Is there really a native civilization?!

Seeing this scene, Yuye's face suddenly changed. Sure enough, his first hunch was not wrong!

Even places where star power is scarce like the [Tianquan plane] have human beings living and acting as a hegemonic race. In this world with such abundant star power, how could there be no overlord race of its own?

"So did you see what the creatures in that city looked like?"

Ikuno asked anxiously. He had heard a lot about the Plane natives turning the Terran pioneers over! In case the natives of this plane are powerful, and they are extremely unfriendly to "heretics" like themselves....

Then there are only two paths for Ikuno.

First, submit plane coordinates to the Human Alliance and wait for support. With the strength of the Human Alliance, it is still more than enough to deal with the natives of one plane, but although this can keep the territory, the coordinates of the Yuye territory are all announced to the Human Alliance, and it will be easy for the Alliance to forcibly open this plane in the future.

Second, Yuye has an unknown resource-type plane coordinates. He really can't get mixed up here, he can also activate the Void Realm Teleportation and teleport himself to the other world to start over.

This practice is also very risky, and may even be teleported beyond the explored plane, where even the dawning system has no signal and cannot connect! And the new plane does not necessarily mean that there are no new natives, new crises.

Therefore, until the last moment, Ikuno will definitely not use this scheme!

For Yuno's new question, [Windcatcher] shook his head blankly, that city was some distance from the river, [Windcatcher] was only a 1st order, it was already difficult to get there, let alone go ashore to investigate deeply.

Seeing that [Windcatcher] felt guilty because he didn't complete the task, and the two big eyes shrunk together aggrievedly, Yuno realized that his tone seemed a little too anxious, he stretched out his hand and touched his head, relieved: "It's okay, you're already brave!" Now you are the only one of all the [Windcatchers] who is at full attribute in the 1st Order, and the only high-level fishman in the Windcatcher! In order to distinguish you from other [Windcatchers], I will give you the surname of Windcatcher, and your clan will be called Windcatcher from now on! "

And because you are rewarded with attribute points for exploring the way of the territory, then add another word 'seeking' to your name."

"From now on, you will be chasing the wind!"

"You have to practice well! Break through the 2nd order as soon as possible, don't be overtaken by other fishmen!

Chasing Wind Xun nodded a little ignorantly, the improvement of attributes was also gradually improving his spiritual intelligence, this process was not as significant as the change in strength, it would take a while to manifest itself, I think it would not be long before he was able to spit out words.

Ukuno's proclivity for naming others, ahem, was not learned from Guy.

As a territory of multi-ethnic development, if you want the races not to conflict with each other, but to live in harmony, there must be a core idea to firmly grasp them together.

And in Yuye's cognition, what other core thought can be more inclusive than the culture of Huaxia?

Taking clan names is obviously able to increase their sense of identity with "Chinese culture".

From now on, there will be no racial distinction in Yuye's territory, and they will all be clans of Huaxia!

Ikuno nodded, feeling that his strategy was still very good. Just as he was about to turn to leave, suddenly Feng Xun reached out and grabbed Yuno's pant leg, and Abba Babadi gestured at something.

Yuno estimated half-guessedly, "You mean? You didn't see people, but you saw something else? "

Chasing the wind and focusing on his head.

Ikuno frowned and stretched out his hand to press on Feng Xun's head, sensing [Imprint] again, and switched perspectives familiarly.

He has now become a chaser again.

"Ikuno" looked out at the small and gray city, looking around for so-called "new things", but found nothing.

Just when Ikuno wondered and wanted to withdraw from the perspective and carefully inquire about Chasing the Wind, he suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Variational..... It's that wall!

The originally gray mottled city wall, which seems to have gone through a long time, is becoming brightly colored little by little from the root of the wall, and finally returns to its original appearance!

This is an earthen yellow wall, and when "Ikuno" looks at it from a distance, you can't see that the entire city wall has obvious connections, and it doesn't seem to be built with bricks.

It was as if the entire earthen wall was completely integrated and flawless.

As an extraordinary [architect], Ikuno is all too familiar with this, and this must be the use of extraordinary power!

Either the legal profession has raised a whole wall made of earth elements, or it is similar to [the architect] combing the wall with the spirit and then using the means of [building material shaping] to seamlessly stitch the wall.

No matter what, Yuye can see the background of this unknown civilization from the extraordinary knowledge system contained in this small wall.

No matter how bad this civilization is, it can build this kind of wall, and it also has an existence beyond the Star Mark level (above the 4th level).

While Yuye was still thinking, the perspective was already disconnected. Chasing the wind, I just saw this place and swam back.

