How could the opposite side find his territory so quickly?

Watching more than twenty fireballs fall, Lei Ge's face changed, and he didn't have time to think about it, and he had already bullied him.

But even if Lei Ge operated the two [Spirit Planter Seeders] that had completed a self-replication in the first place, aimed at the enemy and poured pea bullets, killing all more than twenty [Flame Little Ghosts], the losses that had been caused were already inevitable.

Afterwards, looking at the Spirit Plantation Land that had been destroyed by most of the time, Brother Lei's face was difficult to see.

At the same time, countless doubts also rose in Brother Lei's heart.

Now that the 3-week system has only ended, the 4-week mu has not been opened, plus Lei Ge has given priority to building the [Cultivation Hut], and his tree man system has not been established at all, and it is impossible for these delicate spirit plants to use the body of the [Iron Tree Seedling] to block the attack of the fireball!

Yuye's head would develop [Flame Little Ghost] to restrain the spirit plant, and Brother Lei had actually expected it, after all, he had done the same before!

Spirit plants that do not have the ability to "fire resistance" and "demon immunity" will naturally be restrained by "fire system" spells.

But this is by no means something that Brother Lei should worry about in 3 weeks!

Because in the traditional combat method, 3 weeks is by no means a round to summon [Flame Ghosts], and it is impossible for enemies to directly locate their territory from an entire map!

It is definitely out of place to summon an unproductive imp like [Flame Ghost] in this round!


If the other party can find himself, he must have also used [Void Ghost]!

Doesn't this mean that the other party directly brought the [Void Observatory] in the pre-selected building?

But that's counterintuitive!

The [Little Ghost Refining Formation] and [Demon Blood Selling Station] of the Little Ghost Art are the pre-selected buildings that must be brought, which already occupy two pits.

The former gives priority to the production of [Blood Imps], while the latter sells [Devil's Blood] for economic gain. The linkage effect of these two buildings can meet the extremely fragile economic system in the early stage of "little ghost art"! If you lose these two extraordinary buildings, the "Little Ghost Technique" will not be able to play at all!

This is also the point that the "Little Ghost Art" reserved building is very dull, and the tactical changes of its genre are not reflected in the architecture, but in the "changeability" of the [Little Ghost Refining Formation] itself!

As for the third core building, players usually keep [Evil Library], which can teach imps skills, such as teaching [Blood Ghosts] skills [Bleed], which can make them produce more HP, increase the economic benefits of the territory, and be able to have more gold to unlock new extraordinary building options faster, but the skills it teaches are not strong and usually not cheap.

But if it's a regular reserved building like this, where did Ikuno's [Void Observatory] come from?

It can't be the fourth building, right?

Although the [Star Power Tide] celestial phenomenon greatly speeds up the combat rhythm of this bureau.

But it takes time to buy [Void Watchtower], it takes time for [Void Ghost] to find territory, and it takes time for [Flame Ghost] to march, even if the 5th week [Flame Ghost] rushes to Brother Lei's territory, Brother Ray will not be so broken.

But it's only been 3 weeks now! That's two rounds higher!

At this point in time, even if the "Chao Sheng De" reserved construction carries the core of [Tree Man Totem], it will never be possible to cultivate many tree man troops!

At this point in time, in this map of the desert oasis, it is definitely the empty window period of the territory that all "Chaoshengde" cannot avoid!

It only took the lives of more than twenty [Flame Little Ghosts] to destroy the spirit plantation that Lei Ge painstakingly managed, and even the [Light Mushroom Blanket] was destroyed by half, on the surface, both sides had losses, but in fact, this transaction Yuno was too profitable!

[Flame Ghost] is destruction, and spiritual planting is production! "Chao Shengde" is a genre that snowballs by relying on economic advantages, so destroyed, Lei Ge is simply out of rhythm, he wants to continue this game, he has to start the layout again!

Even though Lei Ge mobilized the power he used to guard the oasis, Yuno's disgusting tactics had just begun.

The end of Week 3 is only the first batch of [Flame Ghosts].

In the 4th week, Lei Ge had just cleaned up the battlefield and resumed planting, and then he saw the familiar [Fireball Technique] falling from the sky, this time there were only about 10 fireballs, but it instantly ruined Lei Ge's well-developed territory beyond recognition.

Then, during the stiff time of casting the spell, the 10 [Flame Little Ghosts] were strafed by the bullets of the [Spirit Planter], and all of them died heroically in an instant!

What is this? [Flame Ghosts] Suicide Squad?

Even in Lin Musen's third perspective, Brother Lei is really too miserable, a "super Shengde" 4 weeks have passed, and the result is nothing.

Obviously, Yuye was able to connect the attack so quickly, and after producing a wave of [Flame Little Ghosts], he immediately ordered them to go to Lei Ge's territory to carry out sabotage tactics! In this picture, [Oasis] is the target, once Brother Lei finds his bearings by Yuye, then as long as a steady stream of teams are sent over to harass and interrupt Brother Lei's development!

So here's the problem.

...... Ikuno produces [Flame Ghost] like this, so what does the economy of the territory rely on? How did he manage to produce [Flame Ghost] continuously?

Not only Lin Musen was curious about this question, but Brother Lei also wanted to know ah!

And wait until the 5th week....

Looking at the [Flame Ghost] who haunted the edge of the oasis again, Lei Ge Lian instantly darkened and decisively ordered the surrender button.

"What's the matter, Brother Ray?"

"Why aren't you laughing?"

"Are you naturally not smiling?"

In the end, Ikuno also adhered to the fine tradition of sending messages with memes, and sent a bunch of drawings over.

Where did Brother Lei experience such "spiritual pollution", and people closed themselves on the spot.

But he is not autistic because he lost, but because he is self-contained in the "little ghost art" that he is best at, and he has seen others more beautiful than him!

3 weeks, how is it possible that 3 weeks have found a territory of "super virtue"?

The territorial economy is gone?

"Super Shengde" for him, is just a joke, when he encounters various genres on the ladder, even against tricky niche professions, he is not without losing, but the little ghost art is his most self-satisfied genre operation, and has achieved "100 consecutive victories"!

But he couldn't understand Yuno's operation at all, which is why he was so frustrated.

"How did you do it?"

"Why can you develop three different imp branches in 3 weeks: [Blood Ghost], [Void Ghost], and [Flame Ghost]? How can your territorial economy sustain itself?


Brother Lei asked questions one after another from his mind, he was not joking, he was asking very seriously!

"Hey, hey!"

This time it was Ikuno's turn to shiver, and he slowly typed two words to send over.

"You guess?"

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