With a wave of his hand, Mo Mingqi came to the [Tree Worm Nest], manipulated the [Imprinted] [Natural Star Worm], and went to the battlefield outside the territory.

"Where are they?"

Mo Mingqi turned his head and asked.

Mo glanced at the [Natural Distribution Breath Map] above the [Natural Signal Tower] inside the 1st ring before replying: "Southwest direction, outside the 8th ring and inside the 9th ring." "

After so many days of extraordinary territory, along with the airborne landing of a large number of [resource treasure chests], Ikuno has harvested a lot of "star stone resources", plus the "work" of filling star stones to maintain the operation of [Natural Signal Tower] has been contracted by [Natural Star Worm], and Ikuno finally decided to continue to explore outward.

Before his first retreat, he had made a lot of [Nature Signal Towers] for subsequent use, and now Yuno is slowly pushing the realm of transcendent territory from the 5th ring to the point of 8 or even 9 rings.

Even the [Light Mushroom Blanket] has grown to cover the entire Transcendent Territory Ring 1, spreading to the 2nd Ring further away.

However, it is clear that its growth rate has decreased, after all, it is far from the core of the territory.

If there had been [Spring Rhythm] at this time, the situation might be completely different.

Mo Mingqi gave instructions to the [Tree Worm Nest], and as the main creator, he naturally had the authority to do so.

One by one, [Nature Star Worms] began to burst out of the nest, swarming towards the "large group of wild beasts" shown on the [Nature Breath Distribution Map] outside the 8th ring.

Similar hunts, they have been carried out many times, each time ending in victory, and then wrapped the loot into "balls" and transported back.

After giving the order, Mo Mingqi once again instructed Mo to take care of the [Natural Signal Tower] of the 1st ring and report any new situation in time.

Mo nodded obediently, and then stood in front of the [Natural Signal Tower] like a piece of wood, staring at the two beads and staring at the [Natural Breath Distribution Map].

Mo Mingqi smiled gratifyingly and turned back to his [institute].

The three-day security period has passed, and the opposing sides are also running into each other, in addition to the meeting of (4) and (10), and their unknowingly stationed territory on the periphery of (7) Ikuno's territory, there are also people on the entire map that have collided with both sides.

In a certain uninhabited wasteland, on the unobstructed grassland area, a towering ruined ruins suddenly appeared, and two figures, tall and short, in front of the gate of the ruins, were facing each other.

(2) easily pulled out the giant sword inserted in the back, and the blade pointed at the tall figure on the opposite side, his face tense.

She recalled the dark shadows she saw when she was making the rules, recognized them a little, and finally asked in an uncertain tone: "Are you... Number 8? "

It seems that only number (8) has such a big size. And No. 8 impressed No. 2 very much, and the [Special Rules] he formulated greatly increased the probability of everyone opening extraordinary buildings from [Resource Chests].

This really put (2) through a difficult wave!

Before the game, she was the one who was most worried about food in the Terran camp, just because she walked into the [Weapon Master] genre of warriors.

This is also a transcendent genre that developed from top to bottom from the school of warlords.

Weapons are her extraordinary class, so she has always had very few reserves in her territory, and she usually imports it to other territories after she is almost exhausted.

But the population in her territory is relatively small, but there are also a lot of [craftsmen] who make weapons, [maintenance workers] who maintain weapons, and [workers] who mine mines

.... In this way, there are also hundreds of people to eat, and there is such a terrible blizzard outside, one carelessly has to freeze and starve to death!

Therefore, the Terran tactics describe asking (5) to open the map, find teammates, find enemies, and then either find (3) gold to get enough food to distribute to teammates, or find architect (7) and give some extraordinary buildings that can be planted, such as [planting farm].

But I didn't expect that after so many days, No. 2 didn't even see the shadow of No. 5! If it weren't for her own luck, she would have opened the [Resource Treasure Chest] to the [Planting Farm] on the first day, and she could officially plant the fast-growing [Spirit Rice] to help herself get through the difficulties.

If the tactics had been followed, the territory of (2) might have collapsed by now.

But even so, the output of a [planting farm] is only barely enough to meet the food and clothing of the territory, which makes her, as a lord, have to come out to find more [resource treasure chests] by herself.

As a result, today's search is indeed very rewarding.

Good news: She found a ruin.

Bad news: The enemy also discovered the ruins.

The huge black shadow stood in the gate of the ruins with great oppression, and if it weren't for the fact that No. 2 could see its heaving shoulders, she would even think that this was a sculpture that had been placed for a long time.

It's just that...... Facing the lingua franca question of (2), the huge figure did not move at all, just turned its back to her.

"Are you number (8)?"

"Or do you say... What are you individually?

(2) stepped forward slowly, slowing down his breathing, and the giant sword in his hand silently slashed towards the black shadow facing away from her.

The black shadow's breathing froze and he turned his head sharply.

The four eyes of the ravine's face struggled to open, and the yellow whites of the eyes and inky vertical pupils stared at the eyes of No. 2.

(2) The whole body suddenly froze, and the giant sword infused with strength suddenly unloaded its strength.

This is....

Advanced skills [fear gaze]!

The identity of the other side has been revealed, this is definitely a [Fear Demon]!

He is number (8)!

(2) confirmed the identity of the other side, but did not look half happy, seeing that the other party was not without any reaction, he deftly leaped backwards and retracted his head at a faster speed than when he came.

This is a warrior and knight dual class skill [heroic jump]!

I didn't see any movement from (2), but I gently patted the [weapon box] that I was carrying, and a series of seven knife-like weapons that emitted blazing flames all flew out of it, hovering quite spiritually beside (2).


(2) scolded lightly, seven arm-long short knives, flames rose and flew in an instant, like birds soaring, leaving "scratches" on the huge body of No. (8) back and forth.

(8) The number expressionlessly stretched out his huge palm, as if repelling mosquitoes and flies, and casually knocked a flame short knife away.

As for the wounds cut by these knives, the wounds burned by the flames, all healed quickly.

Skill [High Speed Healing]!

Seeing this, No. (2) withdrew the seven short knives and put them into the [weapon box].

She is not afraid to fight, but she does not like to fight without brains.

She is a transcendent of the [Weapon Master] genre, such a special extraordinary building as [Weapon Box], she has several, all of which can be carried around, and there are many kinds of weapons in it.

Therefore, she went out alone to explore resources, seemingly unattended, but still reliable.

However, is it possible for a lord [Fear Demon], standing at the door of the ruins, without any extraordinary weapons around him?

As far as the strength shown by the other party is concerned, although it cannot be called weak in the 1st order..... But. Wandering alone at the door of the ruins like this, is it really not afraid of being killed by humans seizing the opportunity?

Or do you say....

An outrageous thought filled the mind of No. 2 - is No. (8) in front of me really still that No. (8)?

It can't be invaded by "evil", right?!

Especially in a high-risk place such as "ruins", it is not impossible for something "evil to enter the body" to happen!

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