A small gray city, suddenly the color became bright...

It's a bit abnormal no matter how you look at it.

Yuye shook his head and breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, as long as the native civilization did not take the initiative to appear, Yuye was not ready to provoke them.

Isn't it fragrant to develop?


After [Big Mac] got rid of Yuno, it was like a wild horse that had lost its reins, running around the entire territory.

It had been sleeping for too long lately, curious about all the changes that had taken place in the territory, reaching out its paws here to touch it, and reaching forward to sniff there.

As one of the elders of the territory, he definitely has this qualification!

Qi Haha and Qi Hun hummed when they saw this pure-blood dragon cub that suddenly popped out, and they were so frightened that they almost lost their souls.

Both of them saw [Big Mac] for the first time, and their first reaction was - there was a pure-blood dragon in this plane!

The second reaction was that this pure-blooded dragon had even run to its own territory?!!

In case this dragon elder comes out and roars, the entire territory is afraid that it will be gone in minutes.

Even if they later learned that this little ancestor was the little pet of the lord, these two did not dare to make half a point, and they were terrified all day, the power of the dragon clan was really not a joke, and they had to let it give the orc territory to Youya to wander around again and again, until the time was getting late.

When the dragon cub returned to the territory of Yuye again with a yawn after playing all afternoon, the sun had already begun to set, and the orange-yellow fire clouds were burning hotly in the sky, and the little dragon cub wanted to take a good look at the scenery and sleep by the way, but an untimely voice interrupted in his ears.

"Hey, the aura of the 'Earth Origin Law' in your body has actually increased so much more than before?"

The cold voice suddenly sounded, so shocked that [Big Mac] suddenly became sleepy, and it turned around vigilantly, and its eyes were full of caution.


It saw a figure so beautiful that it seemed to be glowing slowly descending from mid-air, and [Big Mac] recognized that the person in front of it was Wang Zhaojun, who had fought side by side with it before!

"Wow~ (How did you become like this?) "

Long golden wavy hair, a turquoise jungle crown on it, bright eyes with pointed ears, a simple but elegant green skirt, even the staff that never leaves the hand does not feel that the whole body has changed its turquoise appearance.

Wang Zhaojun's outfit, changing her previous cold temperament, is a playful "elf princess" who walked down from the world tree!

"So that's the case..."

Wang Zhaojun's turquoise eyes looked [Big Mac] up and down, and seemed to notice something, and then nodded clearly, and suddenly she showed a hint of cunning, so she asked curiously.

"You should be able to advance, why not advance earlier? It can't be scared, right? "

Wow~~ (Nonsense!)

""┗|'O′|┛ Wow~~ (How could I be afraid?!) Getting through trials is no small thing for me!

"Since you think the current trial is so easy, how about simply increasing the difficulty a little more?" It may hurt a little, you should not be afraid of pain, right? "

Being able to talk to all natural things and listen to their hearts is the new ability that Wang Zhaojun gained after getting the [Elf Princess] skin, and it is also the reason why she was able to talk back and forth with [Big Mac].

Upon hearing Wang Zhaojun say this, [Big Mac] Lingjue was very sensitive, seemed to sense that something was wrong, and took two steps back slightly, but he still said with a hard mouth: "Oh, oh!" (Come on!) Who is afraid of whom! I'm a ruthless dragon who has challenged [Sword Thorn]! Hearing

the expected satisfactory reply, the smile on Wang Zhaojun's face could no longer stop, and with a gentle wave of her hand, a jade light streaked through her fingertips and quickly shot into [Big Mac's] body.

[Big Mac] only felt a sharp pain coming from the whole body, but before it could scream, layers of roots and branches had grown from the flesh and blood in its body, and the earthy yellow light wanted to play a role in healing the wound, but it was always stopped by a touch of green, and more green shoots and branches grew.

Eventually, these vegetations quickly wrapped the [Big Mac] into a cocoon.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zhaojun nodded with slight satisfaction.

"This [Elf Princess] skin reward a trace of the 'Wood Origin Law' has no effect on me in the ice system, but it cheapens you little guy."

"The five elements are born together, there is a trace of pure 'Earth Origin Law' in your body, and Mu Ketu doesn't know if he can help you complete the Dao Foundation by reversing the five elements in this way, giving you a chance to achieve the Five Elements Divine Dragon."

"If this step can be survived, the next completion will be Fire Kemu, as for the 'Origin Law of Fire' you need..."

Wang Zhaojun did not finish speaking, but instead glanced meaningfully at the [Fire Thief's Tower] that burned like flames on the side, and returned to his white tower.

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