"Did anyone really understand [resilience]? How I feel like it's fake.

"Do you still need to sleep?" It must be fake! Someone must have tried it themselves, but it turned out to be useless, and deliberately fooled others to try it!

"Come on, come on, pay the IQ tax!" Everyone Jean, my male, 32 years old, unmarried, unemployed at home, just in front of a pot of ornamental plant sword thorns, now ready to try. I'll let everyone know when the results are out!

"Oh, who has an ornamental plant to raise sword thorns, is it funny?"


As Bai Xiao expected, the vast majority of viewers in the live broadcast room did not believe that the sword thorn could induce people to comprehend skills.

This plant is so common, it grows in all planes, and no one will study its extraordinary properties.

It's like weeds on the side of the road, and most people don't care about them.

Endless planes are discovering new species all the time, to study those things water papers, discover characteristics to obtain scientific research rewards is not fragrant?

But soon, the wind direction in the live broadcast room quietly changed.

At the beginning, there was only one ID that said that it could comprehend the skill, but over time, several new IDs also said that they comprehended the skill, some said that they comprehended [mild paralysis immune lv1], some comprehended [pain blockade lv1], and some comprehended [tenacity lv1].

I don't know if it's fishing, or a water army.

Wait a minute, where did the water army come from at this point?

People [Yuya Benye] didn't sign a contract at all, they didn't know that they were being livestreamed, how to find the water army? Could it be that she was looking for this backstage manager?

Naturally impossible.

What is the reason for so many IDs to message?

Either it's really a group of fun people fishing for law enforcement, or the rumor is true, this is a group of "tap water".

Either way, the direction of the entire live broadcast room has become more and more strange.

The anchor who should have been live broadcast lay there and fainted, but the live broadcast room was discussing academic issues - "whether the sword thorn can help people comprehend skills", and in the end, there was even a tendency to quarrel.

Bai Xiao thought about it, found a reason for "the live broadcast time is full", and casually closed the live broadcast room from the background.

In the following working hours, Bai Xiao watched other live broadcasts, looked for excellent seeds with traffic, tried to add traffic packages to them, and whether he could kill the underlying traffic pool.

But helplessly, the other live broadcast rooms randomly selected by Bai Xiao are not interesting, everyone is a decent development territory, life players should stroke the tree of the tree, dig the soil of the soil. Combat players are killing monsters and brushing tasks, getting rewards, improving their talent proficiency, and some of them are more talented, and they can also comprehend one or two small combat skills.

But overall, there is nothing too eye-catching.

Looking at these boring live broadcasts, Bai Xiao was a little out of his mind, and involuntarily recalled the last quarrel about the "sword and thorn problem" in the [Yuya Benno] live broadcast room.

She shook her head first, feeling that she was a little absurd, how could she think of going to that kind of place.

How many times can you feel the skill by pricking the sword?

Isn't that really a joke? Even if [Yuya Benye] did it in the live broadcast room, doesn't this mean that their boundless natives can reproduce?

There are too many factors that can affect the final result.

It may be that the Otherworldly Blue Star has a special physique.

It is possible that the sword spine in the plane where [Ikuya Honno] is located is not a common one, but a subspecies that is not easy to distinguish.

It may also be a simple coincidence, after all, [Yuya Benye] can even summon a dragon, maybe it is the Chosen Emperor?

Bai Xiao threw these outrageous thoughts out of his mind.

It was getting late, Bai Xiao packed all her things and prepared to go home from work, and when passing the elevator, she saw her colleague who replaced her night shift, Gao Li.

Gao Li was wearing heavy makeup, and her appearance was very beautiful, as if she had just returned from a nightclub, and she still had a little alcohol on her body.

Bai Xiao nodded slightly towards the other party, but Gao Li pretended not to see anything, turned his head and left, like a thin willow-like waist, twisting like a water snake.

Because of the tight workstation, the two use the same light brain for the same desk, but the difference is the background administrator account used to log in.

Gao Li's nostrils look at people, Bai Xiao is not the first time to see it, she is not angry and she should not see it.

When I returned home, I passed by a flower shop on the side and saw a small sword-shaped leaf sticking out of one of the flower baskets at the outermost periphery of the flower shop.

The shape of the sword spine is more peculiar, although it will not look good as an ornamental plant alone, but if it is slightly pruned, it can still be used as an ingredient for a special bouquet.

That outrageous thought appeared in Bai Xiao's mind again.

No matter how outrageous the matter of "piercing yourself with a sword and thorn" is, but what if?

What if this is true?

Bai Xiao bit his lip, thought about it again and again, and finally walked to the flower shop.


On the other side, Ikuno woke up slowly, looked at the sun that had gradually tilted to the west, picked up the little dragon cub who was still sleeping, and brought it back to his territory.

The first thing was to place a large number of seeds of sword thorns on the fence, a unit of fence with a unit of sword thorns, after meeting the relevant conditions, this extraordinary building finally launched a green glow.

The seeds quickly begin to sprout, growing needle-shaped leaves shaped like small swords, completely covering the outward-facing side of the fence.

The fence also rose sharply, from the waist to the height of the human chest, and it was impossible for ordinary creatures to cross in.

And without relevant protective measures, as long as the beast is pierced by this sword thorn, it will have to hurt for half a day, which is common sense for survival for all kinds of beasts living in the forest.

Therefore, the sword thorn itself is equivalent to a deterrent, and no one will take the initiative to provoke it.

Yuno looked at the wall of his territory quite satisfactorily and nodded.

Security +100!

If these [sword and thorn fences] were still waterproof, it would be better.

The giant lying on the side, seeing the sword thorns that suddenly grew on the bare fence, was immediately startled, and the four small short legs jumped forward.

It can be seen that the events of the afternoon have left a deep shadow on it.

But the end result is still very good.

By mistake, Ikuno gains the passive skill [Pain Blockade], while Big Mac gains the passive skill [Minor Paralysis Immunity].

This is the first time that Ikuno has comprehended skills on his own, and the most discussed comprehension skills in the group are all battle rank players, who have killed wild monsters for several days in a row, and no matter how stupid they are, they should have mastered one or two commonly used attack skills.

For example, what [straight stab], [parry], [jump], etc.

Life players have much less chance of comprehension, but there are also passive skills such as [concentration" and [patience].

After dealing with the matter of the sword thorn, it was getting late this day, and Yuno took the little dragon cub and went back to his [lord's hut].

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