White light overflowed from his body, and familiar teleportation fluctuations came, and by the time Ikuno opened his eyes again, he had returned to his Azeroth plane, and his heart had been pounding throughout the teleportation process.

What do the last words of (2) mean?

What is "Beware (8)?" What

else is called "Beware of the ruins and turn the void into reality?" According

to the only clues, Ikuno tried to restore the truth of the matter in series.

(2) initially participated in a normal state when he entered the battle, but at the end of the battle he became that ghost, so he must have experienced something terrible in the game.

According to her own description, the most likely cause of this terrible encounter is the [ruins] exploration.

This is the rule formulated by (10), which is intended to allow the opponent to excavate something useful from the ruins, and then through the ability of [Void God Realm] to "transform reality into reality", he can bring some illusory precious things back to his extraordinary territory, and similar things have been done by more than one person, so No. 10 can be formulated so smoothly.

But apparently, something went wrong with the [ruins] projection this time.

(2) suffered [Yugsaron's pollution] in the process of exploring the ruins, and if it were not for her extraordinary identity and life-saving treasures on her body, she might have been completely not herself when she finally returned.


Wait a minute!

So, when (2) says "be careful (8)", it means that the returning (8) is not himself at all?!

(8) may also have entered the ruins! Even the level of pollution is worse than (2)!

A creature completely replaced by an evil thing has quietly returned from the [Void God Realm], and if it were not for the special of (2), the end of (2) would have been the same!

Is this playing werewolf kill? The red and blue sides fought each other, and suddenly found that there was a third evil god camp on each side of the enemy and us!

Although he only said a few words, Ikuno felt that he had almost restored the whole truth.

Yuye's back was instantly wet with cold sweat, and he only indirectly encountered a little pollution, and instantly reduced his spiritual attributes a little.

If such pollution were to erupt among the Terrans....

Ikuno can only rejoice that (No. 8) is an enemy, and the (No. 2) family may have a means to hold back.

But the most incomprehensible thing for Yuno

is that if there is really a problem with that ruin, there is really [Yugsaron's pollution].

Doesn't that mean that the relic enshrines [Yugsaron], or at least traces of [Yugsaron]'s existence?

But [Yugsaron] is clearly a card in Hearthstone!

[Void God Realm] wants to generate relics as a resource material, all from the projection of a certain plane of reality, [Void God Realm] is a higher dimensional world covered on the boundless plane, but it is not detached!

In other words, in some unknown plane of the boundless plane, someone served [Yugsaron] and built magnificent buildings that eventually became [ruins]. It is possible to be captured by the [Void God Realm] and become a [Relic] resource in the game.

But the blue star was engulfed by the boundless plane, and it took less than two months to be full.

If it is said that the NPCs that can be summoned by Ikuno's extraordinary buildings, they were all created after he crossed through.

The point in time at which [Yugsaron] left traces in the boundless plane obviously does not fit.

Could it be that there is also a demon god in the boundless plane called Yugsaron?

This probability is really too small!

After Yuno returned to his territory, he immediately opened the relevant panel of the Time and Space Tavern.

Sure enough, in addition to the two sections of [Fishman of the Sea of Tidals] and [Dragon Arrival], there is a new section - [Whisper of the Ancient God]!

The condition for opening this section card pack is to collect the four ancient gods - [Yugsaron], [Xuan], [Nezos], and [Azeji].

And of these four cards, [Yugsaron's] has been lit.

But strangely, Ikuno did not receive the broadcast that [Yugsaron] had joined the Space-Time Tavern this time.

In the Space-Time Tavern, all the cards about [Yugsaron] have been lit, but they are all locked in a state of chains, which means that Ikuno does not control it.

Could it be

Is it because the power of "God" transcends the shackles of the time and space tavern?

Ikuno guessed reasonably.

In Hearthstone, there is more than one card related to these ancient gods, such as [Yugsaron] in addition to the card, there is [Yugsaron Wheel of Fortune], and [Yugsaron's Prison], etc.

But in the card expansion pack [Whispering of the Ancient Gods], Ikuno also saw a new card called [Thousand-throated Demon Yugsaron] for the first time today, and even in addition to the four ancient gods, there were more strange cards hidden in the dark shadows, and they emitted fluctuations that were no less than the four ancient gods.

He doesn't count completely, there are almost a hundred!

Of course, it can't be so simple, there are more than a hundred beings like [Yugsaron] in total. After all, it is not uncommon for cards of the same name to be in this card expansion pack. After Ikuno lit up [Yugsaron], the other cards of the same name also lit up.

Yu Ye's heart moved, according to the logic of the previous two decks, for example, in the "Legend" card in [Dragon Arrival], there was a dragon legend from the native plane, which was also made into a card.

Could it be that in this [Whispering of the Ancient God] card bag, there is also the shadow of the local plane of the demon god?

No wonder these dark shadow cards are so blurry!

But where is "God"?

The situation of other races is not clear to Ikuno, but as far as he knows so far in human history, the only exact record related to the "gods" is the great event of the [War of the Gods].

However, because it is too far away from the current era, long before the dawn system was born, the truth about this matter is difficult to trace.

The only thing that is known is that humans killed the self-proclaimed "god".

How to kill?

How to kill?

Where are the remains of the gods?

I don't know anything.

If the gods are enemies, why can't they be mentioned? Isn't it okay to spread the point of paying attention to evil gods to the public?

But the situation in front of you is like a hand deliberately erasing all the news about the "gods".

Could it be that this information is harmful?

A flash of light flashed in Yuye's mind!

Transcendent people can achieve resurrection and return when they reach the "legendary" stage, and when they reach the "crown position", they can have their own "crown law", if the tentative "god" is a higher level of existence, then these two lower abilities, they must also have!

Therefore, information about the gods must be erased!

Otherwise, it is very likely that they will not need the medium of "legend" and can be directly resurrected from everyone's description!

The "Void God Temple", one of the seven major forces of mankind, changed its name immediately after the [Battle of the Gods]!

Could this be the reason?

Just because the word "God" violates the taboo!

So what is the purpose of [Yugsaron] driving numbers (8) and (2)?

(8) A pollutant body has returned to reality, and this pollutant must have wanted to revive [Yugsaron]!

And the best way to revive the evil gods is undoubtedly to develop the Order, Yugsaron's [Legion of the Faceless]!

Yu Ye's heart tightened, he didn't know what would happen to the boundless plane after

[Yugsaron] was revived, but with the time and space tavern and [Yugsaron] involved himself, it was definitely not a good thing!

Any demon god should not be willing to be bound by [Bob's time and space tavern], right?

This goes back to the original question.

Yugsaron is obviously a Blue Star person's thing, why does there also have a long-standing demon god with the same name in the boundless plane?

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