Outside the forest, there were more than fifty shirtless burly men gathered here!

Each holding a hot weapon!

Their eyes were extremely fierce!

Among them, a man with a dragon tattoo on his arm stood in the front.

A man beside him walked up to him and said:

""Boss Long, I just used my spiritual weapon and detected a spatial fluctuation here. I guess they are hiding inside!"

The man called 'Boss Long' slapped him on the head!

"You bastard! You knew they were inside! Why are you still making such a loud noise? Are you trying to scare them away?"

The younger brother quickly knelt on one knee and clasped his fists, saying:"Boss Long! I know I was wrong!"

Boss Long snorted coldly:"Go back and get a thousand lashes!"


Big Boss Long held an AK47 in each hand and said to his younger brothers:"You go ahead and explore the way!"

As soon as he said this, more than a dozen people followed him in.

They walked slowly and cautiously.

Gradually, they went deeper and deeper.

Seeing this, Big Boss Long also led the remaining younger brothers forward.

"Come on, follow us!".......

Deep in the forest.

On a tree with lush branches and leaves, Xu Tian was wearing camouflage clothes and squatting among the leaves....It was impossible to tell them apart.

It was basically difficult to spot him.

It was like a natural invisibility cloak.

Xu Tian gestured to Li Qi on another tree!

Li Qi nodded slightly.

Seeing a dozen shirtless men walking into his field of vision,

Li Qi's mouth curled up with a playful smile........

"Scar, we are almost deep in the forest, why haven't we seen those three people yet? Have they already run away?"

"Probably not, the spirit weapon shows...The spatial fluctuation is normal."

The two people walking in the front were communicating in a low voice.

But suddenly, a little girl appeared in front of them.

She was only one and a half meters tall.

The little girl was wearing a pink JK uniform and black stockings on her short legs. She was cute and sexy, giving people a different feeling.

For a moment, all the big men present were stunned!

They even began to drool wildly!

They couldn't wipe it off!

Suddenly, crackling!

Many yellow Pikachus suddenly rushed out from the surrounding grass!

Without saying a word!

They directly electrocuted those dazed perverts!

Basically, they all fainted!


Only the big man called Scar Brother was left.

His face was full of hostility, and there was a long scar on his forehead.

Scar Brother immediately picked up the rocket launcher, aimed at the girl in front, and threatened:"I tell you! Don't mess around! Otherwise, I will die together..."

But he hadn't finished speaking yet!

A bullet silently penetrated his head!

Blood splattered everywhere!

Scar's eyes were full of unwillingness, and his eyes gradually dimmed until his life force disappeared.

Xu Tian on the big branch blew the smoke from the muzzle of the Barrett sniper rifle and made a gesture of wiping his neck to Li Qi!


Li Qi's mouth curled slightly, and with a thought, he asked the elves to drag the figures of many big men into the grove....

Destroy the body and destroy all traces!

When facing such a person!

You can't be soft-hearted!

Being soft-hearted to the enemy!

It would be cruel to yourself!

【Ding! Cross-border kill, points +150!】

【Ding! Option three is complete! The magic stick has been placed in the system space! 】

After cleaning up the battlefield.

Xu Tian and his companions maintained their previous positions, waiting for the rabbit!.........

Fengyue Club.

General Manager's Office.

Xiong Hai sat in his office chair and called Mr. Xu.

"Hello! Mr. Xu, I have arranged everything you told me to do. I have found 60 assassins from the Black Dragon Society on the black web!"

Xu Shimei's voice came from the phone:"Xiao Xiong, good job!"

Xiong Hai asked curiously:"Mr. Xu, other people are cheating their fathers, but you are cheating your son! And you are killing him! I really don't understand your operation."

Xu Shimei's voice came out again:"If you can understand my operation...Why should I be the chairman? I will just give up my position and let you take over!"

Xiong Hai asked softly:"So......Mr. Xu, what is your intention?"

Xu Shimei:"Nothing, I was just bored, and I took a look at this kid's recent progress."

Xiong Hai smiled helplessly:"Then aren't you afraid that he will really be killed?"

Xu Shimei laughed:"I think you should be able to see......The man next to that kid is very powerful, right?"

Xiong Hai nodded:"Yes...I feel like he is not as simple as he seems on the surface!"

Xu Shimei:"It's good to know......The assassins you sent are not enough to fill their teeth! It's just to cooperate with the training of Xu Tian.

As an extremely rare and powerful space-based awakener, Xu Tian himself poses a great threat to the existence of those evil forces.

Whether it is the top leaders of other countries,...Or a foreign race, he will be regarded as a major threat in the future! If he can't even survive this trivial pursuit!

It's better to die!

Don't give China hope, but then die halfway because of a weak will!"

After hearing these words!

Xiong Hai understood!

Xu Shimei is called...Cultivate talents for the country!

So noble!

Xiong Hai nodded in agreement:"Then how about I recruit a few more diamond-level killers?"

As soon as this was said!

Xu Shimei on the other side of the phone was obviously unable to sit still:"Are you crazy?"

Xiong Hai was stunned:"Mr. Xu, didn't you say you wanted to train him well?"

Xu Shimei muttered in a low voice:"How could I really let this kid die! Won't his mother beat me to death when the time comes?"

Xiong Hai:"???"

So what you said was just empty talk?


Eighth update! Two more updates later!

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