"Get closer, get closer."

"What do you think he's doing?"

Qihaha and Qi hummed two furry heads together, whispering something.

The target of their peeping is Yuye.

I saw this lord sitting by the river not far away, burying his head and working hard, and every once in a while, he threw a slap-sized thing behind him, almost smashing into the two people hiding behind the stone.

"What is it?"

Qi hummed on tiptoe, slightly delicate to move small broken steps, bent down to pick it up, only to see the fallen black black thing, the appearance is somewhat similar to wood carving, but the material is a little different, although this "wood carving" is dark on the outside, the skin is pitted, broken and not presentable, but inside you can vaguely see that the original carving is not bad.

"Unexpectedly, our lord has artistic pursuits and likes to play carving."

Qi hummed and fiddled for a while, then lost interest, and casually threw it to the dog-headed man Qi Haha, and teased in his mouth.

Qi Haha, however, was more and more frightened by the more he looked at this gadget, and gasped: "Shhh!

He asked rhetorically: "In your impression, what is the personality of our human master?"

Qi Hun was stunned by this sudden question, and thought about it seriously: "Although he has not been in his territory for a long time, judging by his attitude towards our orc territory, people are quite gentle. "

It's good that a human can do that." Many humans in the Human Alliance belittle and discriminate against us orcs, thinking that we are dirty, messy, and poor, and we are all enslaved when we are caught, beating and scolding at will. "

Although the orcs are relatively backward, they don't know anything.

Qihaha flashed his wise eyes again, and shouted lowly: "A gentle person?

Qihaha picked up a few more wood carvings with good knife skills, all of which had a charred black exterior, and the skin would fall off with a light rub.

He lined up in front of Qi Huan, "Look, this is what that gentle person in your mouth did!" What he is doing now is like a pervert who is crazy to vent his inner violence!

Qihaha asked slightly uneasily, "Have you heard a word?"

Qi hummed back, "What words?"

Qihaha waved the dog's paw, and was in high spirits, as if he had caught some kind of mistake and omission, and kept digging deep in his own logic: "Tragedy is to tear all good things to people!"

"Such a beautiful wood carving was destroyed by him one after another!"

"What kind of serious illness does this Yuno designate!"


"We may all have been deceived by him!"

"I admit he's pretty good with us orc captives, but don't be fooled! Humans are the best at deceiving people!

"Aren't these wood carvings hinting at our end?" Now these good things are just deception, and finally they will slaughter and destroy us!

"Maybe, Yuno is such a psychopath!"

The more Qi Haha spoke, the more excited he became, the more he believed it, and the logical consistency formed a "perfect" closed loop, and he hoped to be able to hum and hum together, so that he could maintain the confidence to return to the orc world together.

Just as he was about to continue, Qi Hum directly stepped forward and gave him a slap, and he said in a sullen voice: "Although I lost to Yuye, I am destined to surpass the heroes of my ancestors, not the orcs who are careful to see!" Not to mention such a strong person who defeats himself behind his back!

"On the contrary, it was you, obviously you were the first to surrender, at that time, you thought that you took out the identity of the dog-headed tribe and could impress Yuye, let him contact the dog-headed tribe to redeem himself with a large bounty, so you had no fear at that time."

"But when Ikuno explicitly refused your redemption request, you instead began to talk all day long, I think it's you who is really psychopathous!"

After speaking, Qi Hun suddenly thought of the scene where Qi Haha let himself surrender at that time, if it were not for Qi Haha to dissuade him at that time, he might have fallen to the ground.

At least in this matter, he still has something to thank Qihaha.

So, he hesitated, he was very stupid and didn't know how to persuade the dog-headed brother on the other side, who was a little "crazy", he organized the language before adding: "The fox lady named Kelly Midol next door, her body is not good, in the former wild and cold place, she and his husband worked hard for a long time to conceive the beast baby, but they have always been in danger of slipping tires, and now they are completely stable here."

"The coolie Ah Ji, who has been shouting that he can't eat enough, has never cried out that he is hungry since he arrived here, and the daily white-faced spirit rice is all enough, and Ah Ji eats more than ordinary people every time, and then he himself feels embarrassed and kills the sheep in the family to distribute to the human commander of the grain management department."

"And the eldest old orc, Gohana, who had prepared a coffin for himself before, waiting for him to have a place to bury after he survived the winter, instead of exposing the corpse to the wilderness. But he is only fifty-six this year, and he has not yet reached the limit of his lifespan. But in the wilderness, this is already a rare 'high life'! Now in this other world like spring in all seasons, he is still alive and jumping, and there is no problem at all. When

it came to what happened in his own territory, Qi hummed like a few family treasures, he knew everything one by one, and the originally tough werewolf face couldn't help but soften.

"Although during the battle, Ikuno killed the people in our territory, but it was a war, either you die or I live."

"Now, Yuno can do this to the orcs."

"Anyway... He was already a good lord.

"In the past ten days, I believe that my lords' impression of this new lord has changed greatly, and perhaps in the future, they will hope to continue to live like this, instead of returning to the barbaric wilderness of lack of food and clothing!"

When he said these words, Qi hummed extremely seriously, and he couldn't see the stunned appearance that he had refused to surrender, and he said seriously: "You are a child of a large clan, and your family is used to eating and drinking, so you will still dislike the bad conditions in this place."

"But the situation between orcs and orcs is also different, otherwise who would be willing to go to the [Red Blood Conscription Order] to fight for their lives to get the reward of the beast god to survive the difficult winter?"

"Or maybe you're still dreaming of going back to fight for your father's property?"

Counted down by the stupid wolf who hummed Qi hummed, Qihaha finally sobered up from hysteria for a short while, he cursed and straightened his back, covering his hot dog face: "You fart!"

"I don't know how many pounds I have?!" I fight with my brothers and sisters for property? I can't bear the wife I just married!

"You think it's a good thing to be a clan child?" A war like this [Red Blood Conscription Order], you people still have a chance to refuse, and because we clan children have endured the protection of the 'Beast God' since childhood, whether we want to or not, we must all participate!"

"After fighting one battle after another, how long do you think ordinary children like me can live?" You think I'm not afraid?

"Even when I am not in war, the end of defeat, capture, enslavement, and slaughter, I dream every day!" It's just hard for me to accept that the horrible scenes I dream about at night and night can be so beautiful and plain that I thought I was dreaming!

"Before, I may have had a glimmer of fantasy that I could go back, but now I have completely resigned myself to my fate, even if it is a dream, then I will continue to do it."

In the end, Qihaha couldn't help but say angrily: "I just don't know, which dog man my charming little wife will be cheaper in the future!" "

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