“...... On the 138 sub-battlefields fighting against the Terrans, the sudden appearance of a large number of Druid schools called 'Chaoshengde' led to heavy losses in the 1st order [mother nest]..."

Countless deaths and injuries..." Kraken

looked at the amazing numbers on the Zerg war report, and couldn't help but sweat coldly, each Zerg [mother nest] is a "legendary" quality extraordinary building, even if there are no supporting other extraordinary buildings, a [mother nest] alone into the resource-type plane, as long as there are enough life materials, it will grow rapidly.

In addition to the [storage] magnitude that breaks through the shackles, the difference between [Mother Nest] and other Tier 1 "Legendary" quality buildings is that it can also upgrade itself, which is an important reason why it can become a "Legendary" building!

Therefore, [Mother Nest] is by no means a cabbage for the Zerg of the peak race, and it can be sacrificed at will.

And now losing at the same time in 138 sub-battlefields....

It can be said that it gave the Zerg a heavy blow!

In particular, the large loss of the first-order [mother nest] exceeds the current early warning line, which means that the development speed of the next generation of Zerg will be greatly dragged down, and if it is still fought at such a high frequency as before, it is likely to lead to a lack of contact and eventually a complete collapse!

There are many more enemies of the Zerg than there are human enemies, and in addition to other peak races, there are many small races that rely on the plane defense line to resist the endless invasion of the Zerg.

But what changed Krakense was that in the information obtained from countless first-order high-level Zerg deaths and injuries in that war report, there was an extremely familiar extraordinary building.

All of a sudden, Kraken's mind was thinking a lot.

"Go and call Lidal over!"

After a while, Kraken couldn't help but lower his voice and instructed the adjutant Nesso beside him, his eyes flashing to show his inner uneasiness at the moment.

Adjutant Neso, like Kraken, is a [Blade Warrior] with three pairs of compound eyes and six arms, and is a loyal member of the [Blade Queen Kerrigan].

"By the way, tens of millions... Don't be open. Nesso

was slightly stunned when he heard this strange order, for the first time in his hundreds of years as Kraken's adjutant, he had seen his boss so distracted, and his inspiration told him that something big seemed to be happening!

"Is it Lidal from the Cicada Clan?"

Just in case, Nesso asked again, after all, Kraken had only seen Lidal once in total.

Neso was also a little confused, what was the reason for his superiors to find such a high-level zerg with only the Uyi rank, not to mention that the cicada tribe was a member of the joint force sent abroad, and they did not eat and live with the main ship.

After receiving Kraken's affirmative reply, Neso's figure disappeared silently in the darkness.

By the time he reappeared, he had appeared on a [Belhimo]-class battleship.

And Lidal, who should have been on vacation, was delayed because he was doing errands for Lord Kraken before, and because of his good record on the Aoyi battlefield, Lidal, who beheaded five people in a row, was afraid of being targeted by the Terrans [Clearers], and did not go to the battlefield again to fight during this time, but took a leisure job and went to the logistics department.

When Nesso finds Lidhar, Lidal is sitting in his office drinking tea on Erlang's legs and reading the newspaper, which is announcing the recent defeat of the Zerg and the latest reports about the new Terran genre "Chaoshengde".

It wasn't until a black shadow rose from the ground, and the appearance of the three pairs of compound eyes and six arms had already revealed the identity of the comer, that Lidal's face changed slightly.

[Blade Warrior]!

[Blade Queen Kerrigan]'s Guards! This is also the exclusive class of the Blade Empress!

"Lord Kraken looking for me?"

After hearing Neso's intentions, Lidal was stunned, and his relationship with Kraken had no other intersection except after the last mission.

What would happen to Kraken looking for himself?

Lidal returned to the captain's room of the main ship with the same doubts as Neso.

"Go inside, adults are waiting for you inside."

"Aren't you going in?"

Lidal asked suspiciously.

But Nesso shook his head, disappeared into the darkness again, and stood guard at the door of the cabin.

The light in the cabin is very dim, except for some indicators flashing with different lights, but this is also the norm for Zerg warships, after all, Zerg motherships are biological battleships that are made of spectacle [growth rays] that "giganticize" some special Zerg countless times and then transformed.

