Yuno hummed a little song, holding extraordinary materials, squatting by the big river, watching the baby fishmen playing in the river, he couldn't help but stretch out his palm and touch the head of a [windcatcher], cold and a little slippery.

Ikuno is now artificially controlling the reproduction of these fishmen, and the reason why he did this is to return to the original Ikuno's multi-territorial school of thought.

The low-level ordinary fish people's spiritual intelligence is not high, perhaps this is the fate of all fast-growing races, and the ability to reproduce too quickly makes their spiritual intelligence defective. The reason why they obey Ukuno's instructions now is not because they can fully understand Ukino's instructions, but most importantly because of the [imprint] on their souls.

But if it is a high-level fish person like [Poison Finned Fish Man], their spiritual intelligence is actually not low, almost the wisdom of an eight- or nine-year-old child of a first-order human. For example, Yuye recently found that several high-level fish people were quietly exercising themselves, improving their attribute values, and ready to attack the second order at any time.

As these fish grow, their spiritual intelligence will gradually improve and officially become part of the people of the Ukuno Territory.

At that time, orcs, humans, and fish people, the three main lords of the current Yuye Territory, the fish people will become the most numerous existence.

This is why the purpose of artificially controlling the reproduction of fish people - it is easy to lose balance without control.

Nowadays, Ikuno rarely takes the initiative to open [Fishman Baby Amusement Park] to carry out crazy explosions, unless it is to prepare for the defense of the enemy army before the war, or to prepare for the confrontation of offensive and defensive battles every fourteen days.

How big a territory there is, how large the population is, the strength of more than 10,000 fish people is enough to deal with the vast majority of Tier 2 situations, not to mention that there are many other extraordinary troops in Yuye's territory today.

After a while, when the current more than 10,000 fish people mature and reproduce and lay eggs, Ikuno will take out some of the fish eggs and put them back into the [freezer] of the "legendary" building for storage, which can store hundreds of thousands of fish and human eggs for short-term explosive use, and the rest is naturally placed in the [hatching pond], hatched, re-branded with [brand], and then sent to the casino's [pirate ship], [haunted house], [carousel] three entertainment facilities for "play".

Watching the fish people preying in the river, Yuye's thinking diverged again, to be honest, he really hadn't developed his plane well, and after crossing it, he was busy living in this small place.

In front of the territory is an endless grassland, behind the territory are towering mountains, on one side is a wild forest, and on the other side are rivers rushing into the sea.

Is this plane, which Ikuno jokingly called "Azeroth", really no native natives?

Yuno touched his chin, feeling that it was unlikely.

Although not every life plane has a high-level intelligent race and a brilliant civilization, the so-called hegemonic race will inevitably appear.

It's like the blue star, entrenched in the overlord race of the eternal era - dinosaurs.

This kind of hegemonic race may be a spirit plant with strong reproductive power, or it may be a prehistoric troll, a giant beast, or simply a new species that is not in the knowledge record of the explored plane, and the upper limit of the strength of these creatures is determined according to the level of the plane and the abundance of star power.

The star power of the "Azeroth" plane is abundant, at least much better than the [Tianquan plane] of Mu Zhong, Wu Liu and others, and from this point of view, the level of this plane must be much higher than the [Tianquan plane].

But Yuye has also been here for almost two months, neither encountering terrifying beasts, nor discovering any high-level spiritual plants, looking ordinary, as if he is the only high-level species in this plane.

Even if the [Tianquan plane] has indigenous humans to survive, how can it be possible that the higher-level plane does not have a hegemonic race? Even if it is a stone, in the abundant star power, it is possible to give birth to the [Megalith Tribe] and become a plane overlord!

That's a bit counterintuitive!

In the past, Yuno did not bother to think about this because he had little knowledge and did not know much about the boundless plane, but now, he was thinking about this issue even more.

If many transcendent people in the Pioneer Legion find that there are a large number of alien natives in the random life plane, and they already have a very mature civilization structure, which is completely unsuitable for the type of pioneer development, then these lords will send the plane coordinates through the [Teleportation Hall] like [City of a Thousand Stars].

If this plane is valuable, the troops of the seven major human forces will choose to settle and conquer, either completely subjugating the race, or killing all the foreign races that cannot coexist with humans at all.

In the war of races, there is no right or wrong, only strength and weakness. The hands of any peak race have been stained with the blood of many other races. Being harmful to the Terrans and not being able to coexist is the greatest "sin" of these races!

If that plane is worthless, such as a life plane full of silt monsters, then these lords will choose [Teleportation Hall] to go back and randomly go to new life planes to explore until they find a suitable life plane.

Anyway, the boundless plane is infinite, and there are countless space-time nodes, and you can always get off to a good start.

Of course, there is another possibility.

That is, the hegemonic race of that plane is also a human being, and already has a mature civilization, then it can be operated in a more peaceful way, willing to join the seven major human forces, then merge, the seven major forces will provide protection, if they are unwilling to join the seven major human strengths, then it doesn't matter, these civilizations can maintain their own autonomy, the birthplace of many niche professions, is these merged human planes.

But there is a premise, that is, all human civilizations must join the human alliance, stand on the same front as mankind, and when encountering enemies, they must advance and retreat with their allies, not only enjoy the protection of the human alliance, but also be supervised by the dawning system!

If they can't even agree to this level, then the seven major forces will also show their muscles, let them, the natives, see who is the one who has explored the Terrans in the plane!

Therefore, in addition to the seven major human forces in the Human Alliance, those small and medium-sized forces that are as many as stars came from this.

Yu Ye's mind moved, and he stretched out his hand again and beckoned, beckoning the [Windcatcher] who was swimming happily, came forward, and transmitted his thoughts to the [Brand].

This method of communication allows fish people with lower intelligence to understand complex commands.

"You take the fish people with higher agility along the upper and lower reaches of the river to see, whether there is a territory of higher creatures along the way, it may not be humans, other races are also possible, if you find something, immediately swim back and report."

"Of course, don't go too far, you can swim outside for up to three days, and you must come back after three days!" Everything comes first with your own safety first! "

[The Windcatcher] opened a pair of big cute eyes, blinked a few times, signaled that he understood Yuno's order, and then a fierce stab dived into the river, called a group of fishman friends, opened his limbs and played with the river, and swam towards the distance.

For this outward exploration, Ikuno does not have much hope, if there is a discovery, it is of course good, it can make Yuno prepare for this unknown world, if it is not discovered, it can be regarded as opening the blind zone vision, and the layout is laid out in advance for the expansion of the territory in the future.

Subsequently, Yuno played with the extraordinary materials in his hand again and began to get down to business - creating "garbage"!

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