Wood looked at the jade foot in front of him and did not dare to move. He would not be naïve enough to think that the legend in front of him was something he could handle casually.

Even if the other party is really interested in what he said now, it can be regarded as asking for him.

But Stephanie has a sentence that is not wrong, the legendary druids in the current league say more, say more, why choose Stephanie?

Of course, this is not a decision made because Wood happens to be going to [Azur Sea] and happens to be trading with her.

Wood has been selling the [Lingzhen Cultivation Room] for so many years, and many of the buyers are high-ranking druids, and he dare not say that he has dealt with all the legendary druids that are active today, but he can still do it with most of them.

So why not choose someone else, but choose [Star Fountain Stephanie], Wood has his own considerations and calculations.

For the new genre that Guy Elvis wants to promote, when Wood chooses the druid bigwigs who are willing to invest, he first has to exclude the legends who are currently achieving their own extraordinary path with mainstream genres.

The reason why the mainstream can become the mainstream is, of course, because the path for the mainstream to achieve legends is more mature and easier.

This is equivalent to directly screening out a large number of candidates, and it is impossible to have [Life Ancient Tree High Heaven], [Senluo Yerui Layla] of natural virtue, and [Brute Bear Roaring Slat] of deformed virtue.

As for the reason, it is also very simple, these legends mentioned above are all the mainstays of their respective genres, and the "legends" they create are born and spread with their genres, becoming the most staunch "anchors" in the boundless plane.

Left to the table, these anchors will hardly fade.

Things like the "legend" severance that [Starry Fountain Stephanie] fears rarely appear in a genre with a long history.

5,000 years is a long time, and there are not many "legends" left by Stephanie that year, but 5,000 years is only a snap of a finger for a mainstream school, there are old legends in the genre passing away, and new legends are born, always stabilizing the genre and guiding the direction of the return of the dead in the endless night.

Even, above them, there is a more stable crown silently supporting and providing strength.

So whether these legends themselves like it or not, the birth of new genres is destined to impact existing genres and shake existing anchors.

But the torrent of the times will slowly change everything, and if a powerful new genre is born, it is destined to attract the choice of professions at the bottom.

If civilization wants to progress, it must constantly accept new things, which is also a law that the Human Alliance has learned from a long history.

Therefore, even the suppression of new genres will rarely kill them, but will inhibit growth.

If it can successfully stop its growth, then the threat of the genre is not great. If it fails to stop its growth, it also gives other genres time to transform, integrate and progress, so as not to be hit hard or even eliminated by history.

The struggle during this period was not intense, and if the new genre was absorbed and integrated by other mainstream schools before it grew, then its potential would be completely devoured by other Liu criticisms.

It seems calm and waveless on the surface, but in fact it is secretly choppy.

Although Wood has not personally experienced the birth of the genre, he knows everything as an architect of the Oyi.

That's why he will be the first to contact this [Star Fountain Stephanie] in front of him!

This legend who has just been "revived" not long ago happens to not belong to any of the current three major streams, and the extraordinary genre she has practiced has been buried in time thousands of years ago, and is a small genre known for its star power thickness and staying power, but its combat power does not have a particularly large bonus.

That's why Stephanie has been resurrected so many times.

Can't beat others, be killed! What's worse, she didn't even have the lifespan limit of ordinary legends, and she was killed if she lived.

And this kind of legend, which is not a mainstream genre, spans a long time, and its own "legends" use one less.

Their most urgent point is to create new "legends"! And become a guardian of the genre, cultivate a small sapling to grow into a big tree, and eventually become on a par with the other three major schools of druids, and be known by everyone who walks this genre in later generations....

This level of "legend" is not comparable to the "legend" of defeating an evenly matched enemy in a certain battle!

In addition, with the addition of so many "anchors", Stephanie's combat power will multiply several times! Coupled with her advantage of star power, there are really few who can surpass her in the legend.

Wood thought about it several times before deciding to take the initiative to find Stephanie.

Sure enough, as he expected, Stephanie's attitude towards him immediately turned a hundred and eighty degrees after listening to it.

At this time, Wood also roughly guessed that the other party may no longer have a "legend" in hand, and is worried about how to create it.

He was sleepy and sent a pillow!

"I hope you can send your bloodline descendants, don't rush to embark on the transcendent path, but choose our new genre."

Wood made his own request.

Stephanie sneered, shook her body, and instantly waved: "Do you think I am like the kind of person who will give birth to other men?"

Wood was embarrassed, he did not calculate this point, and quickly made amends: "Then are there any seedlings that you are optimistic about?" It's okay if you don't have blood relatives!

Stephanie waved her hand and said, "Well, I'll pay more attention to handsome." Other than that, it's gone.

