The overwhelming tide of black insects was like a wave, pouring layer after layer on the [Iron Tree Seedlings] that surrounded the territory.

The strength and physique attributes of [Iron Tree Seedling] are a very high-quality type in the Tier 1 class, but under the countless whiteboard insects, they are just paper paste.

After all the extraordinary buildings were blasted, Lin Musen only felt that his eyes were dark, and he returned to the Void Square again.

[Your game failed]

is surrounded by the noise of the crowd, and the electronic screen that occupies the entire sky exudes colorful colors, making Lin Musen slightly psychedelic.

Did he lose?

He insisted on the druid "tree man" who won fifty-six consecutive games, and it was ended just like that?

Lin Musen is not a person who can't afford to lose, and when completing the "100-streak" challenge of the three professional genres of "Punishment Riding", "Arcane Magic" and "Anger War", he has also been ended several times by the winning streak and then started all over again.

But every time he loses, he carefully analyzes the reasons for his defeat, finds his own command problems, and he can improve, and then he will invite the people who defeated him again for another match.

Ordinary opponents, after Lin Musen's self-analysis and checking and filling in the gaps, can come up with a way to deal with it when they play again.

But there are exceptions, this is the case with the [mathematician] of the niche profession he met before, no matter how much Lin Musen improves his combat methods and command, he can't beat it.

[Mathematician] is not weak, and the reason why it is niche is because it is "difficult"!

The extraordinary knowledge about [mathematicians] is the type that makes people lose their hair, and this profession perfectly embodies, "I became bald, so I became stronger." The

"number" of the other party is not a spell such as foreknowledge, prophecy, and fate, but a rational deduction that purely relies on the trajectory of everything in the world, which is the power system of the category of "truth".

Lin Musen changed a variety of tactics, but he was not an opponent of this person, so he lost by heart.

However, he did not feel this way about "Chao Shengde"!

Because he doesn't even know very well how the other party won!

Isn't the other party with a system of [Tree Man Totem]?

Why could he take out such an extraordinary weapon as the "Zerg"!

Could it be that the other party's [Tree Worm Nest], a brand new extraordinary building, is not focused on "tree", but on "Worm Nest"?

Since the main genres of today's ladders are single-class types, Lin Musen made the mistake of preconceived notions that Yuye, who has [Tree Man Totem], may be some variant of [Tree Man Totem].

It is for this reason that the [Tree Worm Nest] is considered by Lin Musen to be some kind of extraordinary structure associated with the mutant tree man.

But even if he could pull out an extraordinary building like [Mother Nest] on the other side, he wouldn't die so quickly, right?

[Mother Nest] also has to cooperate with other extraordinary buildings to form combat power! And at the beginning, everyone's gold coins were limited, and in everyone's stereotype, where did the "money" to buy buildings if they played with the Zerg?

Lin Musen was puzzled by this.

He had only passed 7 weeks, and he didn't even survive the [layout] stage, and he lost.

Even in the face of that [mathematician], he has never lost so badly, the other party can anticipate the enemy's first opportunity, he can also preset traps, so that he has the pleasure of fighting against masters!

Therefore, Lin Musen did not die to invite the other party to play again.

7 weeks of defeat....

12 weeks of defeat....

9 weeks of defeat....

7 weeks of defeat....

After more than a dozen games in a row, Lin Musen used "Tree Man De" to fight, and all of them did not survive the "layout" period. This scene was not slightly better until he changed the "Arcane Method".

But his best situation was only to delay until the 24th week, which was able to break through the 20-week mark and enter the mid-market period.

Looking at this losing streak, Lin Musen's arrogance since this consecutive victory was all worn out at once, and he was dizzy and wanted to continue to order the next set, but he received a message from the other party.

[Ikuya Honno]: I'm going down, you have to make an appointment next time.

[Singlet]: Okay....

Proud to come, lost soul and desperate.

After Lin Musen got off the line, he staggered out of the [Void God Realm], collapsed on his chair, his eyes were blank, and he felt that the whole world turned black and white, and he lost the motivation to continue to rush.

"What's wrong, Lao Lin?"

"Why is your face so ugly?"

Roommate Brother Lei noticed the movement on this side and also chose to withdraw from the [Void God Realm], and Brother Lei did not play tonight, but entered the [Entertainment Section].

The [Entertainment section] is a paradise for socializing, eating melons, and various mini-games, and many mechanics of [Virtual Stream] will upload their game productions here, which is a happy gathering place for the league's otaku and otaku girls.

Brother Lei is also from the command department, but he is very self-aware, and he does not intend to "roll" 12 professions respectively "hundred consecutive victories", for a small command system passerby with low ambitions, he can still take a guarantee.

He looked at the great genius of the command department in the dormitory quite unexpectedly, looking miserable after being ravaged by others, and stepped forward with a treacherous smile: "Looking at your such a false expression, should you have sneaked into the [entertainment section] to play some XX forbidden..."

Don't hide good things! I'm always made harmonized by the administrator of the virtual realm... Before

Brother Lei finished speaking, he was slapped in the face by Lin Musen, and Lin Musen greeted angrily: "Roll, play you big-headed ghost!" Little master, I have encountered a strong enemy in this battle! "

Strong enemy?"

Lin Musen can be beaten into this ghost, how strong is this strong enemy?

Brother Lei was taken aback at first, and then thought about it, the 1st order heavenly ladder dragon and snake are mixed, but not only the 1st order transcendent is playing, as long as the 1st order transcendent can participate in it, it is still normal to be abused.

There was once a legend that was exposed, and there was a vest playing the ladder in the 1st order arena.

High-level strong people have a huge advantage in playing low-level, whether it is actual combat experience, or inspiration for danger, or fine operation, they have to surpass pure Tier 1 players a lot.

Order 1 is the simplest and most basic, but it is the starting point of all transcendent paths, and it is a realm of infinite possibilities.

"Being abused like this, so to speak, which big guy's vest did you meet?"

Brother Lei still asked curiously.

"No, no, no."

Lin Musen shook his head, remembering the whole process of being beaten so that he couldn't take care of himself, his face became even more ugly, and he was only now aware of it.

The other party is not a high-level crushing of the low-level at all, nor is it a comprehensive surpass of him in command technology.

Or rather, he simply did not live to see the "technology" on the opposite side and died on the eve of the decisive battle.

On the opposite side, this "super virtue", there is no technology, it is all strength!

This is where he is most humiliated.

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