"Then about the road after the second order, have you ever thought about it?"

Guy again asked a practice question that Ikuno was about to face, or had already faced.

2nd order.

Unlike the 20-point attribute value of Tier 1, the six-dimensional attribute value of a Tier 2 Transcendent can reach up to 60 points, and the power of the skill will also be greatly improved.

Ikuno had obviously thought about Guy's question for a long time, but he didn't have an accurate answer yet. He just shook his head and said, "Anyway, I shouldn't continue to sense the druids [Transcendent Resonance]."

"Really? Although I haven't seen [Spring Rhythm] yet, I can see that 'Chaoshengde' is a vibrant and potential transcendent genre, and its birth will definitely bring a lot of whimsy to the entire alliance! "

Multi-race territory, buildings that give multi-race buffs... It's all stuff that hasn't been seen before.

Other [architects] are not stupid, under the bypass, you can make bold attempts in other extraordinary professions, you druids can have multi-racial "supernatural virtues", so why can't other professions engage in a multi-racial new genre?

Guy's vision is vicious, the so-called microscopic knowledge, whether a genre has a future and a future, there are many factors to determine, but it can definitely be seen from the small things.

And knowing that there is a bright future and a new genre in front of him, Ikuno wants to give up and find another way.

This kind of boldness and courage is really not something that ordinary people can do.

At least Guy, he didn't think he could do it.

"Nothing to be reluctant to."

"After learning the key to advancing to the Holy Domain, it will be even more impossible for me to follow the old path like the previous architects."

Ikuno shook his head, maybe some people would feel that the act of giving up was a loss, but Ikuno felt that he had earned it.

After all, not every architect already knew how to break through the difficulties of the Holy Domain before stepping into this extraordinary profession, otherwise the Human Alliance was so big, a high-ranking architect should have been born a long time ago.

"The best way to fight the [Transcendent Resonance] aura and avoid combining too deeply with another transcendent profession..."

"That is, of course, to sense other transcendent professions and create extraordinary buildings for other professions."

The theory Guy said by Uno was unheard of, but he did not immediately question the irrationality of this theory, but seriously considered the feasibility of the path.

This student is different from any student that Guy has taught, he has his own ideas, he has many opinions of his own, and dares to question the [architect] knowledge transmission that has been circulating for so long.

Just like now, his proposed rotation of using [Extraordinary Resonance] to sense the astral characteristics of other extraordinary professions is completely subversive cognition.

Any master builder in the past, including those who have created "spectacles" in history, are good at building buildings of a transcendent profession, which is determined by skill [extraordinary resonance], and these masters can be said to be the pinnacle of skill in a single profession, otherwise "spectacle" would not have been born from their hands.

Although the birth of "spectacle" requires luck, these lucks will only be given to those who are powerful.

In the past, [architects] believed that [extraordinary resonance] too many different extraordinary professions would cause their star power to become mixed, like a big stew, everything.

At present, only architect apprentices when they first enter the field of [architects], in order to choose their future path and want to see which extraordinary profession is suitable for them, they usually choose to use [extraordinary resonance] to sense multiple extraordinary professions to choose the one that suits them best.

In addition, [architects] in the past would not have taken the initiative to sense more extraordinary professional star power traits at all.

After thinking about it for a long time, Guy still smiled bitterly, maybe he was really old.

He didn't see the slightest possibility that Yuno could succeed.

Because according to Yuye's plan, one rank is changed to an extraordinary class induction, then there are exactly 12 levels before arriving in the Holy Domain, and the alliance also happens to have 12 extraordinary professions.

If so, every time he rises in the future, Ikuno will all demand himself with the high standard of "supernatural virtue"...

Doesn't that mean that every time he ascends, he has to create a new genre prototype?

In the end, Ikuno laid the foundation for his holy domain with 12 new genres?

Is it really possible to do this kind of thing?

If he really did it, how powerful would his holy domain be?

Guy didn't dare to think about it or imagine it, because the Holy Domain was the [architect's] heavenly graben, and no one in the [architects] who had explored the plane had crossed it, how could he imagine it?

But as far as Guy had heard of so many high-ranking transcendents, there had never been a single one who had attacked the Holy Domain in such a way.

And what will happen to Ukuno in the future, you can see it just by looking at the second-order blessing given to Ukuno by the "will of planes".

Guy is already a little impatient about this.

"Then 'Chao Shengde' will be handed over to this silly boy? Aren't you afraid that he screws up such a potential transcendent genre and ends up being swallowed up by the fusion of other genres?

Gainu pouted and motioned to Mo Minch, who was drunk after drinking beer and completely asleep.

Mo Mingqi's talent is only B-class, he has cultivated star power for many years, and he has barely reached the 2nd level after graduating from college.

This ordinary looking young man did not expect to have such a chance!

Yuye shook his head and looked at Mo Mingqi, who was sleeping sweetly, and smiled: "I'm not really not careless." If there is a problem, I can also make suggestions! Of course, I still have to focus on new professions and new genres. "

I believe that with the experience of 'Chaoshengde', it will always be easier the next time you create a new genre."

Guy's eyes lit up and he put down the barbecue fork in his hand, "So, what exactly does [Spring Rhythm] look like, you don't have to hide it anymore, right?!"

"I've been looking forward to it for half a day."

"It's over on your side, and I can officially promote the genre. Wood Stanley has already found us backstage and pusher. "

Ikuno, who was finally full of food and drink, touched his little belly and summoned [Spring Rhythm] out of his system warehouse without hurry.

At the first sight of the building, Guy's gaze froze and glanced at Ukuno with a slight suspicion.

Then look at [Spring Rhythm], and then look at Ikuno, back and forth several times, but the incredulous gaze in his eyes deepened.

Finally, he hesitantly asked, "Is this really an extraordinary building you made?"

Perhaps the doubt in his eyes was too deep, and Ikuno said with a slight unhappiness: "What's wrong? Isn't it like I made it?

Guy's head shook like a rattle, not that he didn't believe it!

It's this building, it's so normal!

There's even a little bit of good-looking normal!

Guy, who had been tortured by Yuye, didn't believe that it had only taken a few days to die, and Yuno could have such growth?

If [the natural signal tower] hadn't asked him Guy to guide the rectification, I don't know what it would have become now.

How can this building with a cyan background harp-like building in front of you be Yuno's handwriting?!

The corners and corners of the harp are very elegantly carved, and the flowers that are completely different but equally delicate are dotted above!

To say that this is Ikuno's masterpiece, this is not in line with Ikuno's character!

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