Wood's smile stiffened, and he told the other party something so important. The other party is also willing to do this business, but....

To trade, you have to have chips!

Stephanie didn't have anything and wanted to bet?!

Wood's ability to lift the table is not yet possible, and the other party's strength and status far exceed him. Wood was caught in a dilemma.

Stephanie laughed and said, "You! He looks shrewd, but he is too timid!

In an instant, she straightened up, her burgundy hair fit close to her body, and said with a hint of fanaticism in her eyes: "Since we want to do this game, then naturally we have to make him bigger and stronger!" To pull more gamblers in!

"If you want to be suppressed by the three mainstream genres and not be fused and devoured, it is not enough to rely on a legend who is still in a weak period to be in front."

"The druids of my era, even those who preceded me, don't know how much is left today."

"They are all a bunch of poor insects who are anxious to create 'legends' and want to continue to survive!"

Stephanie's words were cold and straightforward.

Legends seem to be able to be resurrected infinitely, and their lifespan is almost eternal, but how many people remember the legends before the seven human forces?

Every "legend" shaped by legends cannot be casual, and that experience must be worthy of the name of "legend"!

Even killing a strong person of the same rank is enough to reach the threshold of becoming a "legend". And it had to be widely disseminated and made widely known.

But even so, it doesn't take hundreds of thousands of years, and the legend doesn't even have a shadow.

"Now it's a good time for a new genre to rise, and there must be many people willing to gamble!"

"If you succeed, you will have a lot of strength and you don't have to worry about anchors. Failure is just the loss of some investment chips, can it be worse than the current situation?

Stephanie said while opening the virtual interface of the Dawning System, and did not see how she operated, and suddenly there were several names left on the interface.

"These ancient legends of the old, weak and sick can be counted as my bargaining chips."

Wood glanced at the list and was shocked.

Many of the names on the list are familiar to him and have been learned in druid history, but many of these legends are the kind that Wood believes has been completely "silenced" and it will be very difficult to reawaken again!

But who would have thought that these ancient legends were not dead at all, and people are still alive and well!

From this, you can also see how difficult the legend is to kill!

"I don't have bloodline descendants, but they do! I can experiment with the path of new genres with their descendants!

Stephanie nodded the list, her tone became lazy again, she lay back on her beach lounger, and said leisurely: "I don't know this chip of mine, are you still satisfied?"

Wood, however, narrowed his eyes with a smile, and nodded repeatedly: "Satisfied, satisfied!" Of course satisfied! "

Even if these ancient legends are terrifying, there is not necessarily much left in strength.

But their respective connections, the forces behind them, the crown friendship, etc., are all condensed together, and they are already a huge force that cannot be underestimated.

Using this "legendary heavenly group" to escort the "super virtue" is more than enough, at least in the early stage.

"If you're satisfied."

"I just checked a little, and among these people, there happens to be a bloodline descendant who has awakened his talent and is worried about what genre to take."

"As long as the extraordinary genre you said is powerful enough, I can immediately persuade this old friend to agree."

From beginning to end, Stephanie did not ask the descendant who had awakened his talent what his wishes were.

Wood sighed, apparently in the eyes of her and her old friend, whether the descendant would like to choose a new genre or not, there was ultimately only one answer, and that was "yes."

This kind of high thinking of controlling others, even if Stephanie tries to be approachable, but in the verbal relationship, she can still deeply understand this.

"So, now you should talk about what genre that the master is trying to promote, right?"

"I wouldn't have invited those new extraordinary buildings to enter until I saw them in person."

Stephanie paused and continued, "I have shown my sincerity, and now it is your turn."

Wood did not hide this, and told Stephanie all the information that Guy Elvis told him, and told her the good news -

"The genre currently has only the last core building still being polished, and the rest of the finished products have been successfully completed and are currently being tested!"

Hearing this, Stephanie was a little surprised, only the last core building was missing....

Doesn't that mean it's almost complete?

To be honest, she was also worried about whether Wood would open his mouth and take a design blueprint that had not yet been skimmed away, and said that she was ready to create the genre.

This is pure fraudulent investment!

In Stephanie's vision, there should be a few core extraordinary buildings that have been completed, and most of the rest are still in composition to catch up, which is relatively normal.

After all, it will take a while for a relationship like Wood's to establish a network and find a sufficiently solid "backstage".

But she didn't expect that the new genre had come to an end, and it could be "born" at any time! Unexpectedly, Wood's first relationship was himself!

Stephanie, you asked, "So, what's its genre name?"

"Chao Shengde!"

Wood replied loudly, "An extraordinary genre with explosive speed comparable to that of the Zerg!" "

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