?"Xu Tian looked at Xiong Hai with interest.

His fists were quietly clenched.

Let's see what Xiong Hai can say!

If he doesn't give a satisfactory answer!


Then Xu Tian has already planned to reward him with a fist as big as a sandbag!

Xiong Hai cleared his throat and patiently introduced:

"This dish is called...The Emperor's Dinner is a world-famous gourmet...Created by Vulcanis Gedassabee! Won the 44th International Food Competition Champion!"

After hearing these words!

Xu Tian was stunned!

"Could it be that...Is there anything special about this dish?"

"Of course!"

Xiong Haipang's face suddenly lit up with joy:"Later...The famous gourmet Vukan gave an explanation"

"what did you say?"

"He said......Only wise people can see that something comes out of nothing, and stupid people cannot see it."

Xiong Hai smiled and said,"So......Master, you are so smart, you can definitely see it, right?"

Xu Tian nodded in agreement:"Ha...Ha ha...I...Of course I can see it! I was just joking with you just now, to test whether you can see it or not."

Xiong Hai's eyes were full of sincerity:"...Then please taste it, young master."

Xu Tian came closer and shrugged his nose:"Hmm~ It smells so good! It smells so good that I want to hit someone!"

Xiong Hai stood aside, with a question mark on his face???


Xu Tian stood up suddenly, dragged the bottom of the plate and dunked it on Xiong Hai's face!

He was still cursing:

"F**K you! How dare you lie to me! ? This can only be seen by a wise man! Only a fool can see it! Knock inside!"

This sudden attack caught Xiong Hai off guard!

His eyes went dark!

His head was buzzing!

He felt like his soul had been shattered!

【The resentment value from Xiong Hai +999!】



You still dare to have grievances against me!

Xu Tian was so angry that he laughed!

Then there was another dunk!


Xiong Hai looked at the spinning little stars above his vision in a daze and fainted!

Xu Tian said:"Humph! I have always been the only one who fooled others! No one has ever dared to fool me! You are the first! And the last one!"

Then, Xiong Hai was dragged away by several waiters!

Xu Tian was not hungry now. If it weren't for Nie Ying, he might not have come to the restaurant.

At this time, he opened Baidu!

Curiously searched for the name of the dish that Xiong Hai mentioned before.

The Emperor's Dinner...

Suddenly, many keywords appeared below.

Xu Tian was stunned.

Could it be true? ?

He clicked it out of curiosity, and then a full screen of detailed introductions appeared.

Xu Tian glanced at it roughly.

His eyes widened!

The expression on his face gradually became more interesting!

""Fuck! How can this be so ridiculous!"

Xu Tian was shocked to find......

What Xiong Hai said before was actually exactly the same as the information he searched for!

He was really dumbfounded!

Li Qi leaned over curiously:"What's wrong? You look so surprised?"

Xu Tian showed him the screen and said in disbelief:"What Xiao Xiong said just now is true......

There really is such a competition...There really is such a person...This dish really exists.

And, even more outrageous is...This dish is really the champion of the 44th International Food Competition!"

Li Qi was also stunned when he heard it!

"so...Did you wrongly accuse him?"

Xu Tian:"Ahem...It seems like maybe, maybe it's possible...."


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