Wei Wuji was also stunned!

But the attack in his hand did not slow down at all!

Two thick golden sticks swept towards Xu Tian at the same time!

But Xu Tian held the back of his head with both hands, watching the approaching attack with interest!

Everyone present was amazed!

"Damn! What is Xu Tian trying to do? To take the golden stick with his body?"

"What a ruthless person! Aren't you afraid of being beaten into a bloody mud?"

"Oh no! I just don’t know if he has bought all the insurance! If he dies, his family will be able to share some of the money!"

"You are awesome! The insurance company would be a big loss without you!"


The audience was in an uproar!

They all didn't understand what Xu Tian was doing?

Teachers' seats at No. 1 Middle School.

When Wang Yuanfeng saw Xu Tian's pink armor, he was stunned at first, and then his mouth twitched wildly!

Good guy!

No wonder he didn't counterattack! ?

So he had this thing to protect himself! ?

I saw two thick golden sticks quickly clamped towards Xu Tian in the middle!


The two golden sticks collided with Xu Tian's body!

There was a huge explosion!

Dust flew!

The ground of the ring was directly sunken by the huge force!

The weaker students present covered their ears in pain! Their heads were buzzing!

At the same time, they all held their breath and looked at the ring with smoke and dust all over the place!


The smoke and dust dissipated!

Two figures were revealed!

In the huge pit, Wei Wuji was lying on the ground in a mess, and Xu Tian was lying on him like Ge You!

So leisurely!

Everyone was stunned!

What's going on?

Xu Tian won? ?

What happened in the smoke and dust just now

? Why did the situation change?

Wasn't it Wei Wuji who took the initiative to attack?

How did he get knocked down!

It seems that he was even knocked unconscious! ?

I'm so excited!

The students in the audience were immediately shocked!

There was a heated discussion!

"Is there anyone who has the ability of pupil technique? Tell us what happened in the smoke just now!"

"I am I am!"

"Don't just blame me, tell me what you saw!"

"Just now......"

He described it vividly. The students around him listened attentively.......

The moment the golden stick touched Xu Tian's body, the pink armor shone!

The two golden sticks were directly shattered into powder and scattered on the ground!

Wei Wuji was attacked and vomited blood!

Xu Tian teleported behind him and knocked him out!

Then, the scene in front of them appeared!




Many emotions filled their hearts!

So outrageous?

Someone questioned:"How much money did Xu Tian spend on you to make up this story? I just need money, so I'll introduce it to you!"

The man snorted:"Believe it or not, if you don't believe it, forget it!"

Although a few people doubted the authenticity!

But most people still believed it!

After all, the facts are in front of them!

And those teachers with higher realms all had their pupils contracted!

With their realm, they can naturally see clearly what happened in the smoke and dust just now. It's almost the same as what the student said!

The reason why they were shocked!

It was because of the pink armor! It directly shattered Wei Wuji's thick golden stick into powder! ?

What material is it made of?

So strong?

【Shock value from Chu Nan +666!】

【The shock value from Husky is +888!】


The emotion value keeps refreshing!

Xu Tian chuckled, stood up and patted the dust off his butt.

He summoned the right arm of Qilin, and the slender arm suddenly bulged! He grabbed one of Wei Wuji's legs, twisted his body, and threw him into the air with force!


Wei Wuji's figure gradually faded away, and only a small black dot could be vaguely seen in the air that was shrinking!

Xu Tian looked up and sighed,"Why don't you say...Will I come back?"

Everyone present:"???"

Do you think he is Big Bad Wolf?

Suddenly, Xu Tian set his eyes on the students of the Secondary School and said with a smile:

"Are there any who want to be astronauts?"

All the students in No. 2 Middle School shuddered violently!

They dared not speak.

Xu Tian choked, and suddenly saw Bakucha hiding in the corner, his eyes lit up:

"Hey! Bakucha, you are here too? Come up and play!"

BakuchaΣ(@ロ@;)!! ?

Even being shot while lying down?

He recalled the scene of being tortured in the spiritual realm!

His body shuddered suddenly!

With a look of horror on his face, he shook his head fiercely:"No, no!"

Xu Tian waved his hands helplessly.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Am I that scary?

He said to himself,"I didn't expect that no one in 'Da Da' No. 2 Middle School would dare to stand up. How sad!"

"Xu Tian! You!" Several students from the second middle school were furious.

They jumped onto the stage together and stared at Xu Tian with angry eyes!

Xu Tian smiled:"Hey! You want to come together? Want to have a group sex?"


What the hell?

Group sex?

This is a public place!

【The resentment value from Buyaolian +999!】

【The resentment value from Haozi is +999!】


The emotional points provided by several people were refreshed crazily!

They looked at each other!

At the same time, they summoned their own superpowers!

When they were about to rush forward together to Xu Tian.

Suddenly, everything went black in front of them and they fainted!

Xu Tian was holding a frying pan, his eyes full of caring eyes for the children of Zhizhang!

A middle school student under the stage shouted angrily:"Xu Tian, you sneak attack! They haven't released their superpowers yet!"

Xu Tian laughed:"If they release their superpowers so slowly in the battlefield, they would have been taken away by the Yincha!"


The student swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth!

All the students in No. 2 Middle School stared at Xu Tian!

Their eyes were bloodshot!

But they didn't dare to step forward!

Xu Tian kindly reminded them:"Don't stare with red eyes! I don't have the money to pay for your medical expenses."

After saying that, he held the back of his head with both hands and walked off the stage leisurely!

【The resentment value from the Wo Neng Die +999!】

【Resentment value from throwing the chapter +999! 】

Xu Tian walked in front of the middle school students and waved his hand!

"Hello! Aribati! Do you miss my baby? We have plenty of time tonight!"

A middle school student⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄! ?


It's still the frivolous Xu Tian! He has never changed!

Wang Yuanfeng came over with a smile:"Xu Tian, how are you over there? Are you adapting?"

Xu Tian sighed:"I'm not adapting at all!"

Wang Yuanfeng said with a smile on his face:"Is the training over there too hard?"

Xu Tian shook his head:"No!"

Wang Yuanfeng was immediately confused:"Why is that?"

Xu Tian sighed lightly, put his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, and said slowly:

"because...There are no beautiful girls there!"

Wang Yuanfeng: (〃゚A゚) ???



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