But this is nothing to Lidhar.

The vast majority of bugs are born able to see in the dark, which is a universal skill [Dark Vision], and all races have a chance to learn it, if it is a Zerg-exclusive vision skill, it must be [thermal imaging] and the like.

Kraken stood in the center of the captain's room, with six hands alternately behind his back, and the compound eyes on one side were the first to see Lidal's arrival, and said in a deep voice: "You are here."

Lidal respectfully performed a cicada courtesy and asked, "I wonder what the adults are looking for me?"

Kraken first looked Lidal up and down, and then looked appreciative: "Your aura is more condensed, and you are worthy of being a genius of the cicada clan."

"It seems that the Condensation Worm Domain is just around the corner!"

Lidal was a little flattered in the face of the words of the chief of the Empress Guard, and waved his hand again and again: "The difficulty of the insect domain, how can it be said that condensation is condensation?" I'm still far behind.

Seeing him so humble, Kraken shook his head and no longer continued the topic, but cut to the chase: "Look at this, is it similar to the extraordinary building you saw last time you sneaked to that Tier 1 territory?"

Then Kraken waved his hand, and two illusory images slowly unfolded.


Lidal swept the picture on the left, and suddenly chuckled, the memory of two months ago returned, he sneaked into the Tier 1 territory with the talent of [Golden Cicada Shelling], and played a game with the Terran Tier 1 Lord, and finally succeeded in estimating the efficacy of the ugly-looking extraordinary building, and at that time, he also created a combat method to deal with it.

In another picture, although the appearance of this building is much better, the shadow of the former can still be seen more or less.

Lidal is almost certain that these two things come from the same source!

"This... Isn't this a copy of the former? What is this called? [Natural Signal Tower]?

Lidal's mind turned, and his aura suddenly lost his voice: "Could it be that in the 'Chao Shengde' reported in the newspaper that led to the defeat of 138 sub-battlefields, there is this extraordinary building called [Natural Signal Tower]?" "

Lidal's level is not high enough to see more detailed battle reports, but it is not too low, and I can hear more or less news. Of course, he knew that "Chao Shengde" swept through many sub-battlefields at once, and this time it was considered to have beaten out all the Zerg.

But if there is this [natural signal tower] in "Chaoshengde", then the Tier 1 territory he sneaked into two months ago is actually a pilot of "Chaoshengde"?

No wonder it's so ugly that it's not easily recognizable!

But that doesn't make sense?

He has prepared the battle method to deal with the [natural signal tower] in advance, uploaded it to the [gene tree], all the first-order [mother nest] and the higher zerg can learn, even if the human race launches the "super virtue", the zerg is a little dark loss in the early stage, and soon can stabilize the position, use the combat method to deal with it, and there will be no such losses as rumored.


Before Lidal had time to ponder, Kraken on the other side opened his mouth again and asked, "Have you told anyone about the infiltration and this building?"

Lidal subconsciously shook his head, but in the next second, his heart was "clicking", his mind instantly cleared up, and many things were figured out at once.

Unless...... Information about [natural signal towers] is not uploaded to [gene trees] at all! This makes the [Mother Nest] of the first order unable to know the efficacy of the [Natural Signal Tower] in advance and respond!

And on the Klein battlefield, there seems to be only one person with this permission....

The silver-white blade shone in front of Lidal's eyes, but without making the slightest sound, a head had already flown up, and before his death, his face still had a confused and incredulous expression, all the blood evaporated under the bright silver knife light, and not a single drop fell in the cabin.

Before the body had completely fallen, Nessor appeared like a ghost, sharply dragging Lidal's body and head into the deep darkness, and finally stood back behind Kraken as if nothing had happened.

"Won't you ask me why I killed him?"

Kraken asked casually, picking up a white cloth and wiping the hand he had just started.

Nesuo shook his head expressionlessly: "No, I just need to know that everything you do will not betray Her Majesty the Empress."

Kraken's eyes darkened.

Yes, always being loyal to the Empress and never betraying the Empress is the mission that they [Blade Warrior] were created.

As for whether the Empress will betray the Zerg, and what kind of deal will be made with the Terrans...

He can't handle it.

So Lidal of the Cicada Clan, excuse me, please go.

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