Duan Yan and Min Ling turned into two streamers and headed towards the [Teleportation Hall] of the prosperous city, their master [Ruyi Scroll Statement] is the oldest of the ten legends of the current [Yan Ling Master] profession, and his status in [Yan Ling Master] can be described as extremely transcendent, and he completely holds a small plane with rich resources in his hands.

[Yan Ling Master] still retains the tradition of inheritance of niche professional masters and apprentices, this resource-rich small plane is the exclusive dojo of Chen Zhi, a place dedicated to cultivating disciples and grandchildren, and even many legends of the current [Yan Ling Master] have come here to study and learn.

Therefore, don't look at this face, which is not big, but it is the first holy place in the hearts of the [Yan Ling Master] transcendent person, and the [Teleportation Hall] is the top priority of the holy place, not only the private plane coordinates of the other 9 legends, but also the plane coordinates of all the transcendent colleges that open the Yan Spirit Department.

Duan Yan and Min Ling were going to these extraordinary academies at this moment to give instructions to learn this "Chinese language".

This kind of learning is not something that can simply be mastered through skills [knowing the language].

It is to tap into the potential of this language to become a "spirit language" and a "speech spirit".

This is the star power system characteristic of their profession, and it is also an extremely laborious thing.

"Have you ever seen the appearance of the little junior brother?"

Duan Yan flew halfway, but he still couldn't help but ask, "I've never seen a disciple as precious as the master and his old man. Even if there is [Gaia Blessing], it is too exaggerated.

Min Ling shook his head, and a trace of solemnity flashed on Qingli's face, "No, I only know that he is a Blue Star person." "

Blue Star people again?!"

Duan Yan was taken aback, obviously this answer was a little beyond his expectations. But thinking about that unknown language, it felt very reasonable, the blue star talent arrived less than two months, Duan Yan had almost no contact with them, and naturally did not understand their language.

What's more, this is the language that can give birth to 99.9999% of the world's transcendent beings.

It's a little weird, isn't it very reasonable?

Suddenly, Duan Yan's eyes flickered and he lowered his voice: "A few days ago, I heard that the legend of the [musician] profession unearthed a pair of sister flowers from the Blue Star people, and their ability to understand [music] far exceeds that of transcendent beings of the same rank, and they have been secretly cultivated.

"Coupled with the fact that our [Yan Ling Master] has given birth to a genius who has received [Gaia's blessing], this is heaven to rejuvenate my human race!"

Min Ling shook her head with some concern, "Do you think this is a good thing? Duan

Yan was stunned when he heard this, and some did not understand the words of his junior sister who was Lan Xinhui, and he said confusedly: "Of course it's a good thing!" How long have I been waiting for a chance to become a thirteenth profession? Now seeing the arrival of the little junior brother, it is about to realize this vision, how can it not be a good thing?

Min Ling glanced at Duan Yan and sighed secretly: "In this regard, of course, it is a good thing. It's a great thing for humanity as a whole.

"But what is good for humanity must be bad for other races."

"This [Grimm Meteorite War] we lost so quickly also reflects this."

Not to mention this [Battle of Grimm Meteorites], it is okay, when it comes to this defeat, Duan Yan's eyes suddenly reddened, and one of his best friends who has been supporting together since the end of the day died in this battle.

The Holy Domain level is just a slightly larger stone in such a big battle, thrown into the lake to stir up a slightly larger splash.

"If it weren't for the Angel Clan's instigation of this battle, we wouldn't have lost so quickly in the frontal battlefield!"

The six races in the Kratama war zone are in a melee, and there are many combinations between each other, let alone the three races attacked together, and it is not uncommon to be besieged by the four races in history, but it has never experienced such a big defeat!

From the issuance of the [Red Blood Conscription Order] to the end, it was only delayed for more than ten days, and the vast majority of the games were hastily ended only halfway through.

In addition to the fierceness of the offensive offensive of the three races, the paddling of the angel race is also a problem that cannot be ignored!

However, what makes Duan Yan puzzled is that the angel race is a fixed ally of mankind in the Kratama war zone, and it cannot be said that the two races have never had contradictions, but it is rare to row like the water in this war.

"I actually heard a rumor, and I don't know if it's true or not."

"There is a legend of the Angel Clan who wants to ask for a few blonde Blue Star people from the Terran Alliance..."

"But we refused, and then there was [Grimm Meteorite War]."

Min Ling is actually very puzzled, what do these angelic races want the Blue Star people to do? Are they not angels?

Could it be that these Blue Star people should enter the [Sacred Anthem Heavenly Pool] to refine, change their race, and grow wings?

"You mean, the Angel Clan backstab was planned?"

When Duan Yan heard this, his fists crunched, for fear that he would not be able to hold back his temper and go and grab a birdman and beat him fat.

"The backstabbing should not be enough, but if it is pressure, it should have more or less such a meaning in it."

Min Ling was very calm and analyzed the matter very thoroughly, the information channels that the grassroots transcendent people could not understand, but Duan Yan and Min Ling who had reached the Holy Domain were already qualified to touch some things.

The information exchanged between the two was already a secret news for low-level transcendents.

"So, what is unique about the Blue Star people?"

Duan Yan didn't understand a little, if he said that among the seven billion transcendent beings put into the plane, one or two, a dozen geniuses, and even geniuses with [Gaia Blessing] were born, he felt normal!

After all, the dawning system at the beginning proved that the Blue Star people far exceeded the native humans in terms of awakening rate and awakening quality, and the high probability of genius was not unacceptable.

But what is the matter with the horizontal kick of the angelic race? Can those blonde Blue Star people still help the Angels?

"By the way, how did they pick those people out of seven billion?"

Duan Yan thought of a new question.

"Then how do you think our master found the little junior brother?"

Min Ling stroked her forehead, her senior brother grinned a lot, many questions that can be answered by a little analysis on the bright side, but it takes a little to understand.

"Didn't the master go to find the [Heavenly Mandate Master] to find the little junior disciple?"

Destiny Master, an extremely niche extraordinary profession, only one person per generation, but a Destiny Master who can truly grow into a Heavenly Destiny Master without being punished by Heaven can almost become a legend.

Duan Yan only knew that two months ago, Master Chen Ci suddenly went to visit the "Old Friend of the Mandate of Heaven", and it didn't take long to bring back the little junior brother, as for where the little junior brother was, he didn't know what language.

Obviously, the statement can rely on prophecy, prophets, and fate to find the geniuses in the Blue Star who can receive [Gaia's blessing], then of course others can too, and the foreknowledge magic of the angelic race is the best at this.

"You mean, [Musician's] two sisters found the same way?"

Duan Yan exclaimed in amazement, completely lacking a sense of "Holy Domain Level" stability.

Min Ling shook his head, "Not only that, but I heard that the new disciples of the [Heavenly Destiny Master] generation were also found in this way, and it is said that when they are in Blue Star, they will be... Arithmetic?

"I don't understand what that means, but it feels a little esoteric."

"Otherwise, why do you think this version should be called-" "

[New Human Observation Record]?!"

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