"The end of faith... Is it madness?

Ikuno chewed on the sentence, and suddenly he raised his head and asked Guy, "How do you know so many secrets?" This should be far more than ordinary Upanishi [architects] should know, right?

Guy Elvis looked at Yuno who was not blown up by these heavy news, and his eyes showed appreciation, "I thought you wouldn't be curious about this." "

I also know this because when I was younger, I followed my teacher and a bunch of top [architects] in an attempt to forge a whole new wonder, and although that attempt failed, there was also a lot of forbidden knowledge about the gods, and I learned a lot."

Ikuno didn't delve into what the new spectacle was called or why building a spectacle required forbidden knowledge of gods.

If Mentor Guy is willing to say it, he will naturally tell it. Although one of them is a Blue Star person and the other is a local transcendent, the time of intersection is not long, but they have reached an inexplicable tacit understanding.

"So, how do I use this innate ability of mine?"

Yu Ye actually had a little idea in his heart, but he still wanted to listen to the advice given by his mentor.

Guy grinned: "Of course, you can use it as you want." Even if you want to go crazy, you are not qualified to go crazy in a small number 2 level.

"Although very few people know about the gods, you also have to be vigilant, and you can't do things that give attribute points to others."

Ikuno deeply agrees with this, last time (2) was able to survive the pollution of [Thousand Throats Demon Yugsaron], to say that she did not know the knowledge of gods, Ikuno did not believe it.

In today's era, ordinary transcendent people do not know what "God" is, and how can they cope so well in such a short time when pollution has fallen? And seeing that No. (2) was able to resist a trace of pollution from the gods with some kind of "treasure tool" at that time, his family background was obviously not ordinary.

If he participates in the [Red Blood Conscription Order] conscription mode so casually, he will encounter people and things related to God, and if he is not careful to keep a low profile, he is afraid that he will cause great trouble in the future.

Guy continued to laugh and said, "Of course! You can continue to give power, but do it more secretively, fortunately, the mechanism by which you generate divine power is not the obvious evil, then even if a human enforcer finds out, he will not care too much. "

In addition to the 'true god', there are only a very few who really grasp the power of the gods in the boundless plane, and there are many who have mastered a trace of the power of the gods, and this 'god' can only be called 'wild gods' at most, and most of these 'wild gods' are born and raised, or they are natural products of faith and worship, all of which have great defects, but the benefits are also very few."

"Although the number of 'wild gods' is also small, it is not so rare, and you don't have to be too nervous. By the way, the False Emperor Palace, one of the seven major forces, is the force that has dealt with the 'wild gods' the most, and even said that their history is a history of the 'wild gods'. "

The strength of the 'wild god' is different, and the strong one is much stronger than the real crown, infinitely close to the 'true god'. The weak ones are just like you, and it is extremely troublesome to give a first-order attribute point. "

If it weren't for the fact that Yuno's talent implied a trace of [infinite] divine power, he wouldn't have been able to meet the standard of a 'wild god' at all. But the reason why he is embarrassed now is not only because his "divine power" is thin, but also because his name itself has the word "wild" in it.

The "wild" among the other wild gods is the "wild" of the "wild history", and he, the "wild god", is the wild god of the Eight Classics!

Guy didn't care about the little activity in Yuye's heart, his thousands of years of experience were not in vain, and after discovering that something was wrong with Yuye's [architectural empowerment] talent, he decisively clarified the pros and cons, and warned his closed disciple what to pay attention to, and what he could do next.

"There are really only two things you need to think about right now."

"First, how to make your territory produce extraordinary buildings that are fast and multitude, and of different types."

"This will be the lifeblood that determines how many 'attribute points' you can produce, and it's extremely important. To put it another way, it is the power of the 'gods' produced. Guy

teased while saying: "The quality itself is not good, the amount is always more!" "

Second, build a special extraordinary structure that can store your 'divine power', assist the people of the territory, and let them add points."

"You can't always add points manually to every subject, can you? Then you 'wild god' may not be too out of style. The

points that Guy said coincided with what Yuye had in mind, and what Guy didn't think of, Yuye actually had a lot of immature ideas.

For example, when his "wood carvings" are perfected a little, he can throw some "garbage" from [Bob's Time and Space Tavern] like a boundless plane.

Ahem, this is not an uncivilized act, this is to bring civilized "garbage" to those still barbaric worlds, ahem, the spark of civilization.

These "god-like wood carvings" will be washed to what plane the curve of time and space, whether they will be destroyed by the void storm in the middle, whether they will be picked up by the uncivilized intelligent race and put in their own tribe to worship, and from then on the power of faith, Yuye is not sure, anyway, he wants to be a "wild god", there must always be a fish pond.

With such a large plane and more bait, there will definitely be indigenous tribes who have taken the bait, Yuye's eyes flashed, carefully calculating.

The Human Alliance and the major peak races have an ambiguous attitude towards the "gods", while always vigilant against the revival of the gods, they are all lying on the corpses of the gods and sucking blood to grow.

This deformed development method, Yuye is not optimistic, even in the tens of thousands of years since the establishment of the 14th version of the Dawning System, it seems that there has not been a major disaster.


Is it possible that a disaster actually happened, but no one noticed it, or that everyone's memories were altered?

It's not that Yuye is worried, but in this extraordinary world, it is really possible to do this! Legendary transcendent beings will be afraid that the hostile legend will erase their "legend" and thus lose the number of resurrections, and if the object of the enemy is replaced by a "god", then the means of erasure are no matter how cautious and seamless it is.

Therefore, Yu Ye, the trainee "wild god", can only choose to use the feedback mechanism of divine power to take the opportunity to sow faith and the seeds of Chinese civilization on the uncivilized indigenous plane.

It is best to spread in the human plane, it doesn't matter much if it's not a human plane, anyway, Huaxia advocates "teaching without class, tolerance is great", as long as the seeds of culture are sown on these uncivilized natives, then they are also a Chinese family in the native world!

It's too difficult and difficult for Yuno alone to want to create such a spectacle as the [Great Wall]! With his current ability, he wanted to gather countless Chinese people from countless planes, and it was even more foolish.

Then he had to cultivate the seeds of the Chinese civilization from these indigenous planes! Although these newborn Chinese seeds cannot replace the [Great Wall] wonder, the most important "keel scaffold" of this dragon, they are more than enough to fill the hair, nails, scales and other parts of this dragon.

This is also the way there is no way to do it in this situation now.

Therefore, start learning to be a wild god today!

The wild of the wild, but the wild of the wild god!

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