Next, Xu

Tian did not argue with Cai Kunkun again!...The emotional value is refreshing like crazy!

【The resentment value from Cai Kunkun +999!】

【The resentment value from Cai Kunkun +999!】


Gradually, Xu Tian fell asleep to the music of the system.......

It takes about two hours to get from Goubashi to Yunan.

The rest of the way was very smooth.

There were no terrorist attacks or hijackings........

Two hours later...Arrived safely!

Xu Tian got off the plane and stretched his body. He felt very comfortable after sleeping!

He looked at his mood value....It's already 90,000.

And it's basically all contributed by Cai Kunkun alone!

It's amazing!

Xu Tian looked around and found that Cai Kunkun had disappeared, so he didn't pay much attention.

(ノ"◑ ,◑)ノ&#Li Qi patted Xu Tian on the shoulder and whispered,"Did you install a locator on Cai Kunkun?"

(⊙o⊙)? ? Xu Tian was stunned:"Eh? How did you know?"

(σ゚∀゚)σ..:*☆Li Qi:"I see you don't care....Guessed!"

( ▔, ▔ )Xu Tian:"Sure enough, IQ is contagious. After staying with me for a long time, you have become smarter."

(﹁"﹁)Li Qi:"Praise me, praise me, but don't bring yourself into this..."......

Xu Tian and the other two were walking on the VIP road.

At the end of the road, a fat boy holding a sign saw Xu Tian, compared the photo in his hand, and immediately ran up to him:

"Hello, come on! ?"

Xu Tian was stunned for a moment, then tentatively said:"ABC~?"(ps: new joke)

The little fat boy's eyes lit up:"The code is correct! Welcome to Yunan!"

Xu Tian asked in confusion:"Are you Dad's man?"

This code...

This was the code Xu Tian and Xu Shimei had agreed upon when they wanted to play games secretly....

Xu Tian answered casually.

The fat boy introduced:"Well, hello, young master, my name is Xiong Hai, you can call me Little Bear, I was arranged by Mr. Xu to pick me up at the airport."

Xu Tian nodded:"Wait a minute! I didn't tell my father what time my flight was, how did he know?"

Although he knew that this must be arranged by his father!

After all, the code cannot be faked!

But the puzzlement was...How did my dad know my flight?

I booked the ticket on a whim!

Xiong Hai was also stunned:"Ah? I'll call Mr. Xu and ask."

Xiong Hai took out his mobile phone and dialed the number marked as 'Mr. Xu':

"Hello! Mr. Xu...The Master has arrived...He has something to ask you...Okay, I'll give him the phone..."

Xu Tian took the phone.

Xu Shimei's voice came from the phone:"Hello! Son! Go to the club with Xiao Xiong to have a rest. Call me if you have anything. I'm a little busy now. I'll hang up first!"

Beep beep beep...

Xu Tian was about to ask something, but the call was hung up.

He looked at the number.

It was indeed his father's.

Li Qi suddenly frowned and asked,"Is the person on the phone your father?"

Xu Tian nodded,"What's wrong? Could it be that my father is also your long-lost teammate?"

Li Qi touched his chin and said nothing.

This voice...So familiar

"Wait a minute! Is your neighborhood called Yangwei Community?"

Xu Tian looked at Li Qi as if he was a fool:

"What's wrong with you? Are you shocked? Didn't you see the name of the community when you came here? Yangwei Community is genuine!"

Li Qi was silent.

But he was very surprised in his heart.

Could it be that Xu Tian's father was the mysterious strong man who saved me that year?

If it weren't for that voice just now.

Li Qi would not have thought about it in this way!

But is it...Everything is still uncertain.

Let's wait for a chance to find out in the future.

Xiong Hai took the phone from Xu Tian with both hands, and said with a grin,"Master, let's go to the club to rest first."

Xu Tian nodded,"Just call me Brother Xu, let's go."

Xiong Hai followed Xu Tian and carefully explained the delicious food and beautiful scenery in Yunnan. As soon as we left the airport, we saw a row of convertible Bentleys on the road.

Xiong Hai made a gesture to invite them in!

Xu Tian was stunned:"Which one is ours?"

Xiong Hai smiled and said,"All of them."

Xu Tian..."(◎_◎;)???

Li Qi(`゚Д゚´)ゞ!! ?

Nie Ying...(,,•₃•,,)Kuome? ? ?

The old man was shocked!

But Xu Tian didn't have much psychological fluctuation. He just froze for a moment and then pulled Nie Ying into the car.

Li Qi looked at it in disbelief. There were at least 30 cars!

The whole roadside was basically full!

You don't know until you see it! It

's shocking!

Li Qi saw Xu Tian got in the car, and hurriedly followed him......

Inside the car.

Xiong Hai made arrangements very carefully.

Adjust the appropriate temperature!

Close the sunshade!

Turn down the horn!

Remind the driver to wear the seat belt!

Everything was ready, and they set off directly!

One car took the lead!

More than 30 cars followed immediately!

This scene was really big!

The passers-by around were stunned by this scene!

With such strength?

Who is the big shot sitting inside?

Nie Ying sat by the window, curiously looking at the tall buildings outside.

Her eyes were full of longing.

Xu Tian asked,"Xiaoying, do you know where your home is?"

Nie Ying nodded,"I can find it back by feeling."

Just when Xu Tian was about to say something, a large truck suddenly drove over from the right side of the intersection!

It seemed to be broken!

The truck drove towards the Bentley car where Xu Tian was sitting without slowing down.

Xiong Hai was shocked:"Master, leave quickly!"

Xu Tian's eyes condensed!

He silently said in his heart:"The stars are changing! The divine pupil of insight! Open!" As soon as he finished speaking!

A flash of white light appeared around him! Xu Tian and the other two who were sitting in the back seat disappeared instantly!

Xiong Hai looked at the empty back seat through the rearview mirror, and his mouth curled up slightly.

He turned the steering wheel directly to the end, narrowly avoiding the collision of the truck!.......

On the other side.

Xu Tian teleported directly behind a big tree on the roadside.

Xu Tian bent down and took a breath!

One to two teleports!

Plus the use of the insight pupil!

The consumption is still quite large!

Li Qi on the side looked solemn:"It seems that someone is planning to take advantage of you?"

"It seems that only four people know about our flight this time."

Xu Tian frowned and counted on his fingers:"Wei Wuji, Cai Kunkun, my father and Xiong Hai."

Li Qi crossed his arms in front of his chest:"Who do you think it is?"

Xu Tian touched his chin and thought carefully:

"First of all, let's rule out the father. He certainly wouldn't kill his own relatives for the sake of justice."

"Then we can rule out Wei Wuji. I heard that he moved from Yandu to Gouba City. Even if Yunnan has relatives, they should not risk killing people to help him."

"then...Cai Kunkun, it's possible, but not very likely!"

Li Qi suddenly asked:"Why do you think so?"

Xu Tian:"Although we haven't had much contact, I think Cai Kunkun should take revenge himself! Instead of hiring a killer."

Li Qi nodded in agreement:"So there is only one person left..."

Xu Tian looked at him and said,"Little Fatty..."

But before Xu Tian finished speaking, he heard a subtle sound of breaking through the air!

Xu Tian's blue eyes flashed!

He rolled sideways to avoid the bullet that attacked from behind!

Then he picked up a stone on the ground and threw it hard based on his feeling!


The small stone broke through the void!

It shot towards the top of the building!


The fifth update!

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