After Xu Tian had his fill, he returned to his room.

"Hi, hi! It’s started!"

Xu Tian took off all his clothes and rushed directly to the bed!

Xu Tian muttered in his heart:"System, what is the emotion value?"

System: [990,000!]

Xu Tian was delighted when he heard it:"Isn’t a gold-level lottery 90,000? Then can 990,000 be used for ten consecutive draws?"

System: [You are so smart, should I reward you with a big fight?]

Xu Tian:"......"

Xu Tian is beginning to doubt his life now....

Why are the systems in other novels in my previous life emotionless?

But this system wants to give me a big pussy? ?

It's too human, isn't it?

Xu Tian asked curiously:"System, what on earth are you? Do you have a physical body? Are you male or female?"

System: [Sorry, due to the low realm of the host, it is not worthy for this system to answer this question. ]

Xu Tian:"???"


Still looking down on me?

Saying that my realm is low?

Are you kidding me!

Xu Tian snorted disdainfully:"Humph! I don't want to know yet! Let's start the golden ten consecutive draws!"

【Ding! Opened!】

【Congratulations to the host and thank you for your patronage!】....

【Congratulations to the host and thank you for your patronage!】...

【Congratulations to the host and thank you for your patronage!】...

【...Thank you for your patronage!】

Nine of them in a row were all thank you for your patronage!

Xu Tian's face turned black!

"System, are you taking revenge on me on purpose?"

System: [This system is fair and just! How can there be any revenge?]

Xu Tian couldn't help but roll his eyes:"Forget it! There is one last chance! You will definitely win!"

Then, the turntable began to spin rapidly!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Divine Eye of Insight!】

【Eye of Insight: It can go beyond the human visual range and penetrate walls, clothes and other things easily! A careful study may lead to great discoveries! 】

After saying this!

Xu Tian felt a warm current passing through his eyes, a flash of white light passed by, and the world in front of him became extremely clear!

With a thought!

Xu Tian found that his vision could see through the wall and see the situation outside

"I'm so awesome!"

"What if I combine it with my special ability?"

You know.

The introduction of Xu Tian's special ability is...Teleport within the range of vision.

If equipped with these divine pupils...

Doesn't that mean......Can I teleport at will?

Thinking of this,

Xu Tian did it!

He looked through the wall at the wisdom tree in the backyard, and his mind moved!


A flash of white light!

Xu Tian's figure instantly appeared on the wisdom tree!


Directly scared Wangcai who was sleeping on the tree!


Wangcai stared at the person with vigilant purple eyes.

When he found out it was Xu Tianhou, he happily jumped over.


Xu Tian smiled, a white light flashed around him, and he disappeared again! Wangcai pounced on nothing!

He fell headfirst, like a dog eating shit.


After returning to the room, Xu Tian tested the range of the Insight Divine Eye again.

About a thousand meters was the limit!

He could see farther, but it was a little forced and blurry!

He retracted his sight!

Xu Tian felt a slight pain in his head!

"Phew! The Divine Pupil is good, but it consumes too much mental energy!"

Just for a while, Xu Tian felt that his mental energy was almost exhausted.

Even Xu Tian's explosive mental energy could not withstand this terrifying consumption rate!

But Xu Tian was still overjoyed!

No wonder it is said that careful research will lead to great discoveries!

Combining superpowers with the Divine Pupil...It's really amazing!

Although it consumes a lot of energy!

But at the same time, the rewards are also huge!

You can teleport anywhere within a thousand meters, whether it's escaping or chasing, it's all good!

Xu Tian's finger wiped in front of his eyes, and his pupils returned from blue to their original brown!

Xu Tian's mind sank, and he fell asleep.......

Early in the morning of the next day.

Xu Tian put on his clothes in a daze, got up and left the room.

Today is Saturday. Although he has classes in the third year of high school, he has already asked for leave on the grounds of"broken leg".

Of course, Wang Yuanfeng definitely doesn't believe it.

But Xu Tian has been recruited by the Lingyin Army now. What's the point of attending classes? Is he really allowed to come to school to pick up girls?

To be a troublemaker?

To harm innocent female students?

Xu Tian came to the living room and found that only Xu Shimei was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

""Dad, where are the three of them?"

Xu Shimei sighed,"They went shopping."

Xu Tian said,"Oh," and ate some bread.

"Dad, I'm going to be in seclusion for three days!"

"Well... as long as he doesn't go crazy and die, it'll be fine."

Xu Tian rolled his eyes helplessly.

Is there anyone who curses his own son to death?

What a punishment!

Xu Tian didn't say anything else and went back to the bedroom.

Xu Tian's plan was...

I will retreat for three days and try to improve my realm as much as possible....Act according to the situation.

Xu Tian took out a large bag of spiritual stones wrapped in urea bags from under the bed. He placed them around the bed and set up a simple spiritual gathering array.

Xu Tian sat cross-legged in the center, closed his eyes, and the spiritual power in his spiritual veins surged wildly, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy that was gradually gathering around him.......

Three days passed in a flash!

During this time, Xu Tian never left his room.

He stayed in the room to improve his realm and study the insight pupils.

Xu Tian always felt that this pair of divine pupils was not that simple.......

Suddenly, Xu Tian opened his eyes

"Phew! I have reached the peak of Silver Four Stars."

In just three days, the realm will not improve too significantly.

But...The spiritual power in Xu Tian's body is extremely condensed.

Unlike those ordinary people, whose spiritual power is extremely superficial and has a low upper limit, even if they have a large amount of spiritual power stored, they cannot exert too strong combat power.

Xu Tian stretched his waist!

His bones crackled!

And at this moment.

The door was suddenly knocked.


Nie Ying's baby voice came in:"Xu Tian, someone named Li Qi is looking for you."

Xu Tian opened the door, lowered his head and asked in confusion:"Where is he?"

Nie Ying was holding a bottle:"In the living room." Xu Tian 's face was full of question marks? ? ?

Now it has been three days since arriving in Gouba City!

Could it be that Li Qi hasn't left yet?

Is he waiting for me?

Or is the matter not yet done?

Xu Tian walked to the living room with many doubts, and saw Li Qi sitting on the sofa watching TV at a glance:"Old Li, what's wrong? Are you going back to the team?"

Li Qi shook his head and whispered:"I need to go to Yunan, do you want to go with me?"


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