"Da, da

, da..." The dry knuckles tapped mechanically on the bone armchair, and (1) tilted his head, watching the flocks of black crows flapping their wings in the water curtain and asking to land, their mouths chirping ominously, and under their paws were bound a gray fluttering bottle, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, looking inconspicuous.

This is the extraordinary class of the undead [Spirit Raven], and the bottle bound to their claws is a transcendent creation called [Miniature Spirit Storage Bottle].

In fact, the [Spirit Storage Bottle] has an extraordinary structure of the same name, and it is only because of the existence of rule (7) that there is no way to use (1) that he retreats to use the [Miniature Spirit Storage Bottle].

This is an extraordinary creation created by the [Heart Fire Forger], which can be classified as a "weapon", and the effect is roughly the same as that of the [Spirit Storage Bottle], which is used to store soul energy.

[Heart Fire Forger] is similar to the human [Forger], with the ability to turn extraordinary materials into "weapons", and the undead branches with similar abilities are not few, but not many. [Heart Fire Forger] is one of the more famous.

It can be seen from the fact that [Spirit Bottle] has two similar categories, "extraordinary architecture" and "extraordinary weapon", that the [Forger] profession actually overlaps with [Architect] in the field of knowledge, but it goes to a completely different fork in the road at a certain level, and eventually becomes two completely different extraordinary professions.

From the point of view, both need to master the rune group, and they also need to craft objects.

[Forgers] want to condense incomparably complex star circuits in small "weapons" to make users agree, while [architects] want to depict a staggering number of star circuits in huge buildings to achieve complex mechanism expressions.

From this point of view, [forgers] can completely refine "giant weapons" to act as corresponding "extraordinary buildings", and [architects] can also be regarded as "giant weapons", and the mutual transformation between the two is not magical.

In fact, it is.

Some general-purpose extraordinary buildings, [forgers] can indeed be built with exquisite skills. And some simple forging, [architects] can also make simple cameos.

But that doesn't mean two extraordinary professions are one family.

In the Human Alliance, [Forgers] have the half of the crown of [Relic Craftsman Mex] as a façade, and there are many [Forgers] of the Epic Legendary Order, who do not stop at the Uyi Order like [Architect], in other words, [Forgers] do not have a "Holy Domain Problem".

This has to be the skill of [Extraordinary Resonance], which can be described as "success is also Xiaohe, defeat is also Xiaohe".

The birth of this skill gives [architects] the possibility to experience and control other extraordinary class star power systems, do all kinds of incredible things, so that the extraordinary buildings they build can perfectly fit the entire extraordinary genre, rather than just stop at one human body, which requires an extraordinary understanding of other extraordinary class star force systems.

[Transcendent Resonance] is such a key.

But it was the same key that made [the architect] fall deep into the star power system of other professions, lose the extraordinary system that belongs to the [architect] himself, and finally stuck on the "Holy Domain Problem".

[Forgers] actually have skills like [Transcendent Resonance], but the efficacy is much weaker than [Transcendent Resonance], but this is enough for them.

The "weapons" they create are small and fine, and their functions are not as complex as extraordinary buildings, and they usually only need to pursue pure efficiency. Architects consider a variety of aspects, genre fit, cost price, future upgrade plans for extraordinary buildings, and so on.

In addition, [forgers] are mainly focused on serving a single transcendent being, targeting the vast number of transcendent beings, and the customer's transcendent profession will change every three to five places, so that they will not immerse themselves in another transcendent profession and eventually fall into the same problem as [architect].

But [architects] are different, they usually serve a whole genre! And basically choosing this extraordinary profession, you have to take root for a lifetime, after all, who can make perfect, [architect] wants to do a single change to an extraordinary profession like [forge], the cost of learning is really a bit large.

This is the relationship between [Spirit Storage Bottle] and [Micro Spirit Storage Bottle], the former is a "transcendent building", built by races such as [Flesh and Blood Shapers] of the undead race, which can store soul power in large quantities. The latter is classified as a "weapon", which is imitated and manufactured by [Heart Fire Forger], and [Micro Spirit Storage Bottle] is much weaker than [Spirit Storage Bottle] in terms of function, efficiency or that.

Any undead lord will carry numerous [miniature spirit bottles] because they are excellent assistants to [spirit ravens].

The former can peck the remnants of the soul of the deceased out of the body, while the latter can store a large amount of [soul dust], and when the two are combined, the efficiency is doubled.

Or that the [Miniature Spirit Storage Bottle] itself is an extraordinary weapon made for [Spirit Raven], and this weapon equipped for extraordinary classes is the same as the [Recruit Warhammer] of the Terran Knight class for the reporter and the [Arcane Staff] for the mage class for arcane elements, all of which are done to increase the upper limit of the strength of the extraordinary class.

