"Yes, it must be!"

"Otherwise, there is no way to explain why this anchor called [Yuya Honno] recruited the population in the first place!"

The [Barrage King] sitting in front of the light brain screen was excited, and the more he typed, the more excited he became, and he felt that he might have sensed the truth of the matter!

This is the owner of a god-level summoning talent!

"Everyone, think about it!"

"Is it a coincidence that this anchor has a juvenile dragon cub at the beginning?"

"Of course, it may be a coincidence, if he just happened to be born in the plane and picked up a juvenile earth dragon, and then the parents of this young dragon happened to be missing again, then it is also possible."

"But it's definitely no coincidence that he now has a new character on his territory!"

"Everyone knows that if you want to recruit people, you have to upgrade the [Space-Time Tavern] to 2 stars, or build a 1-star [Teleportation Hall] extraordinary building."

"And these two conditions, this anchor obviously does not have, therefore, there is only one possibility."

"That's that this anchor has a god-level summoning talent!"

"You can summon both the dragon clan and the ordinary lords who know how to plant!"

The words [Barrage King] were played quickly, and a long list of arguments flew through the live broadcast room instantly, which seemed very reasonable.

Coincidentally, just as the [Barrage King] sent these barrages, in a small corner of the anchor's perspective lens, where the [Time and Space Tavern] stood, suddenly the door opened.

A man with a bald head, wearing a small green vest and melancholy eyes casually splashed a failed drink on the door, and then closed the door heavily.

Although this scene is not in the center of the main perspective, it was still seen by many water friends in the live broadcast room, and screenshots were posted in the live broadcast room.

Needless to say, the appearance of this other character is equivalent to the best evidence.

It proves that [Ikuya Honno] has the top summoning talent!

You know, if the summoner profession wants to bind a partner, it has to consume a lot of star power and spirit, generally speaking, the number of partners summoned in a rank is extremely limited, and the more number that can be summoned, it proves how high the summoner's talent is.

And there are now 2 humans and 1 dragon cub in the territory of [Yuya Honno], if not summoned, how did it come about?

As for how godly its summoning talent is, it depends not only on the number of summons, but also on the time of summoning!

How many days have the otherworldly talents been in the boundless plane? 【Yuya Honno】The time limit for summoning talent is too short, right?!

Isn't this a proper god-level talent?!

With one analysis after another placed in the live broadcast room, [Barrage King] took a long breath, he has not had such a smooth feeling of typing for a long time, and the comfort of his hands tapping quickly on the virtual screen of the light brain is still fresh in people's memories.

In particular, when the words typed out in the hand are still watched, understood, and appreciated by so many people, the sense of achievement that is born is incomparable!

"6 ah, this [Barrage King] is really something, the head of the analysis is Dao, I see that eight or nine are not far from ten, this [Yuya Benye] is a god-level talent holder!"

"Originally, I still saw the clouds and fog, thinking that this anchor was like the kind of super family that stuffed money into the Dawning System to be able to lead people to open up the land. I didn't expect it to be like this! "

Learned, learned! Now go and comprehend the summoning skill, and when I open up the wasteland, I will also summon some helpers to help me.

"Upstairs, don't wake up quickly, you have everything in your dreams, right?!"

This wave of live broadcast rooms praised in unison, making Bai Xiaodu think that this is the truth of the matter.

The brother, who had previously become the first "VIP" in the live broadcast room, also specially gave the first tip in the live broadcast room, giving away 66 small stars.

And at this moment, Ikuno, who had been in a voyeuristic angle, finally made a new move, and he tiptoed to the open space outside the territory, and the five plants had just been transplanted by NPC Dave to the peripheral [Sunflower], and reached out to stroke it.

The [Sunflower] who squinted his little face slightly seemed to be tickled, and the smile on his face was even bigger, and the golden light between Yuno's fingers was bright, warm, as if holding a small sun, Yu Ye's heart moved, holding the "little sun" in his hands and walking towards the [sword and thorn fence] on the side, and casually threw the "little sun" into the fence that had just planted seeds.

The audience in the live broadcast room was naturally curious about [Yuya Honno]'s operation and raised questions one after another.

"What kind of spiritual plant is this? There is nothing in the database! Can the anchor upload new information?

"Silly, now it's an unauthorized live broadcast, even the real face has been replaced by the Dawning system, people don't know that it was broadcast live, how can they see your barrage and send you data."

"Let me say, this is the native spiritual plant he was born into! Nothing special either.

"Am I alone wondering what it means that he is holding that little dot of light and throwing it into the fence next to him?" Is this throwing garbage?

But soon, the audience who asked this question got the answer, because the sword thorns that had just been planted in the seeds and had not yet fully grown had already sprouted and rooted at an alarming speed, and eventually spread out countless tiny sword-shaped blades, distributed around the perimeter of the fence, becoming a solid and dangerous wall.

Looking at this scene, a golden light flashed in the eyes of the [Barrage King], inspiration gushed out, and he couldn't stop at all, and he crackled again on the light-brain virtual keyboard.

"Do you remember yesterday's act of collecting sword thorn seeds by [Yuya Honno]?"

"At that time, in the live broadcast room, everyone was thinking that this anchor was stupid, and the spirit plant of the sword thorn was useless."

[Barrage King] licked his lips and continued to beat wildly: "But now seeing this fence wrapped in sword thorns, I don't know if everyone feels that they have been 'snapped' in the face?"

"What seems useless to you is a real waste in the hands of the anchor."

"Light energy, sword thorn seed, fence!"

"Three different things are combined into a special extraordinary building, I call it [Sword and Thorn Fence]!"

"The resistance of this extraordinary building is not comparable to ordinary fences, and even the territorial killer of the life player, the wild boar, cannot bear the pain of being pierced by the sword! Therefore, they will naturally avoid themselves, thus ensuring that the territory is not destroyed!

"Don't underestimate this little detail, it can often play a very important role!"

"I know, someone must say it again, this is because the plane of [Yuya Honno] has the condensed light energy of the flowers! Changing someone else to his plane can also mix like this, or even better.

"Against these bar spirits, I just want to say that they don't see the essence of the matter at all!" Without light energy ripening, these sword thorn seeds would not germinate on their own? Isn't this the simplest question of time?

"The most important thing is this innovative new idea, which is worth learning from!"

"Moreover, I think this extraordinary architecture should be promoted a lot!"

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