The OTK stream is a "tactical idea", just like the most common "Legion Flow" and the "Bobo Flow" that Ikuno constantly harassed with ghost arts before.

Today's Ladder Twelve classes do not have a set of structures that can be called "OTK", because this method of warfare is very novel and imperfect.

Once Ikuno pioneers the "OTK stream", it will open the door to a new world for the local transcendent of the boundless plane, and twelve basic classes, as well as more niche professions, will develop their own "OTK genre" of extraordinary professions in this set of battle methods!

Now is the era of fast attacks, there are so many demons and monsters. It is foreseeable that when the era of OTK domination comes, the future ladder will become even more bloody! Those old schools that do not seek change may look as old as "primitive people" and gradually be eliminated.

In order to keep their "anchor", the "legends" at the top will not sit firmly on the fishing platform as they do now, for fear that they will be in a hurry.

Of course, these monstrous things in the future flood do not belong to Yuye, he just needs to keep creating new transcendent genres and take his own transcendent path!

The first thing to consider in today's Ukuno construction of the "OTK flow" of warlocks is how to directly bypass the maintenance of the enemy's extraordinary troops and layers of buildings and attack the enemy lord.

This mechanism is rare and difficult to implement, and Ikuno can't think of any good way for a while, so he has to find inspiration from other genres.

Judging from the three hottest genres that directly attack the lord at present, they are "cursed art", "king thief" and "ghost thief". The rest of the extraordinary professions actually have some small schools that are not formed, with similar abilities, such as shamans with natural thunder and lightning spells that can directly attack the lord's head from high altitudes, which is regarded as the otherworldly heavenly strike five thunder bombardments, but because it has no mature genre construction, Yuno has a cursory look, even if it is in the past.

If he wants to draw inspiration, he still has to think from the three genres mentioned earlier.

Each of these three genres directly locks on lords in different ways.

The "curse" power of "curse" comes from the grudge of the death of the creatures on the battlefield, and the source of the resentment comes from the lords on both sides who caused them to break out into war, and the warlock manipulates these grievances into "curses" directly applied to the enemy lords, but can skillfully shield their own existence in the process.

This is the "causal" relationship of "wronged and debted"! It is precisely because of this ethereal law of cause and effect that is difficult to cut off that the "curse" will make the enemy feel a headache and smell the color change!

Ikuno wants to build a new genre of warlocks, and "curse" is undoubtedly a good entry point, which is itself a professional characteristic of the Warlock Extraordinary Class!

"And the Murderer of Kings" is different, this is a typical extraordinary genre derived from top to bottom after achieving high ranks, from the overall point of view, this genre is a relatively extreme construction idea, a bit like the "assassin who assassinated the king in ancient times" in Ikuno's imagination!

Either you die or I die!

The "Murderer Thief" has similarities with the "Weapon Master" of the warrior, and can turn the entire extraordinary building into an extraordinary class of soldiers! And the most important core building in "Emperor Killer" [Blade of the King Killer] is the most important means for this thief genre to kill enemy lords!

"Emperor Killer" is actually a bit like the idea of "OTK", except for the production core building of [Mint], other core buildings of this genre are "buff buildings" that exist in order to increase the various architectural effects of [Blade of the Kingslayer], the only difference from "OTK" is that [Blade of the Kingkiller] can cross the "space" every turn to actively lock on the enemy lord for an unavoidable attack!

To do this, the rune group of this building must have a large number of complex and rare star power circuit fragments, which can achieve the expression of traits across space, automatic attacks, slaughter, and so on.

That's right, [Blade of the Kingslayer] was originally a Tier 1 "Legendary" quality building, but it was partially simplified to popularize the genre and the grade was lowered.

But interestingly, this extraordinary building can be accompanied by the continuous superposition of other extraordinary buildings on its buffs, and can gradually recover from the lower grade to the "legendary" grade on its own!

This strange technology, together with the collected star power circuits that express rare traits, is obviously a secret passed down by a certain [architect], let alone Yuno, even Guy's face, it is difficult to get reference.

In the end, the only mechanism left for Yuno to refer to is the "Ghost Thief".

In fact, the way the "Ghost Thief" relies on his soul to lock on the enemy lord is indeed the easiest of the three to replicate.

But the complexity of its mechanism is much more complex than the first two!

The "ghost thief" takes "undead" as an extraordinary class, but not because these "undead" are particularly powerful, but borrows the advantages of the "undead" race that is good at "spirit and flesh" to help them extract the [soul crystals] of the enemy's dead soldiers!

The lord relies on [imprint] to control all extraordinary troops, then the souls of these extraordinary troops will naturally contain a trace of soul power from the lord, even if this power is very small and tiny, so small that it is negligible, but with the secret method of thieves with a large number of [soul crystals] for refining, it can still be extracted by thieves to a "soul guidance" effect of the marker.

The "Ghost Thief" used this to lock on the enemy lord and began a series of killing operations that followed.

Well, before speaking of it, when Yuye used "Chao Shengde" to test the genre, he gave Chris, who was the best at "ghost thief" in this freshman of Diwei Royal Academy, a three-to-zero.

This is normal!

Because this genre can be said to be "super Shengde" Tianke! Or to put it in other words, it was "Natural Star Worm", an extraordinary class with an extremely low soul quality! If you want to extract that trace of the "soul guidance" from the soul quality that is worse than the "red beetle", I don't know how many "natural star worms" have to kill!

And when the "ghost spirit thief" finally killed a large number of natural star insects, extracted the "soul guide" sign, and was ready to start the show, "Chao Shengde" had already pushed his home several times!

To sum up, compared with the above three genres, Ikuno wants to form the "OTK school" of the Warlock genre, and it seems that the best thing to achieve is to choose the most complex "soul guidance" method such as "Ghost Thief".

And the "curse" can be borrowed, but it is too late and is not the best choice in Yu Ye's mind.

"So in order to extract [Soul Crystals], should the new Warlock Sect abandon the Demon Imp class and switch to the Undead Class like the 'Ghost Thief'?"

Ikuno pondered this possibility, but finally shook his head and denied this plan.

Instead of abandoning the mature imp system and adapting to the "undead system" that was completely unfamiliar before this, Yuye actually preferred to use [Little Ghost Refining Formation] to specially concoct a small ghost class with both "undead and little ghost" races!

This is not wishful thinking, but a practical solution!

The most unique racial feature of the undead is that many undead have dual-race characteristics, and the "imp" itself can be synthesized, and it is not difficult to achieve the "undead imp"!

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