The undead are the peak race that is the best at playing with "spirit" and "meat".

Among them, [Spirit Raven] is the best at collecting souls among the many first-tier troops of the undead, they have ink-like black feathers, a pair of dark blue inverted pupils, and long bird beaks can easily penetrate the brain pulp, open the boundary between the body and the spirit body, easily peck out the soul, and put it into the [Miniature Spirit Storage Bottle] that they carry with them.

The whole process is like a little girl picking mushrooms, when she sees delicious ingredients, she picks them up and puts them in her pocket.

And now, the [Spirit Ravens] who had collected the "soul power" for a whole night had finally returned with a full load.

(1) No. opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth, and he stretched out his skin-covered palm and gently waved at the black water curtain above his head.


The black silt ground seemed to be poured with boiling water, and one after another black blisters appeared, and with the black water curtain split in two, the [Spirit Raven] finally had a place to stay, fell from mid-air, and dived under the black silt.

(1) The territory of No. 1 is hidden underground!

From the surface, it looks like a large black silt ground that is not frozen by the cold, but there is a different world underneath!

The setting of this territory has to be said to be very clever, and when the view is good, the enemy may be difficult to detect, let alone in extreme weather such as a blizzard.

Less than half an hour after the large ravens disappeared from the ground, a floating island with a large area floated slowly through the air, and No. (5), who was sitting on the [Temple of Prayer of Light], did not notice the silt ground below, but only glanced at it twice.

In fact, not all undead will place their territory underground.

This is the habit of number (1).

The zombie branch in its undead is currently a first-order [copper corpse] level, and the appearance of zombies is similar to that of the zombie branch that loves flesh and blood, but it is just the same, and the difference between the two is actually very large.

High-level zombies will sleep for hundreds of years to advance, which is why (1) likes to bury themselves underground.

Just last night, the [Corpse Pool] that No. (1) hand-built to extract "corpse qi" gave a violent induction, and a large number of creatures died in the southeast direction!

So No. 1 immediately sent the [Spirit Raven] that had just been raised, and rushed to the scene of the war non-stop, ready to pick up the leak.

I have to say that the rules specified in (2) and (7) are really disgusting.

(1) The [Corpse Pool] of No. 1 was very rough by hand, and [Spirit Raven] was still artificially catalyzed by relying on [Soul Dust] from the bird eggs left over from the frozen troops!

The development of his territory was so difficult, he really couldn't think of what kind of talent could make such a big move last night in the first few days!

Probably the number (7)!

Unfortunately, he did not have enough time to cultivate more troops to carry corpses on the battlefield. I can only send [Spirit Raven] to extract some [Soul Dust] for the time being, and by the way, inquire about the situation of the two warring sides.

Fighting is the undead's favorite thing.

The more fun the two sides fight, the better, and the more deaths, the better!

Otherwise, what did he use to extract the materials of "corpse qi" and extract "corpse explosion technique"?

(1) No. 1 laughed coldly twice, the soul fire in his eyes swayed, reached out and grabbed a [Spirit Raven], disassembled the [Miniature Spirit Storage Bottle] tied to its paws, and prepared to see how they harvested in one night.

As a result, No. 1 opened it and almost fainted directly.

"What is it?"

"Such a small soul dust?"

(1) Poured out all the [Soul Dust] in the bottle, which looked full, but in fact it was not even half full, because even under the preservation of the [Spirit Storage Bottle], a small part of the dust inside had escaped and volatilized! The quality of [Soul Dust] in this is so poor that No. (1) can't bear to look at it directly, is this really something left over from both sides of the war?

The quality of [soul dust] is good or bad, and the high quality can even clump and become [soul crystal].

(1) The worst quality I have seen belongs to the Zerg, the group of killing machines that have no self at all, the brain capacity is pitiful, and the condensed [soul dust] is even worse, only the higher Zerg, slightly better, but overall it is not as good as other peak races, in addition, the Zerg will also transport the corpse back to [gray matter blanket] to digest and decompose, leaving nothing for the undead.

"Spirit" and "meat" are a drop in the bucket!

For this reason alone, the Zerg are one of the most hostile races to be seen by the undead.

But the [Soul Dust] in this bottle is simply worse than the condensation of the most garbage [Red Beetle] in the Zerg!

Don't look at the dust that is currently left with a small half, almost none of them are useful! Moreover, because it is placed in the air, these illusory dust are still disappearing rapidly!

If you don't hurry up and use it, it's all gone!

(1) quickly reached out and grabbed the largest speck of dust, and he could see that it belonged to an ordinary lord of the orc tribe.

The Advanced Skill [Soul Vision] then activates to grasp the last bit of utilization effect before its spiritual loss!

The illusory vision opened in front of (1), and his gaze condensed slightly, gradually looking at the light and shadow left over from the death of this ordinary lord.

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