From Ikuno's reserved buildings [Nature Signal Tower], [Light Fungi Blanket], and [Spirit Plant Seeder], it can be seen that Ikuno's battle is actually preparing to take risks and gamble.

There is no real war building in these three extraordinary buildings.

Even the [Spirit Planter], an amphibious structure for production and war, needs to harvest stubble after stubble of "seed ammunition" before it can carry out territorial guarding!

And when the ammunition depot is empty, it is the emptiest moment in the territory of Yuno!

Of the three [oasis] directions, Ikuno chose the one closest to him, taking into account the problem of short distance and short time.

If on the way to [Oasis], you happen to encounter the territory of the enemy army, then Ikuno will go straight to GG.

Although this probability is small, it is not impossible. In this "small" map, there is no [distance limit] rule like the last time Ikuno hit 5v5.

So, Ikuno is gambling.

Even if he didn't even have the [Crystal Cave], which was known as a supernatural building for all druids, Yuno didn't have an extra building space to reserve.

Ikuno thought about this.

[Crystal Cave] is certainly good.

But don't forget that the celestial phenomenon on this map is [Star Power Tide]!

In this special celestial phenomenon, the strategic significance of [Crystal Cave] is not as great as imagined, and the [Star Power Tide] that erupts from time to time is a good substitute!

After the outbreak of each Zhou Mu [Star Power Tide], not only will a lot of condensed crystalline [Star Stone] be left, but it can also accelerate the accelerated growth of spirit plants, and when placed in "Super Shengde", it can also promote the catalysis of [Fairy Birth Stone]!

This is why Ikuno put [Fairy Birthstone] in the fourth pick.

Lin Musen stood in the perspective of "God", looked at Lei Ge on the other side, and then at Yuye, who had successfully arrived at the [Oasis], and at this moment, he was firmly rooting his three extraordinary buildings on the ground.

This time, luck is on Yuye's side, but Lin Musen is still not optimistic about Yuno.

After all, even if Yu Ye succeeded, the situation was still not optimistic for him, and the time he spent on the road had already allowed Lei Ge to save up the fourth core building.

3 buildings to 4 buildings?

Not to mention, the opposite side is a quick attack!

Letting a fast attack get one step ahead of you often means death.

But soon, Lin Musen, who witnessed Yuye's operation for the first time, became numb.

He looked at Yuye, who had quickly laid the [Light Mushroom Blanket] and the [Spirit Plant Seeder], and then quickly laid the first-order spirit plant named [Sunflower] again.

At this time, Lin Musen found that not only did he not even know the other party's extraordinary building, but he had never even seen the spirit plants planted!

Also, is the extraordinary building [Photofungus Blanket] that obviously imitates [Gray Matter Blanket] spreading a little too fast?

This is much faster than the original [gray matter blanket] that relies purely on insects to hunt for prey and then devour and grow!

Lin Musen observed for a while, only to find that there were two reasons why the [light fungus blanket] looked so outrageous.

One is that in the [Desert Oasis] map, the length of time the sun shines directly determines how much more [solar energy] it can absorb.

The second is that the [sunflower] planted by it provides a steady stream of [solar energy], which is an auxiliary spiritual plant, which is laid on a fungal blanket, which is equivalent to more than double the light absorption efficiency.

If you exclude these two, Lin Musen nodded his head slightly....

Then the intensity of [the photofungus blanket] will not be shocking.

Hehe, isn't this a combination of people's genre? How is it possible to rule it out!

After the [Spirit Plant Seeder] has finished planting one crop, it immediately performs [self-replication], splits a No. 2 machine, and starts sowing the next Spirit Plant [Pea Shooter].

The benefits of occupying [the oasis] are finally being felt at this moment.

Lin Musen, who is located in the "God's View", looks at Ikuno, who was once backward in the original scene, and rushes the tail of the second week to unlock and purchase the fourth core building [Fairy Birthstone].

And at this point in time, it is only half a week since Lei Ge purchased the [sacrifice contract]!

By the third week, the two sides were still in a stage of steady development.

This week, Brother Lei successfully unlocked the fifth core building [Void Observatory], which is an extraordinary building used by the "Little Ghost" genre to explore the traces of enemy territory, from this stage, in addition to cultivating [Ordinary Ghost], [Blood Ghost], [Twin Ghost], Brother Lei once again cultivated a new imp from [Little Ghost Refining Formation] - [Void Ghost].

Void demons have always been the hallmark of high-level demons, but after being modulated by warlocks thousands of years ago, they successfully stole the relevant power from [Void Demon Blood], and synthesized this first-order high-level imp [Void Ghost] in the refining array!

This is also one of the little ghost races that is most optimistic about the development potential of the little ghost race!

In the "Little Ghost Art" a thousand years ago, the earliest batch of [Void Little Ghosts] now have many existences above the Holy Domain, becoming high-level demons in the true sense, greatly elevating the status of the little ghost race among demons.

This [Void Ghost] can judge the possible location of the enemy according to the changes in the Void, which is the main role of the [Void Observatory], in addition to having the architectural function of [Ultra Long Visual Range], it can also assist [Void Ghost] to increase the success rate of their advanced skill [Void Track], once the skill is successfully activated, it directly circles the enemy's territory from the map level!

This kind of circle, is range.

The more times the skill succeeds, the smaller and more accurate the range of this circle will be, until it finally completely locks the enemy, and at this time, even if the enemy withdraws and transfers territory, it will be difficult to get rid of the peeping eyes of [Void Track].

Lin Musen was a little surprised that Lei Ge established the [Void Observatory] in the third week, but he soon understood his strategic intentions.

[Void Observatory], as the core building of the detection class in the "Little Ghost" genre, the priority of early development is actually not high, and Lei Ge seems to be rushing out of this building first, but in fact, he has his own considerations.

In this "small" map, [Void Ghost] with the help of [Void Observatory], the success rate of skill enemy acquisition will be greatly increased.

In this case, Brother Lei can choose to take the initiative instead of waiting for the development to take shape and directly hit the other side by surprise!

It is also very clear to Lei Ge in the play, no matter what genre of druid, in the diagram of [Desert Oasis], if the opposite side wants to win, then you must first occupy the resource [Oasis]!

It takes time to find a place, right?

It also takes time to develop the territorial economy, right?

It also takes time to explode troops, right?

Then he Brother Lei can't give the other side a little time!

Even if his "little ghost art" has not yet developed and formed, then he must directly press all the extraordinary troops!

Find the enemy and push flat!

It's just that reckless! Reckless, who still plays fast attack!

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