This operation to

capture internal traitors, which swept the entire human alliance, obviously also affected the espionage operation of Klein's plane.

After Lilith read the latest information transmitted in her hand, a cold white flame overflowed from her sharp nails, quickly burning it out, and on her other hand was a cover letter called "Fauvist Studio".

She took a deep look at a six-story office building in the block in front of her, slowly crumpled the cover letter into a ball, then turned around and slowly disappeared into the darkness, and her mind involuntarily remembered the conversation with "bat".

"The Terrans don't know what they've been crazy lately."

"The crackdown on spies during this period is very strong, and we have to suspend the matter of cracking Klein's underlying defense mechanism for a period of time, and your identity will be completely lurked first."

Lilith frowned when she heard this order: "What about Yuno's territory?" Thinking

of this, Lilith became angry.

When she saw Bai Xiao crying when she went to Yuye's memorial service, she really thought for a moment that Yuye was dead!

But looking at it during this time, Yuye is obviously still alive, how does this make her not angry?

She was actually deceived by an ordinary person! She was still deceived by Bai Xiao, who she couldn't look at the most!

When did that white lotus-like woman become so good at acting?

Also, how did she get Bai Xiao to see the flaws?

Countless questions were like termites gnawing at Bai Xiao's heart, making her eager to directly restart the tasks she had not completed before, lurk next to Bai Xiao again, and infiltrate Yuye's territory.

"By the way, Lord Kraken also specially instructed that there is no need to stare at the human named Yuye anymore."

"Specially instructed? Why?

Lilith was puzzled, the most ruthless person who had framed Yuye before was Kraken, even if she was resolved by the clarification video of [Princess Pig], but she also specially arranged for her to change her identity to get close to Yuno's eyeliner in Klein's plane - Bai Xiao.

What happened in just a few dozen days would make Kraken's attitude towards Yuye take a 180-degree turn? It doesn't look like his ruthless and fierce style in the past.

In fact, Kraken was also forced to reverse the direction to give such a plan that seemed contrary to previous orders, and his own loyal "Empress Lord" was suspected of having a deal with humans, so this ostensible Klein defense battle may be a trap from beginning to end!

The information of "Chao Sheng De" was covered up by the empress, and it was suspected that it was the Yuye territory of the "Chao Sheng De" pilot, and it was naturally impossible for him to spend a lot of money to investigate and dismantle the mother emperor's platform.

In this war, a total of three mother queens came with the legendary [Mother Nest], in addition to [Blade Empress Kerrigan], the other two are [Shadow Lair Spider Hime] and [Eight-faced Tooth Worm White Woman].

The strength of the mother emperor is between the legend and the crown, and it belongs to the zerg class with large fluctuations in combat power, some weak mother emperors can only match the legend of the enemy race, and some are strong but can live a few moves with the crown.

Obviously, these three in this war belong to the latter type, and they started the conquest in various races in order to fight for the opportunity to truly transform into the "Zerg Master".

But how can Lilith, who is at the low end, understand the thoughts of these high-level people?

She could only secretly sigh that Bai Xiao's luck was too good.

She is a second-order transcendent, it is not difficult to kill Bai Xiao an ordinary person, the difficult thing is how to complete the follow-up plan of the zerg, the difficult thing is how to save her life after killing people in Klein!

Thinking of this, Lilith's figure disappeared into the darkness again.

For now, the only way to do so is to endure.


Since Ikuno set two small goals for himself, this period of life has also been very fulfilling.

In addition to learning the rune ideas of the [Forger] every day and replanning the drawings of the star power circuit left by those masters, Ikuno also took the initiative to go up the heavenly ladder to rank up.

At the beginning, the ranking was still steadily scored, and the king and matchless broke through step by step. During this period, he also encountered various demons and monsters in the construction of buildings, all genres!

Not to mention, the high-intensity battles in the recent period have really made some old genres come up with different routines in bold innovations!

The first is the mage school, the mainstream mage school that once allianced, whether it is the mainstream school of arcane law, elemental law, space-time law, or the fire demon method, light method and other more partial mage schools, are mainly magic.

They will also produce some classes, such as [Arcane Deformity], [Arcane Floating Dragon], [Bubble Element], [Stone Element], [Spark Element], and so on.

However, the mage's previous means of ending the enemy have always relied on huge spell bombardment. For example, the [Anagi Scatterer], which can vent a large number of [Arcane Arrows] in a few seconds, is the best example.

But in this genre competition driven by "Super Shengde" to increase the speed of development, mages who rely solely on spells have gradually been unable to keep up with the rhythm of Ruijin Ladder, and mage players who seek change have finally improved the paving genre suitable for mages in these original mainstream structures!

Today's arcane method and elemental method, after replacing some core buildings, also have good paving ability! Although it is still not comparable to "Chao Shengde", it can finally be a battle.

This change not only happened to the mage, but also the shaman also changed, copying the former's answer, constructing a set of strange "elemental sa", which can also win in the Tianhu state, but the overall performance is not good, and can only continue to be a bastard in this version of the ladder.

The three main streams of the priest, Saint Healing, Dark Mu and Heart Fire Mu, Saint Yu relies on milk to return a huge amount of blood, Dark Shepherd takes fast attacks and relies on shadow spells to stack DEBUFFs on enemies or directly dirty the opposite troops, and Heart Fire Mu relies on its own buff to pile up big brothers. In this fluctuation, the three main priest schools have all improved their ability to solve the field, the more enemies are paved, the more it can be solved, and in today's fast-attack environment, it can be regarded as a clear stream.

The changes in the war system are not as big as these legal professions, but they are all changed at a faster pace.

Yuno obviously found that after becoming Matchless, the opponents who could fight against these novel and modified genres were not very easy to deal with, and the substitute fights at this stage gradually disappeared on the ladder.

Just when Ikuno spent a lot of effort and finally reached the glory, there were already more than five thousand players on the glory list, and his ranking could only rank 5876.

Now, with nearly two months to go until the end of the season, Ikuno has calculated the top three rewards that mentor Guy said. Now that this news has not been officially announced, it is conceivable that after the announcement, the players of the entire virtual world will be more crazy to rush points, and by that time period, the competition will only become more intense.

Although he doesn't know the rules of competition at the end of the season, in order to qualify for the top three, he must play as high as possible in the ranking! In this regard, Yuye is very self-aware, according to the strength of the current opponent, it is really difficult for him to fight without "opening and hanging".

Fortunately, after thoroughly eating the hundreds of design drafts left by the master and redesigning the circuit with the ideas of the [Forger], Ikuno's puzzle to strengthen the "Little Ghost Technique" also went to the final stage.

A new hanger is coming soon!

Finally, on a bleak starless night, the familiar orange light lit up again in the [Lord's Cabin] - [

The Book of Rafam Little Ghosts] was born!

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